

and measure IE through the degree of innovativeness, risk taking, and proactiveness of the firm in international markets, a practice compatible with the customary operationalization of entrepreneurship (Zahra et al., 1999a; Lyon et al., 2000). However, we suggest that in order to comprehensively capture both its entrepreneurial and international business dimensions, an IEC should be expressed through six rather than three dimensions: international market orientation, international learning orientation, international innovation propensity, international risk attitude, international networking dimension, and international motivation.The paper is structured as follows. In the second section, we suggest a definition of IE in order to clarify this construct and establish its boundaries. We additionally discuss five aspects that are linked to the IE construct. In the third section, we elaborate on the concept of OC and approach it through a dynamic perspective that isof importance to our objectives. In the fourth section, we elaborate on the procedure we followed in order to come up with the dimensions of an IEC. In the fifth section,we propose and discuss the six dimensions of an IEC of the firm by drawing on studies of organization theory, IE, entrepreneurship, and international business.In the concluding section, we provide a synopsis and suggest directions for further research. A definition of international entrepreneurship

We propose that international entrepreneurship is an organization-wide process which is embedded in the organizational culture of the firm and which seeks through the exploitation of opportunities in the international marketplace to generate value. Five aspects are associated with this statement.

First, IE as an organization-wide phenomenon extends to all hierarchical levels and geographic boundaries of the firm. This implies that it is not specific to the top-levels of the organization, the foreign country subsidiaries or the international operations department. The entrepreneurial capabilities of top-level managers represent a major resource strength (Penrose, 1959; Castanias and Helfat, 1991). Nevertheless, the organizational context favors the empowerment of middle- and low-level managers and employees in firms with an entrepreneurial posture (Peters and Waterman,



1982;Covin and Slevin, 1991; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Hornsby et al., 2002). This is expected in an internationalized firm also since these managers and employees often contact and interact with the international markets of the firm, and thus, may generate innovative ideas on how to service them better.In addition, the fact that IE is an organization-wide phenomenon presupposes that it is not solely an individual entrepreneur event, notwithstanding the major effect that specific people within the firm may have on generating and pursuing entrepreneurial ideas (Horne et al., 1992;Man et al., 2002).

Second, IE is a process, suggesting that IE embraces a dynamic and evolving development whose end products may take considerable time to materialize. In order to be successful, such a process can involve interrelated and integrated decisions(Jones, 1999) necessitating a significant degree of resource commitment (Mackenzie,2000). The outcomes of this process may be attained over a long-term horizon(cf. Pettigrew, 1997; Van de Ven and Poole, 1995) because investments in entrepreneurship should be assessed like any other investment whose results take place in the long run (Wiklund, 1999). By stressing this process feature we corroborate the same view recently expressed by Zahra and George (2002) concerning IE, and also shared by many scholars regarding entrepreneurship (Low and MacMillan, 1988; Brazeal and Herbert, 1999; Bruyat and Julien, 2000; Ireland et al.,2001; Ucbasaran et al., 2001).

Third, IE is embedded in the OC of the firm, a statement that forms the central thesis in this paper. We argue that in order to fully understand the manifestations of IE, which is viewed as a process, we have to examine the outer and over all organizational context in which it is embedded. We fully concur with Pettigrew's argument in that ``processes are embedded in contexts and can only be studied as such'' (1992: 9). In addition, OC may be an important contextual factor affecting the response of the firm to international entrepreneurial motives (cf. Liesch and Knight,1999). In order to nurture and foster an entrepreneurial posture firms should establish an OC that helps nourish such a posture (Cornwall and Perlman, 1990;Covin



and Slevin, 1991). Also, the entrepreneurial activity viewed as an organizational behavior can be seen as influenced by the cultural fabric of the firm (Meyer, 1982). Drawing on these arguments, we argue that research into the area of IE can benefit from an OC orientation and the respective concepts of the organization theory literature.

Fourth, IE evolves around the discovery and exploitation of opportunities in the international marketplace. The theme of exploitation of opportunities lies in the heart of entrepreneurship research (Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990; Lumpkin and Dess, 1996; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000; Brown et al., 2001; Hitt et al., 2001). Such a pursuit of opportunities can be achieved through the creation of ``new enterprises'' (Low and MacMillan, 1988), which is closely associated with the organization and recombinations of resources (Moran and Ghoshal, 1999; Davidsson and Wiklund, 2001; Gartner, 2001), and the entry into new markets or market segments (Schumpeter,1934; Lumpkin and Dess, 1996). From a rather extreme viewpoint, some researchers assert that real entrepreneurs create and pursue opportunities regardless of the resources possessed (Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990; Timmons, 1994). While this may seem an overstatement, we posit that international entrepreneurial firms possess a mindset that enables recognition of opportunities in the international marketplace and views exploitation of them achievable (cf. Hisrich and O'Brien, 1982).





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