


I. 单项填空(本题共12 分,每小题1分,共12分)

1. We could see a lake _____ us from the top of the mountain.

A. at B. beside C. behind D. below 2. When I was young, I always liked to play in the _____ near my home.

A. band B. wonder C. stream D. energy 3. --- Is _____ here? --- No, Tom has gone to the USA.

A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody 4. Her _____ in tennis was noticed by her coach in a competition.

A. hobby B. advantage C. habit D. ability 5. I have bought some postcards _____ you can see what Australia looks like.

A. as soon as B. ever since C. as far as D. so that 6. Daisy decided to _____ volleyball at the end of this term.

A. clean up B. set up C. give up D. look up

7. --- Why are you unhappy? --- I was late again. I’m afraid Miss Li will be _____ me. A. angry with B. busy with C. proud of D. worried about

8. It’s _____ that the little boy knows so many words a the age of three. I can’t believe it. A. natural B. amazing C. silent D. useful 9.We’re training ____ this year, and we’ll have a chance to win.

A. hardly B. hard C. careful D. slowly

10. --- Hi, Daming! Have you finished the project? --- Not yet, I _____ it in more ten minutes. A. finish B. will finish C. finished D. have finished 11. _____ it was snowing heavily outside, Jim still went out to see his friends. A. Because B. If C. Since D. Although 12. --- What do you mean by saying that? Would you like some ice cream?

--- _____ ! Can you imagine that there is no electricity in such a hot day?

A. Have a try! B. That’s a shame C. No deal D. That’s not the point

II. 完形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)

阅读下面短文,理解其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “ When anything happens, believe in yourself.”

When I was a young boy, I was so shy to talk to anyone that my classmates 13 laughed at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 14 happened, an it changed my life. It was an English speech contest(比赛). My 15 asked me to take part in it. What a 16 idea! It meant I had to speak 17 all the teachers and students of my school.

“ 18 ,boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to win the contest.”Then Mother and I talked about many different topics. 19 I chose the topic “ Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it 20 100 times. 21 my mother, I did well in the contest. I could hardly believe myself when the 22 came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and the students. Those classmates who once looked down on me now all 23 “ Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged (拥抱) me and cried excitedly.

Since then, everything has changed for me. 24 I do anything, I try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is not only for a person but also for a country.

13. A. never B. often C. also D. still 14. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 15. A. father B. teacher C. friend D. mother 16. A. funny B. good C. terrible D. special 17. A. when B. behind C. before D. beside 18. A. Hurry up B. Come on C. Look out D. Hold on

19. A. At last b. In fact C. At once D. At first 20. A. at B. in C. with D. over

21. A. Depending on B. As a result of C. Agreeing with D. With the help of 22. A. letter B. topic C. news D. report 23. A. said B. passed C. sent D. gave 24. A. Although B. If C. Because D. When III. 阅读理解(一)(本题共17小题,每小题2分,共34分)

A. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Passage1

A subway is not just an important form of transport. It is also a window for other people to learn about local culture. Beijing, China

The Beijing Subway was opened in 1969 and is the oldest subway systerm in China. It has added some modern technologies. All stations now have touch-screen maps. In some stations, people can also see traditional Chinese culture. For example, on the walls of a few stations of Line8, there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain(青花瓷). Stockholm, Sweden

The first subway line for Stockholm was opened in 1950. The Stockholm Subway is well-known for its decoration of the stations. It is called the longest art gallery in the world. Over 90 percent of its stations are decorated with paintings. A few stations are decorated with red bedrocks(岩床). This makes you feel as if you are in a cave. London, UK

The London Underground or the Tube is the oldest subway in the world. It was opend in 1863. During World War II, it was used to protect people from German plane attacks (袭击) on London. Now, it is a symbol of the city. There is no air conditioning in the trains, so it is very hot in summer. New York, US

The New York City Subway runs 24 hours a day. It has an express train on almost every line. You can get to your destination (目的地 ) quickly. The trains themselves are full of fun; you will see people doing moonwalk dances like Michael Jackson, playing the guitar and singing. 25. Which subway is called the longest art gallery in the world? A. The Beijing Subway B. The Stockholm Subway C. The London Underground D.The New York City Subway 26. From the passage, we can know that the London Underground _______ A. is the symbol of the UK B. is also called the tube

C. was well protected during the war D. is the oldest transport in the world 27. The introduction of the subways mainly shows the _____ of different cities.

A. great changes B. long history C. local culture D. public transport 28. The passage may come from _____. A. a story book B. a newspaper advertisement (广告) C. a science book D. a travel magazine


American country music is also known as country western music. It has a very long history. It comes from the folk songs of immigrants (移民) from Britain.

Country music uses simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love and sadness. That is to say, country music describes life. It talks about friends and enemies, trucks and roads, farms and crops. People in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about.

Country western music became popular first among cowboys (牛仔) from the American west countryside. Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to calm the animals and to overcome their own fear. They were not well-educated so they sang about their daily life in very simple words. They played guitars, violins and other instruments. In the South of America, many people added instruments from their homes, like bottles and spoons. When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country western music.

In recent years, many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past. These changes make the songs sound even better. Today singers as Carth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Emmylou Harris, Lyle Lovett, Eddie Rabbit, LeAnn Rimes, Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles. They have brought country western music more and more fans from all over the world.

29. Country western music comes from the folk songs of immigrants from _____. A. America B. France C. Germany D. Britain

30. The underlined words “ calm the animals ” here means “ make the animals become _____”. A. sad and lonely B. quiet and relaxed

C. angry and wild D. upset and scared(害怕的) 31. Which one of the sentences is mentioned in the passage? A. Early immigrants lived a very simple life.

B. Many country music singers are not well-educated.

C. Cowboys usually played country western music on holidays.

D. In the west of America, cowboys added instruments from their homes. 32. The best title for the passage is _____.

A. Americans Love American Country Music B. The History of American Country Music

C. Singers and Fans of American Country Music D. All Kinds of American Music, Yesterday and Today


I was at the store with Mom and baby Lucy. I was looking at the pictures in the pattern(图案)book, trying to decide what to be for Halloween. I wanted to be a fairy princess (公主), but I didn’t get a chance to ask Mom to help me find that page. She was busy. All the women were bent over Lucy’s carrier. Mom wasn’t even looking at me. Lucy started to cry. Mom asked me, “Mary, have you decided yet?” Last year we picked out my costume(流行的服饰) together.

I looked down at the book and saw a picture of a kid in a banana costume. I pointed at the banana. Mom bought the banana pattern and a pea-pod(豌豆荚) pattern for Lucy.

When Mom finished making my costume, I knew I had made a mistake. Mom said it was too late. So, in the evening I was going to be at the Halloween party , a big banana in yellow tight(裤袜). “ Everyone will laugh at me.” I thought.

When we walked to the party, everyone smiled at cute baby Lucy who was on my mother’s back. Everyone, the clowns(小丑) and the pop stars and the grown-ups, smiled when they saw my costume. Some of them told me I was cute. I guessed people liked bananas. I realized that it didn’t bother me when people laughed. I kind of liked it. I smiled. And everyone was looking at me. They thought I was funny, but in a good way. And guess what? I was the only banana at the party. There were three fairy princesses.

33. When Lucy started to cry, what was Mary doing? A. Reading a book in the library. B. Looking after her baby sister. C. Choosing a costume for Halloween. D. Buying some bananas in the store.

34. Baby Lucy looked like a _____ at the party.

A. princess B. banana C. pea-pod D. clown 35. How did Mary choose her costume?

A. By mistake. B. With the help of her mother.

C. Without reading the pattern book. D. By drawing the pictures herself. 36. We can infer(推断) from the passage that _____.

A. Mary’s mother didn’t love her at all B. Mary was a little afraid before going to the party C. Mary’s mother didn’t go to the party D. Mary was laughed at by the grown-ups at the party 37. Mary was happy at the party because she was _____.

A. funny B. famous C. ugly D. different



Yosemite National Park is one of the most famous national parks in America and it is a place of extremes (极端条件) . It has not only high mountains but also valleys. 38. _____ There are thirteen waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosetime Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth.

Up in the mountains are clear lakes, fast-moving rivers and huge rocks. One huge rock is called Half Dome. It rises more than 2,700 meters into the air.

More than 60 kinds of animals live in the park. Deer are very common. 39. _____ They aren’t afraid of humans. You might even see a large black bear. More than 200 kinds of birds live in Yosetime.

In a place called the Mariposa Grove, visitors can see some of the largest, tallest and oldest living things on Earth. These are the huge Sequoia Trees. One of these trees is called Grizzly Giant. 40. _____ One tree is almost 90 meters tall. Another is more than 10 meters around. The huge trees can make visitors feel quite small.

Whenever visitors come to Yosetime, they exerience great natural beauty. 41. _____ Most people who come to Yosetime usually bring a camera. They take many pictures of the huge rocks, the beautiful Yosetime Valley, the waterfalls and the huge trees.

But you do not really need a photograph to remember its natural beauty. Yosetime will leave its image (影像) in your memory forever.

A. It is more than 1.800 years old. B. Water from high in the mountains falls in many places to the green valleys far below. C. It is preserved and protected for all people to enjoy. D. You can see them almost everywhere. E. A visit to the park provides lasting memories of what nature has produced. F. People come from all over the world to climb one of the huge rock formations (岩层) at Yosetime.
