

A. deserve B. detect C. protect D. reserve

35. , the next problem was how to make a good plan. A. Having made the decision B. The decision having been made C. Has the decision been made D. The decision has been made

36. Steven Hawking is now confined the hospital by illness. A. in B. to C. with D. at 37. The rapid development China has achieved in the last decade that the future is likely to be very exciting. A. make it clear B. it has made clear C. it makes clear D. has made it clear 38. Football players are males, though there are some females. A. most B. mostly C. much D. all 39. Tome has been most helpful to us; in fact I don’t know what we without him.

A. have done B. will have done C. had done D. would have done

40. I don’t have any plan for the weekend — I was thinking of spending some time with my family or perhaps getting together with some friends. A. confident B. conservative C. concrete D. considerate


1. His salary as a bus driver is much higher than ________.

A. that of a teacher B. those of a teacher

C. these of a teacher D. this of a teacher

2. While Tim was walking in the street, he came ________ an old

classmate of his.

A. into B. across

C. onto D. up with

3. Hardly ________ making the speech when the people stood up


A. has the speaker finished

B. the speaker had finished

C. had the speaker finished D. had finished the speaker

4. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the

behavior of an animal depends mainly on ________. A. consciousness B. instinct

C. impulse D. reaction

5. If you ________ in taking this annoying attitude, we’ll have to ask

you to leave.

A. persist B. insist

C. resist D. assist

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6. There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of

traditional methods in English teaching.

A. sponsors B. advocates

C. contributors D. performers

7. Please see to it ________ no one comes in without identification.

A. that B. lest C. when D. which 8. We had ________ enough Russian to be able to read the


A. set up B. picked up

C. taken up D. made up

9. Only those who are ________ of their lagging behind are more

likely to catch up.

A. awake B. visual

C. aware D. illusive

10. It is suggested that smoking ________ in public places.

A. will not be allowed B. was not allowed

C. not be allowed D. is not allowed

11. In ________ to the Party’s call, a great number of doctors and

nurses went to the frontline to fight the flood. A. return B. admission

C. order D. response

12. You could not persuade him to accept it, ________ make him see

the importance of it.

A. no more than you could

B. if only you could not

C. nor could you D. or you could not

13. The 20-year-old tennis player’s dream is to ________ China at

2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. support B. present

C. represent D. compete

14. Britain is proud of her great poets, just as Italy is proud of her

painters, and Germany ________ of her composers. A. / B. is

C. proud D. as

15. It is no use just telling me to do it; suggest some ________ ways to

do it.

A. active B. positive

C. passive D. negative

16. One can’t see well through a telescope without correctly ________

it to one’s sight.

A. balancing B. adopting

C. repairing D. adjusting

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17. ________ children have been taken out of school and taught by

their parents at home.

A. A number of B. A great deal of

C. An amount of D. The number of

18. There is much ________ can be done about the accidents

________ from carelessness.

A. which … arose B. that … arising

C. which … arisen D. that … arise

19. Those of us who work in the coal mine should have ________ lungs

checked regularly.

A. our B. their C. his D. my 20. To their disappointment, there are no textbooks ________ for the

students of Class Two.

A. possible B. preferable

C. considerable D. available

21. More and more people are beginning to learn English, ________

can partly explain the booming of language training centers in China.

A. which B. what C. that D. it 22. The higher a rocket flies, ________ air it meets.

A. the fewer B. the little

C. the less D. the much

23. It is during his spare time ________ Johnson has been studying a

course in history.

A. when B. which C. what D. that 24. The ________ of modern life in big cities is so quick that some old

people feel it hard to keep up with it. A. way B. step

C. pace D. routine

25. Some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower

students and ________ the brighter ones. A. neglect B. isolate

C. frustrate D. corrupt

26. ----- “Have you seen Mary today?”

----- “No, I think she ________ away on her vacation.”

A. must be B. may have been C. must have been D. might have been

27. Notice a person’s reaction ________ stress in these situations, and

you will soon find a solution ________ this problem. A. of … to B. of … of

C. to … of D. to … to

28. All the books can be used to _______ your reading comprehension.

A. training B. train

C. be trained D. being trained

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29. She did not know whether to sell her books or ________.

A. to keep them for reference

B. keeping them for reference

C. if she should keep them for reference D. to be kept for reference

30. She wears a very _______ ring that her boyfriend gave her as a

birthday gift.

A. gold new valuable B. valuable gold new

C. valuable new gold D. valuable and gold

31. The headquarters of Mr. Zhang’s company was ________ located in

Tianjin, but now it is in Shanghai.

A.formally B.firmly

C. formerly D. fairly

32. We don’t mind a bit if you bring your friends in for a dinner, but it is

rather too much when sixteen people came ________ for dinner. A. consequently B. expectedly

C. excessively D. unexpectedly

33. Our point is that nuclear science should be developed to benefit

people _______ harm them.

A. more than B. other than

C. rather than D. better than

34. It is generally agreed that textile industry used to ________

greatly to the economy of our city.

A. add B. contribute

C. lead D. stimulate

35. ________ more time, she would certainly have done it much better.

A. Given B. To be given

C. Giving D. To give

36. The car was running so fast that it crashed into the truck and the

driver was killed ________ the spot.

A. on B. at C. by D. to 37. Fortunately, the government has taken some measures to bring

down the rate of inflation to a (an) ________ level. A. unpredictable B. manageable

C. questionable D. sustainable

38. When I saw the mess my paper was in, it was obvious that someone

________ it.

A. was reading B. would have read

C. had been reading D. had read

39. I am firmly ________ that this plan would do much good to our


A. recommended B. amazed

C. convinced D. satisfied

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