


第二,IE浏览器是一个过程,表明IE浏览器包含了一个动态的和不断变化的发展,其最终产品可能需要相当长的时间实现。为了要取得成功,这样一个过程可能涉及相互联系,综合决策(琼斯,1999年),需要的资源承诺的重要程度(麦肯齐2000年)。这一进程的结果可能会达到了一个长期的结果(参见佩蒂格鲁,1997年,范·de Ven和普尔,1995年),因为在投资企业家应该像任何其他投资,其结果采取评估在长期放置。通过强调这个过程的功能,我们证实了相同的观点扎赫拉和乔治(2002)最近表示关于创业,也被许多学者共享(低和麦克米兰,1988; 赫伯特,1999年)

第三,业主立案法团的公司,形成了本文的中心论点。我们认为,为了充分了解的IE浏览器的表现,这是作为一个过程来看,我们必须检查,被嵌入以上所有组织的背景下。我们完全同意与佩蒂格鲁在这一过程的参数都嵌入在背景,只能作为研究“(1992:9)。此外,业主立案法团可能是一个承上启下的重要因素,影响公司响应国际创业动机,以培育和促进创业的姿势公司应建立业主立案法团,帮助滋养这种风格(康沃尔和帕尔曼,1990; 范浩宏,1991)。此外,创业活动被视为一个组织的行为可以看作是由公司(迈耶,1982年)的文化结构的影响。这些论点,我们认为,到的IE浏览器领域的研究可以受益于业主立案法团的方向和组织理论文献各自的概念。

第四,IE周围发现和利用机会在国际市场上的演变。利用机会的主题在于在创业研究中心(史蒂文森,1990;巴蒂尔和卡塔拉曼,2000年)。通过创建``新的企业''(麦克米兰,1988),这是密切相关的组织和重组资源(戈沙尔,1999年),以及进入新市场或细分市场(熊彼特,1934年生效; Lumpkin和DESS,1996年)。从一个比较极端的观点,一些研究人员声称,真正的企业家寻求和创造机会,无论拥有的资源(史蒂文森,1990年;蒂蒙斯,1994年)。虽然这可能似乎言过其实,我们断定,国际创业公司拥有的心态,使承认的机会,在国际市场上的意见.




Theoretical Foundations of an International

Entrepreneurial Culture




The seeming absence of theoretical foundations in the international entrepreneurship (IE) field significantly accounts for the fragmentation of research in the area. We seek to address this deficiency through an exploration of the IE concept in the overall context in which it is embedded, namely organizational culture. We develop and discuss a conceptual framework of an International

Entrepreneurial Culture, which consists of six interrelated dimensions: international market orientation,international learning orientation, international innovation propensity, international risk attitude,international networking orientation, and international motivation.

Keywords: international entrepreneurship, organizational culture

Both entrepreneurship and international business as fields of research have experienced an explosive interest during the last decade (McDougall and Oviatt,1997, 2000; Zahra and Garvis, 2000). Entrepreneurship and internationalization are closely interrelated inasmuch as entering and venturing in foreign markets are viewed as entrepreneurial practices for the firm (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996; Zahra et al., 1999b; Ibeh and Young, 2001; Zahra et al., 2001). However, although inter-national entrepreneurship (IE) has recently captured the ever-growing interest of inter-national business researchers, the field is still in its infancy (Hisrich et al., 1996;Thomas and Mueller, 2000).

In spite of this, the IE term is frequently used in a variety of different instances to the extent that this can create possible misunderstandings concerning its nature and applicability. In one of the early studies in the area, McDougall (1989) argues that IE is the development of new ventures that from inception go abroad, essentially rendering IE valuable only to the examination of ``born global'' firms. This view implies that IE is associated with the international growth of only new or small ventures, an assertion seemingly encountered in other recent writings also (Dana et al., 1999; Burgel and Murray, 2000; Peng, 2001a).

Nevertheless, there have been pleas for expansion of the IE domain in order to include also international activities of firms apart from ``born globals'' (Giamartino et al.,



1993; Zahra and Schulte, 1994). To some degree, these considerations stem from the view that entrepreneurship is a behavior that equally holds for new and established as well as small and large firms (Stevenson and Jarillo, 1990; Covin and Slevin, 1991; Naman and Slevin, 1993). Therefore, recently McDougall and Oviatt (2000) suggested that IE should include the mixture of innovative, proactive, and risk-seeking behavior across borders. In addition, Zahra and George (2002) defined IE as a process in which the firm would discover and exploit opportunities in the international marketplace. Both definitions seek to capture the entrepreneurial behavior of any firm abroad regardless of age or size.

Also, many studies in IE seem to be devoid of holistic frameworks, a fact that can lead to fragmentation of research in the field. There is a need for development of theoretical frameworks in the IE area (McDougall and Oviatt, 2000; Thomas and Mueller, 2000) that may guide future empirical studies. The scarcity of holistic frameworks is a problem frequently encountered in the entrepreneurship field also (Brazeal and Herbert, 1999; Bruyat and Julien, 2000; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000), although as an area of intellectual study it has been around for over two hundred years (Morris, 1998).

The contribution of this paper is that it provides a conceptual framework for the examination of IE by investigating the general context in which it is embedded, namely organizational culture (OC). In accord with recent definitions and trends, we posit that IE can apply to any age or size of the firm. We explore the IE concept by investigating its overall organizational context in which it is embedded. The entrepreneurial activities of the firm are closely connected with its OC (Kanter, 1985;Zahra et al., 2001). By conceptualizing an international entrepreneurial culture (IEC)and exploring its six dimensions we provide the aspects of an encompassing framework for the IE construct employing concepts from organization theory studies. Toward this objective, we also use ideas from the IE, entrepreneurship and international business literatures.

Researchers (McDougall and Oviatt, 2000; Zahra and Garvis, 2000) seem to define

