
把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

Section Ⅲ Listening and Vocabulary & writing & Everyday English & Function (1一、学习目标




1、书写要认真规范; 2、教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。





1、展览____________ 2、表达______________ 3、风景画____________ 4、画像___________ 5、领悟;实现__________ 6、现实主义的__________ 7、水彩画__________ 8、achieve______


1、run towards ____________________ 2、oil painting________________________ 3、watercolour painting ______________ 4、give up__________________________ 5、look forward to__________________ 6、successed in_______________________ 7、go on _________________________8、put off___________________________ 9、take turns to do__________________ 10、topic sentences_____________________ 11、You’ve got it right. ______________12、Don’t change a thing._______________ 13、I’m not half as good as you . __________________________________________ 14、What do you make of (it)._________________________________________ 15、There’s (an exhibition)on.__________________________________________ 16、Thanks for the compliment .___________________________________________

Step 1

1、Finish off the exercise 1 on P36、exercise 1 of Everyday English on P38 and exercise 1 of Writing on P 38 ,then check up the answers in groups.

Step 2 Language Points:


1.put off 推迟;延期;关上(灯、无线电等);使不高兴(P35) put forward 提出;建议;把……向前拨 put back 放回;拨回

put down 写下,记下;击败,平定 put in 打断,插话

put on 上演;穿上,戴上

put out 熄灭,扑灭;生产,制造

第 13 页 共 30 页

把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

put through 接通电话

put up 举起,张贴,公布;接待,供膳宿 put up with 忍受,忍耐

put aside 撇开,臵之不理;节省,储蓄,储存 【反馈检测】

①The meeting has been _____________ till next week.会议已推迟到下星期了。 ②We’ll have to ____________ going on vacation until you’re better.我们得把休假日期推迟,直到你好些为止。

③The working party has______________ a good case for moving to a new site.特别工作组提出了一条很好的迁往新址的理由。

④I don’t know how you _______________ their constant quarreling.我不知道你是如何忍受他们无休止的争吵的。

⑤ They were all against the suggestion that the meeting ____ till next week. A.put off B.be put off C.is to put off D.should put off ⑥ If you suspect(猜疑) that the illness might be serious you should not _____going to the doctor.

A.put away B.put up C.put down D.put off ⑦ Never ________ till tomorrow what may be done today. A.put up B.put off C.put out D.put on

2. exhibition [cn.] 展览、表演;展览会(P36)

exhibit n.[c]展览品,陈列品 vt.展出,展览,陈列;显示,显出 hold an exhibition 举办展览会 on exhibition = on show 在展览

3. expression [n.] 表情,脸色;说法,措辞,词句,表达(p36) express adj.快递的,高速的;直达的



① an express train(翻译) __________________________ ② an express letter(翻译) _________________________

③ express express oneself in English/ Chinese(翻译)__________________________ ④ beyond expression (翻译)_________________________ 4.realize vt. 领悟;实现;认识到,了解(P36) 词语辨析 realise, come true 都有“实现(理想/愿望等)”之意,但两者用法不同。realise是及物动词,常用于sb.realise sth.这种结构;come true 是不及物动词词组,通常由表示“理想、愿望等”的名词作句子的主语。 【反馈检测】

①写出单词意思:reality realistic realism ② He ________________ when he passed the entrance examination.入学考试通过了,他的梦想实现了。

③ His dream of becoming a teacher ____________.他当教师的理想实现了。 ④ After two years’ hard work,his wish has ________.

A.realized B.come true C.been come true D.been made true

第 14 页 共 30 页

把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

5.take turns 轮流(P37) take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事 do sth. by turns 轮流做某事 It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事

in turn 轮流地,依次地,反过来 in return 作为回报

by turns 轮流地(指动作或现象的“交替”出现) out of turn 不依顺序地,不合时宜 on the turn 正在转变

turn out(to be) 结果是……,证明是…… turn down 关小声音;拒绝

turn up 调大声音;出现,露面 【反馈检测】

① I asked them to ___________ talking about the pictures.我让他们轮流来讲这些图片。

② Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which ______ increase the risk of heart disease.

A. in turn B. in return C. by chance(偶然) D. by turns

③ (2006年山东卷)A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which______will promote it’s economic development. A.in nature B.in return C.in turn D.in fact

④ In winter people burn a lot of coal to warm themselves, and this _____ causes pollution and global warming.

A. in turn B. in all C. take turns D. by turn 6. compliment v./n.[C]称赞,恭维(P38) 【反馈检测】

① compliment sb. on sth.(翻译)_____________________________ ② give a compliment to sb. (翻译)_____________________________ Step 3 课堂达标

1. I like very much but I hate in the river polluted by our city’s paper making factory.

A. swimming; to swim B. swimming; swimming C. to swim; swimming D. to swim; to swim 2. My uncle is my nearest living .

A. relationship B. relative C. relations D. realization 3. Never till tomorrow what may be done today.

A. put up B. put off C. put out D. put on

4. There was little time left, but he to get to the scene and covered the accident.

A. managed B. tried C. succeeded D. attempted 5. I have many books, most of were bought by my father.

第 15 页 共 30 页

把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

A. these B. that C. those D. which 6. that one day Taiwan will return to China peacefully.

A. It is hoped B. It is hoping C. We are hoped D. It hopes 7. They looked at his burnt clothes and didn’t know to do. A. sad; what B. sadly; how C. sadly; what D. sad; how 8.—I can’t get my car on cold mornings. —Have you tried the tank with hot water? A. started; to fill B. started; filling C. starting; to fill D. start; filling

9. Does it any difference whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00? A. tell B. be C. give D. make

10. His parents began their revolutionary work . A. in her twenties B. in their twenties C. in his twenties D. in their twenty 11. A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which will promote its economic development.

A. in nature B. in return C. in turn D. in fact 12. The architect was very proud because his design for the art museum was . A. adopted B. discussed C. allowed D. agreed 13. They the train until it disappeared in the distance. A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed

14. I’m too tired a word after the long climb and even tired the scenery.Ⅳ

A. of speaking; to see B. to tell, of watching C. to speak, of enjoying D. to have, to enjoy 15.---Is that 0631-5807525?

--- , you’ll get through.

A. you’ve got it right B. I’ve got it C. I’m sorry D. It’s wrong Step4 学习体会


Step5 Homework : Prepare for the Grammar :

1)-ing form and the infinitive (不定式) 2)-ing form as subject(主语)

第 16 页 共 30 页
