租船课堂笔记整理完美版 - 图文

(4)NOR必须提交:没有交通知书怎么办? ·从实际装卸开始计算Laytime.


(5)节假日交NOR是否算通知书? ·原则上不算。



·船舶满足上述三个条件后,扣除Notice Time/Turn Time后起算。





(1)租船合同约定不计算装卸时间的时间(Laytime Exception) ·WWD

·装卸时间除外条款:e,g,COR7-A5:战争、造反、骚乱、起义罢工、矿工、检阅等等;矿井事故;发货人or收货人工作场所、码头的事故等等自然、认为的不可抗力。 (2)船东违约延误的时间损失




五、装卸时间事实记录的编制(SOF) ·船代帮助装卸的流水账


1,什么叫Demurrage?(合同约定了费率) ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A24

24,\to the vessel beyond the laytime, for which the owner is to responsible. Demurrage shall not be subject to laytime exceptions. ·超出约定的装卸时间,是租船人给船东的金额。


2,什么叫Damage Detention(有or无约定费率) ·跟装卸无关的时间延误



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·租方在提单等方面的延误导致船方延误 ·Detention计算包括Demurrage + Profit/Day ·GENCON 76-A7

7. Demurrage See Rider Clause Ten running days on demurrage at the rate stated in Box 18 per day or pro rata for any part of a day, payable day by day, to be allowed Merchants altogether at ports of loading and discharging. 金康76下,可允许10天滞期,超过10天则船东可要求租方detention.

·GENCON 94-A7 7. Demurrage Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the Charterers at the rate stated in Box 20 in the manner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the Owners' invoice. 金康94下,无此约定,所有Demurrage时间按约定计算。


·总原则——一旦滞期,永远滞期,除非下列三种除外情况: (1)It counts as per like laytime

(2)Demurrage exception clause中规定的除外时间(注意:laytime exception不适用demurrage计算)



4,滞期费何时支付 按合同约定。


七,速遣费Despatch ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A25 25,\if the vessel completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired. ·表示方法:



DHD AWTS (DHD:dispatch money is half of demurrage)

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1,Common Law方法(英国法)

两港单独计算金额:装货港卸货港分别计算滞期金额。 2,to average laytime装卸货时间平均计算 ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A17

17, \loading and discharging and that any time saved in one operation is to be set off against any excess time used in the other. e.g. 装超期3天,卸节约1天:3滞期-1天速遣=2天滞期 3,Reversible latime/ all purpose/ total laytime for loading & discharging port ·VOYLAYRULES 93-A18

18, \time allowed for loading and discharging. Where the option is exercised the effect is the same as a total time being specified to cover both operations. e.g.约定“装5卸6”,在此方法下,在装超期3天,则“借用”卸港的3天用于装港,则到卸港时候只有3天laytime了。

第十二节 船东对货物的责任条款

一、GENCON-A2的规定 2. Owners' Responsibility Clause The Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss, damage or delay has been caused by personal want of due diligence on the part of the Owners or their Manager to make the Vessel in all respects seaworthy and to secure that she is properly manned, equipped and supplied, or by the personal act or default of the Owners or their Manager. And the Owners are not responsible for loss, damage or delay arising from any other cause whatsoever, even from the neglect or default of the Master or crew or some other person employed by the Owners on board or ashore for whose acts they would, but for this Clause, be responsible, or from unseaworthiness of the Vessel on loading or commencement of the voyage or at any time whatsoever. 【三层意思】

(1)船东对于货物的lost, damage, delay不负责



e.g. 无单放货(但必须是船东本人(personal)知道的船东才负责,若是船长自己放货船东并不知道,船东不负责)

1,船东本人和经营人谨慎处理使船适航 2,船东管货责任

·GENCON76:仅负Stowage责任(若Stowage也是租方负责,则船方没有管货责任) ·GENCON94:船东没有管货责任

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二、若合同附加首要条款(H/R, HV/R, COGSA36/71)

·船东要负责7个管货义务: load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care, discharge ·在GENCON94-A5中“FIOST”条款——管货皆由租家负责。

·但若并入了首要条款,则依首要条款船东负责管货。但是A5中关于租方负责支付上述费用的规定依然适用,即租方负责支付费用,船方负责管货。 GENCON94-A5 5. Loading/Discharging (a) Costs/Risks The cargo shall be brought into the holds, loaded, stowed and/or trimmed, tallied, lashed and/or secured and taken from the holds and discharged by the Charterers, free of any risk, liability and expense whatsoever to the Owners. The Charterers shall provide and lay all dunnage material as required for the proper stowage and protection of the cargo on board, the Owners allowing the use of all dunnage available on board. The Charterers shall be responsible for and pay the cost of removing their dunnage after discharge of the cargo under this Charter Party and time to count until dunnage has been removed.


·金康合同下,船东不负责管货;提单下船东负责管货。 ·管货发生了问题,非租方的提单持有人依提单要船东赔付。

·船方在赔付提单持有人后,依据GENCON94-A2,转而向租方要求indemnify是可以的。 ·若加了首要条款,提单持有人向船东索赔卸货中的货损,船东应当赔,且船东无法向租方要回赔款。

第十三节 船东转运货物权利条款



1,船在中途发生海事或遭遇自然灾害使合同受阻,则可以转船。 在到付运费下,船东才愿意转船。 CTL: Construct Total Lost ATL: Actual Total Lost




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