大学英语精读第3册 第1课 课文及课后答案

1.due 2.commit

3.regarded as 4.has saved up 5.stood a chance 6.were awarded 7.meanwhile 8.conducted

9.casual 10.aroun(which student life)revolves

8 The English language is rich in phrasal verbs. They are used widely, especially in casual or informal contexts. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and one or more particles, which acts like a verb. There are three types of phrasal verbs: (a)verb + adverb, as \

I saved up some money to go traveling. (b)verb + preposition, as \

This obvious aimlessness led to my downfall.

(c) verb + adverb + preposition, as \ Cathy has caught up with her class.

Now use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you may have learned and replace with it the italicized part in each of the following sentences: Model: He has also started to examine the workings of that other universe. (look)

He has also started to look into the workings of that other universe.

1. Joe wrote to say that he had to postpone his visit because of his illness. (put) 2. Despite the noise, they continued working as if nothing were happening. (go) 3. The girl fainted and it was at least half an hour before she regained consciousness. (come)

4. Asked to speak at the meeting, I couldn't very well refuse. (call)

5. Mrs. Stevenson directed her eyes inside the cupboard and found there was not a single lump(方块) of sugar left. (look)

6. It was the rumor that made Joe hostile to his twin brother. (turn) 7. We wondered how Sara was progressing in her new job. (get)

8. Although Anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to yield. (give)

9. Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to request permission. (ask)

10. Whether we make an excursion (远足) or stay home will be determined by tomorrow's weather. (depend) 第8题

1.put off 2.went on

3.came to 4.Called on/upon

5.looked in 6.turned (Joe) against (his own brother) 7.getting on 8.give in

9.ask for 10.will depend on

9 Write down your answers to the following questions, using the words or phrases

given in brackets:

1. Did the couple enjoy their visit to Japan? (but, complain, high cost of living)

1.Yes, but they complained about the high cost of living. 2. What was he doing when he was found in the woods? (wander around)

2.He was found wandering around. 3. How did he ask her to dance? (try, appear, casual)

3.He tried to appear casual as he asked her to dance. 4. What do you think of her arrest? (completely arbitrary, wish, not true)

4.It's completely arbitrary. I wish it weren't true. 5. Was it easy to reach the agreement? (long, difficult, process)

5.No, it was a long and difficult process.

word Building

10 Analyse the formation of the following words in each group. Give further examples of words with the same prefix.

1. unpleasant, untidy, ___ ,___, ___, ___, ___. 1.un + a. -> a.

uncertain, unafraid, unadvisable, unfamiliar, unequal 2. unemployed, unconcerned, ___ ,___, ___, ___, ___. 2.un + p.p. -> a.

unanswered, unattached, unexpected, unkown, undecided 3. unsuccessfully, unfortunately, ___ ,___, ___, ___, ___. 3.un + ad. -> ad.

unhappily, unskilfully, unconsciously, unnecessarily, uncomfortably 4. undo, unpack, ___ ,___, ___, ___, ___. 4.un + v. -> v.

unsay, undress, untie, unlock, unload

11 Many adjectives ending in -able or -ible are derived from corresponding verbs, e.g. arrestable <- arrest, movable <- move resistible <- resist(抵抗) defensible <-defend.

Can you explain how the following words are formed? enjoyable <- regrettable <- changeable <- imaginable <- permissible <- breakable <- reliable <- applicable <- exhaustible <- workable <-

now complete the following sentences with the adjectives listed above.

1. There is no reliable information about the child who was found missing almost a month ago.

2. Bertha's moods are as changeable as the weather in spring. 3. We spent a very enjoyable evening talking about old times.

4. It is absolutely wrong to think that natural resources like aluminum(铝) and petroleum(石油) are not exhaustible .

5. Are slang terms (俚语) permissible in a formal speech?

6. The police admitted to having made a regrettable mistake in arresting an innocent young man.

7. Handle with care, please, These are breakable objects.

8. I had the greatest difficulty imaginable in trying to persuade my employer (雇主) to give up his costly (代介高的) plan.

9. The young technical innovators didn't lose heart although the new system was still not workable.

10. Are the research results applicable over a wide range of circumstances?

12 The prefix counter -means (a) in opposition to; against: counteract = act against; (b) in return:

counterattack - an attack n return; (c) corresponding:

counterpart = a corresponding part.

Now fill in the blanks with the following words: Counteract countermeasure Counterpart countercharge counterculturist counterattack

1. Miss London brought a coutercharge against the man who accused her of theft. 2. As soon as our troops made a couterattack, the enemy began to retreat.

3. The Chinese premier is the couterpart of the British prime minister. They are both heads of their governments.

4. The government's efforts to couteract inflation proved to be futile.

5. It was reported that the police had developed new countermeasures against hijackers (劫机者).

6. Counterculturists are those young people who oppose the standards and values of established society.


13 Rewrite the following sentences, using the structure \ Model: It so happened that there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area. It turned out that there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area. 1. It so happened that his methods didn't work at all.

1.It turned out that his methods didn't work at all.

2. It was found out in the end that the necklace was not made of diamond, but of glass.

2.It turned out that the necklace was not made of diamond, but of glass. 3. The \

3.It turned out that the \

4. The experiment turned out to be much more difficult that they had supposed. 4.It turned out that the experiment was much more difficult than they had supposed. 5. Your nephew has proved to be the most suitable person for the job. 5.It has turned out that your nephew is the most suitable person for the job.

6. To his surprise, the fashionable young lady he spoke to proved to be a pickpocket.

6.To his surprise, it turned out that the fashionable young lady he spoke to was a pickpocket.

14 The word \

(a) \

Given the obscure nature of the charge, I would have been found guilty if I had come from a different background. (b) \

Given acupuncture treatment for some more time, Jack is sure to get well. Complete the following sentences:

1. Given his age, it was indeed a miracle that he had done so much in so short a time. 2. Given that they are fresh from university, the young people have done a good job.

3. Given that X equals ten, x minus four is six.

4. Given good health, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.

5. Given enough manpower and financial support, the goal can certainly be attained.

6. Given the chance, Paul might make it.


15 Fill in the missing words and phrases: (A)

It was obvious that the young man on trial was not guilty at all. The nature of the charge was undoubtedly obscure. However, his lawyer conducted his defence successfully. He made it clear that the young man came from a respectable family and was regarded as an excellent student. All the evidence helped to confirm the judge in the fairness of his decision to dismiss the case. The police had never stood a chance of winning the lawsuit. And finally had to apologize. And the young man was awarded court costs. Yet he was far from happy. The arbitrary circumstances of his arrest and the subsequent as serious court trial were an unpleasant experience for him indeed.
