


1. There is a big pear tree __________ (在……的前面) my house.

2. Who was _________ (在……的后面) you when you were waiting in a line? 3. What’s _______(在……的下面)the desk?

4. The children are playing hide-and-seek. Maomao is hiding himself __________ (在……里)the wardrobe.

5. The tallest boy in my class sits ________ (在……的隔壁) me. 6. They are standing _______ the door. (在……外面)


1. You can’t see the ball. It’s ______ the door. 2. Shall we meet ________ the gate of the cinema? 3. Is he playing _______ the street or ______ the road?

4. Are they ________ a factory or _______ a farm?

5. I sit ________ the twins. The elder sister is _______ my left and the younger one is _______ my right.

6. The big tree ______ our classroom is nearly 100 years old. 7. The teacher is writing on the blackboard ______ the classroom. 8. ---- Where is the light? ---- It’s just _______ the table. 9. ---- Where are the lamps? ---- They are _____ the desks. 10. A plane is flying ________ the clouds.


1. 梅梅坐在我的前面,我坐在她的后面。

_________________________________________ 2. 她正在学校门口等着妈妈。

_________________________________________ 3. 迈克坐在吉姆和萨姆之间。

_________________________________________ 4. 医院对面有一家银行。

_________________________________________ 5. 盒子里有什么?

_________________________________________ 6. 讲台上有些彩色的图片。

_________________________________________ 7. 看,孩子们跑进了屋子。

_________________________________________ 8. 我正站在玩具店的外面。

_________________________________________ 9. 床下有双运动鞋。

_________________________________________ 10. 黑板在教室的前面。


11. 教室前面有棵大树。

_________________________________________ 12. 那条河上有座桥。

_________________________________________ 13. 餐桌上面悬挂着一盏灯。

_________________________________________ 14. 许多鸟正从我们的头上飞过。



( ) 1. The birds fly ______ the woods.

A. above B. on C. under D. inside ( ) 2. ---- Can you see the hole _____ the wall? (河南)

A. on B. in C. among D. between

( ) 3. There is a map ______ the wall. (北京)

A. on B. from C. in D. at ( ) 4. ---- Where is Lily? ---- We are all here ______ her. (辽宁)

A. beside B. about C. except D. with ( ) 5. Miss Gao is standing _____ all her students.

A. between B. middle C. centre D. among ( ) 6. ---- Guess, how much does it cost? (广东)

---- I think it costs ______ 15 and 20 dollars.

A. from B. between C. among D. with ( ) 7. Some shops open _______ 10 a.m. and 3:30 p. m. during the Spring Festival holidays. (山东)

A. at B. between C. from D. about some any练习题

用a, an, some, any 填空 1. That is _____big house.

2. There is______apple on the basket.

3. There are_______computers in the room. 4. Is there _______English book in the desk? 5. Are there _______chairs in the classroom? 6. Is this ______bedroom?

7. Is there ______telephone on the wall? 8. Are there _______pictures on the wall? 9. There isn’t _____milk in the glass.

10. There aren’t ________flowers in the garden.

A. Some or Any?

1. - \ - \es, please.\

2. I wonder if _____ will show up at the meeting ? (someone/anyone)

3. Doesn't _____ know the answer to this question ? (someone/anyone)

4. On TV _____ said that smoking does not cause lung cancer. (someone/anyone)

5. (annoyed and emphatic) How can _____ tell such a pack of lies ? (someone/anyone)

6. It must be difficult to live without _____ money. (some/any)

7. Have you seen my shoes ? I can't find them _____. (somewhere/anywhere)

8. - \

- \

9. _____ say the internet is just a hype and that it will blow over. (Some/Any)

10. _____ day peace will come to Northern Ireland. (Some/Any)

11. Our shipment is due to arrive _____ day now. (some/any)

12. I haven't seen you for _____ time now. (some/any)

13. If in _____ event a fire would break out, the first thing you should do is evacuate the building. (some/any)

14. Is there _____ real evidence that my client has actually committed the crime ? (some/any)

15. Is there _____ I can do for you, madam ? (something/anything)


Ⅰ. Choose the best answer

( ) 1. This is a very old song, so ______ young people know it.

A: few B: little c: a few D: a little

( ) 2. The two fishermen saw ______ in the sky while they were fishing by a river.

A: something strange B: anything strange C: strange something D: strange anything

( ) 3. There aren’t many oranges here, but you can take ______ if you want to. A: few B: a few C: a little D: little

( ) 4. There are twenty teachers in this grade. Eight of them are women teachers and ______ are men teachers.

A: the other B: the others C: others D: other

( ) 5. My sports shoes are too small. I want to buy ______ pair.

A: the others B: the other C: other D: another ( ) 6. I didn’t like the cross talk. ______ of the actors was funny. A: Both B: All C: Neither D: Either ( ) 7. ______ of us has read the story.

A: Some B: Both C: All D: None

( ) 8. Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running, some like swimming, ______

like ball games.

A: the others B: others C: the other D: other

( ) 9. There are many high-rises on ______ side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent view! A: either B: neither C: both D: all

( ) 10. Shanghai Waihuan tunnel is already open to traffic, so it will take us ______ time to go

to Pudong International Airport. A: a few B: fewer C: a little D: less

( ) 11. Not long ago, our country set up a rocket with two small satellites into space. One weighed 204 kilos and ______ 25 kilos.

A: another B: other C: others D: the other\\

( ) 12. In order to keep healthy, you should eat ______ fast food, ______ fresh vegetables and

take enough exercise.

A: fewer; fewer B: less; more C: fewer; more D: less; less

( ) 13. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are world-famous sports stars. ______ of them have set a good

example to us.

A: All B: Neither C: Both D: None

( ) 14. Mr. Smith is quite busy today. He has ______ meetings to attend. A: little B: a little C: few D: a few

( ). 15. Obey the traffic rules and learn to protect yourself. ______ is more important than life. A: Nothing B: Something C: Everything D: Anything

( ) 16. Can we do our work better with ______ money and ______ people? A: less, few B: less, fewer C: little;, less D: few, less ( ) 17. He has two flats in London. However, ______ is new. A: both B: neither C: all D: none

( ) 18. There is ______ with your watch. It gets slower every day.

A: nothing wrong B: something wrong C: wrong something D: wrong nothing ( ) 19. It seems that he has got ______ to show us. Let’s go and enjoy it. A: something interesting B: interesting something C: nothing something D: interesting nothing

( ) 20. ______ of your answer is right. Please try a third time. A: Neither B: None C: Either D: Both

( ) 21. ______ Kathy ______ Alice ______ at home last Sunday. A: Neither, nor, were B: Both, and, was

C: Either, or, was D: Not only, but also, were

( ) 22. ______ of the winners has been awarded a prize.

A: Every B: everyone C: Each D: Both

( ) 23. There is ______ ink in my pen. Would you give me ______?

A: little, a little B: a little, little C: few, a few C: a few, few
