
C.followed D.obeyed

答案:A agree with意为“同意,意见一致”;learn from意为“向……学习”;follow意为“跟随,追随”;obey意为“遵守”。此处表示“我”同意了她的观点,故A项正确。

44.A.computer C.clothing

B.food D.machine

答案:B 根据第二段最后一句“With the help of the Internet,I have also got__47__about food in different countries.”可知作者在网上关注不同国家的食物,因此可知作者在食品公司工作,故B项正确。

45.A.life C.sights

B.rivers D.houses

答案:C life house意为“房子”。根据上文“I have done most of my traveling though the Internet”可知“我”的大多数旅行都是通过网络进行的,故此处表示“我”在网上欣赏到了许多城市的风光景色,故C项正确。

46.A.plans C.progress

B.bargains D.trips

答案:D 前一句讲作者在网上看到许多城市的景色,此处指也真的因公出差(到国外)过。故D项正确。

47.A.information C.cooks

B.taste D.feelings

答案:A information意为“信息”;taste意为“味道,品味”;cook意为“厨师”;feeling意为“感觉”。根据语境可知此处表示在网络的帮助下,“我”也了解了不同国家的食品信息,故A项正确。

48.A.even more C.much

B.no longer D.actually

答案:B even more意为“更多地”;no longer意为“不再”;much意为“许多”;actually意为“事实上”。根据上文可知通过因特网我可以做想做的一切,因此,我开始感到实际的旅行已经不再那么必要了,故B项正确。 句意为:因此,我开始觉得实际的旅行已经不再那么必要了,就在那时我碰巧读到了一位有名的厨师在网上的评论。

49.A.people C.atmosphere

B.drink D.environment

答案:C 根据常识及语境可知此处表示人们在品尝异国食品的同时,也在享受着它的特殊氛围,故C项正确。

50.A.shoes C.customers

B.dishes D.situations

答案:B 此处谈的都是美食,所以此处句意为:那么你为什么不乘飞机到意大利享受真正的意大利美食呢?故B项正确。

51.A.friend's C.professor's

B.parents' D.boss'

答案:C 句意为:那些话使我想起了我的教授的建议。由第一段第二句可知此处应选professor。故C项正确。

52.A.produces C.forms

B.advertises D.advances

答案:D produce意为“生产,创作”;advertise意为“做广告”;form意为“形成,构成”;advance意为“前进,进展”。根据语境可知此处表示随着信息技术的发展,故D项正确。

53.A.news C.troubles

B.pleasures D.places

答案:B 句意为:但是这也意味着你将错过旅行时的各种乐趣。news意为“新闻”;pleasure意为“乐趣”;trouble意为“麻烦”;place意为“地方”。故B项正确。

54.A.avoid C.lose

B.keep D.enjoy

答案:A avoid意为“避免”;keep意为“保持”;lose意为“失去”;enjoy意为“欣赏,享受”。根据此空后的“...spend much of their time on the Internet”可知此处表示现在很多人不再(避免)与别人直接交流,而是通过因特网联系,故A项正确。

55.A.meeting C.communicating

B.talking D.traveling

答案:B 根据此空后的“...into their micro phones”可知此处应表示交谈,故B项正确。 56.A.stopped C.surrounded

B.met D.hurt

答案:C 根据上文可知,此处的such people指通过网络互相联系的入,他们似乎被无形的墙所包围。be surrounded with/by意为“被……包围”,为固定短语。

57.A.take C.travel

B.employ D.meet

答案:D 根据语境可知,此处表示他们似乎丧失了与他人见面及交谈的好机会,故D项正确。 58.A.communication C.work

B.study D.action

答案:A communication意为“通讯,交流”;study意为“学习”;work意为“工作”;action意为“行动”。本篇文章主要谈的就是人们现在的交流、联系方式,故A项正确。

59.A.spare C.reduce

B.increase D.use

答案:C spare意为“分出,腾出”;increase意为“增加”;reduce意为“减少”;use意为“使用”。根据语境可知,此处表示利用现代信息技术使我们的日常生活更丰富、更有效,但绝不能让它减少我们面对面的交流时间,故C项正确。

60.A.wisely C.quickly

B.correctly D.slowly

答案:A wisely意为“明智地”;correctly意为“正确地”;quickly意为“很快地”;slowly意为“很慢地”。根据语境可知,此处表示因此我们应该更明智地利用现代信息技术,同时享受体验现实世界的乐趣,故A项正确。


第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)



Valentine's Day is my new least favorite day of the year. Just recently, the marriage I'd dreamed of __61__ girlhood had broken up, and with it my faith in the power of love. __62__ I started sorting my mail I noticed a pale pink envelop. I opened it to find a red heart-shaped card with beautiful white lace. __63__(obvious) it was not a guy card. I looked for a signature. It was from Kris, a former colleague I'd done __64__ favor to ages ago. “Not only do I celebrate my anniversary each Valentine's Day,” Kris wrote, “but also I remember __65__ kindness by doing something nice for someone else to perpetuate (使永恒) the love you once showed me.”

I smiled. I __66__(speak) to Kris in years. She had no way of knowing about my divorce. Was this one of those little reminders?

Lunch came. I went to the garden center and bought potted tulips (郁金香) for a woman in another department __67__ mother had recently died. “For Valentine's Day,” I said quietly when I handed __68__ to her. “I thought you might need them today.”

She looked at me with surprise. Her eyes watered. She took the flowers, __69__(touch) them softly with her hand. “Thank you!” she said.

Back at my desk I placed Kris's card right __70__ I could see it the rest of the day —a little reminder of the power of love.

61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________ 65.________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69.________ 70.________

答案:61.since 62.when/as 63.Obviously 64.a 65.your 66.hadn't spoken 67.whose 68.them 69.touching



Jane:Raul, this is the __61__(bad) vacation that we have ever been on. First, we __62__(miss) our flight and had to pay $200 for new tickets. Then, you forgot to make reservations at __63__ hotel, and now we all are alone here on this stupid island because you had to go off swimming alone. Why couldn't you just stay close to the boat as you were __64__(suppose) to?

Raul:Honey, you know that sharks are my favorite animals. I couldn't just stay near the boat and look at stupid colorful fish __65__ I knew that there were sharks __66__ (swim) around out there, just waiting to be found.

Jane:Well, you've certainly done it now, __67__ you? How are we supposed to get __68__ now? What about the kids? We left them with your parents. God knows how fat and spoiled __69__ will get if we leave them there. We __70__ get back home.

Raul:Listen, it's all going to be okay, honey. I have a plan. I'm going to use this watch to make a mirror and attract the attention of a helicopter.

Jane:Helicopter? What helicopter? We are doomed... doomed, I tell you.

61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________ 65.________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69.________ 70.________

答案:61.worst 62.missed 63.the 64.supposed 65.when 66.swimming 67.haven't 68.home 69.they 70.have to/must 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


With the growing popularity of the Internet, more and more children are addicted to play online games day and night. It does harm not only to their health, especial to their eyes, but also to their studies.

Comparing with online games, many traditional games, like hide-and-seek, benefits kids mentally and physically. They were ever popular to several generations, which not only learned something valuable but also had fun playing the games. Therefore, the games are dying away now.

Personally, I think teachers and parents should take measure to limit their children's Internet time. Let children to know the harm of online games and the benefits of traditional games. Help children judge the healthy and unhealthy games. What's more, we should often organize events for children in which traditional games played.


With the growing popularity of the Internet, more and more children are addicted to play online

playinggames day and night. It does harm not only to their health, expecial to their eyes, but also to their


Comparing with online games, many traditional games, like hide-and-seek, benefits kids mentally

