仁爱英语九年级下册导学案 - 图文

九年级英语导学案 课题: Unit5 Topic3 Section A

备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. 能够正确理解并列连词 either…or, not only… but also的用法 2. 能够谈论了大本钟,悉尼歌剧院,自由女神像,埃菲尔铁塔等世界著名建筑,使学生开阔了视野,了解了西方的建筑文化。 【预习达标】 一、在文中找到下列单词,写出词性及词义,熟读背并默写。(组长查)。 1、hang 2、description 3、Australian 4、below 5、harbor 6、leader 7、exbition 8、lean 9、private 10、president 11、ring out 二、英汉互译。 1. hang在文中意为________, 过去式________, 过去分词_______ 2. 或者…或者…___________ 3. 不但…而…_________________ 3. have sth done__________________ 5. a symbol of England____ 6. a huge sailing boat _____________ 7. 悉尼歌剧院___________ 8. 自由女神像____________________ 9. 埃菲尔铁塔___________ 10. 巴黎国际展览会_______________ 11. 纽约港______________ 12. 发出清脆的响声_______________ 13、大本钟______________ 14、白宫_____________ 15、温莎城堡_____________3、比萨斜塔___________ 16、被当作..._____________ 17、指的是_____________18、对...开放_____________ 三、重难点注释。 1. People were either early or late. 译:_____________________________ 点拨:either…or… 或者…或者…(连接主语时,遵循就近原则) 练习:a.不是Ann就是Lucy来自美国。 _______ Ann _____ Lucy ________ ________ America. b. 要么是你要么是他骑车去上学。 _______ you ______ he _______ to school by bike. 2. Eiffel designed not only the Statue of Liberty but also the Eiffel Tower.


译:___________________ 点拨:not only…but also…不但…而且… (连接主语时,遵循就近原则) 练习:a.不但我喜欢弹钢琴,而且汤姆也喜欢。 _______ _______ I _______ _______ Tom _______ ________ the piano. b. 不但他而且我也是自愿者。 _______ _______ he ______ _______ I ________ a volunteer. 3. She had it built so that everyone would have the same time. 点拨:have sth. done “让某人做某事”,动词的过去分词表示被动。 练习:a. 昨天他让人修理了汽车。 He _____ his car _______ yesterday. b. 今天上午我理了发。 I _____ my hair ______ this morning. 【当堂检测,点击中考】 一、单项选择。 ( )1. — What’s the matter ______ you? — I had my leg ______ when I got off the bus. A. to; broken C. with; break B. with; broken D. to; break ( )2. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _______ fond of ______ television. A. are; watching B. is; watching C. are; watch D. is; watch ( )3. — What’s wrong with the clock? — It doesn’t _______. A. go out B. come out C. find out D. ring out 二、选词填空 1. There are many things ________ I have to buy before the trip. (that/who) 2. Summer is the time of the year _________ the day is longer. (that/which/when) 3. The TV _____________ last week works well. ( which we bought it. That we bought it, we bought) 4. A good friend is someone ___________ makes me happy. (which/that) 5. The young lady _______ you talked with is Tom’s mother. ( whom/whose)


九年级英语导学案 课题: Unit5 Topic3 Section B

备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. 能够正确朗读、理解和运用本课生词和短语。 2. 能够熟练报告所了解的名人及其故事。3、能够正确理解并列连词短语的用法,并能正确运用并列连词both...and...;either...or...;neither...nor...;not only...but also... 【预习达标】 一、在文中找到下列单词,写出词性及词义,熟读背并默写。(组长查) 1、radium 2、prize 3、lifetime 4、telegram 5、photographic 6、duty 7、neither 8、neither...nor... 二、。英汉互译 1.做关于名人的报告_________________2全世界.______________________ 3.放弃做某事_____________ 4. 看书___________________ 5. 最伟大的总统之一__________________ 6.不但...而且_____________ 7.因...敬佩_________________8. 在某人的一生中__________________ 9 innent more than 2000 new things.__________________ 10.spend ...doing sth.____________________________________ 11care for _________________12 stop serving the patients _______________ 13.要么...要么..._________________ 14.两者都不__________________ 16.两者...都_________________16不但...而且...__________________ 三、自学指导 1、并列连词。并列连词连接分句或各种并列关系的句子成分。常用的四个并列连词短语:___________________________________________________ 它们在句子中可以连接主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语。 (1)Either you or he has to stay at home.(连接主语) (2)Either you come,or you ask someone to deal with it.(连接分句) (3)You can put the bag either on the table or in the sofa.(连接状语) (4)You can either send an e-mail or make a telephone call to me.(连接谓语) (5)I will play either soccer or basketball.(连接宾语 (6))People were either early or late.(连接表语) 注意:当neither...nor...;either...or...;not only...but also...连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与邻近的主语单复数保持一致,叫做就近原则。Eg:Neither he nor I am from America.


Both...and ...连接连个并列主语,谓语用复数形式。Eg:Both Kangkang and Li Ming are good at English. Both...and ..的否定用neither...nor... Eg;He can speak both English and French. 否定句:He can speak neither English nor French. 2、Although he was both poor and didn’t have much education. 翻译:________________________________________ 注释:although意思是:________________ 同义词:____________ 引导___________ 从句,不能与___________ 连用。 Eg;虽然他九十岁了,但是他仍然能照顾自己。______________________ 虽然天下着大雨,但是他们没有停止前行。______________________ 3、She stopped serving the patients as a nurse after the war.翻译: 停止做某事:___________ eg:别说了,老师来了。______________________ 虽然这些士兵很累,但是他们没有停止拯救困境中的人_______________。 停下来做某事:___________eg:我们累了,停下来休息会儿。___________ 4、Not only did she discover radium but also she won the the Noben Prize teice in his lifetime.翻译:________________________________________ 不但...而且..:___________ 注意:此并列连词连接分句,not only提前时,前一分句用倒装句,后一分句用陈述句语序。Eg:他不仅聪明,而且善良。 四、读课文,预习1b,1c .完成3,仿照例子写句子。 【当堂检测,点击中考】 ( ) 1、 My aunt asks whether I like a woolen sweater ___ a cotton one. A. but B. Or C. and D. not ( ) 2、 Either Mary ___ Lucy told him to come to see us. A. or B. and C. With D. nor ( ) 3、 Hurry up, ____ we'll be late for the film. A. And B. but C. So D. or ( ) 4、 Be quick, ____ we'll be late. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 5、 We ran to the trees, ___ we couldn't see any more monkeys. A. but B. so C. and D. For ( ) 6、 ___ Li Ping ___ Wu Fang ___ League members. A. Neither; nor; are B. Either; nor; is C. Both; and; are D. Neither; or; is ( ) 7、 You can ____ stay at home ____ go out to play. A. either; or B. so; that C. neither; and D. both; and ( ) 3 ____ Wei Hua ___. Ann____ very busy. A. Both; and; is B. So; and; is C. Either; or; is D. So; that; are

