租船课堂笔记整理完美版 - 图文

deviate for the purpose of saving life and/or property. 此条不是说以任何目的都可以随便绕航,要遵循Main Object Rule。 【案】Glynn v Margetson 1893

虽有自由绕航条款,但依据Main Object Rule规则,绕航不能彻底脱离航线。轻微绕航是允许的。


第五节 有关航次的条款Voyage

一、船舶位置BOX 8——条件条款

【案】在订约时船方谎报船目前位置,在BOX8填入Now at HK,事实上船在London。如果在BOX21的Canceling Date之前租方有理由相信船不能在Canceling Date到,可以解约。

为了避免上述情况,船方一般在BOX8写Now trading/Currently Trading(正在航行中)


若租约里约定了LAYCAN: May 1st--10th 2008, 则BOX21的Canceling Date是2008,May 10th.


【案】1971 LLP 43 The Mihalis Angelos


三、预备航次 approach voyage/ preliminary voyage 上次一航次的目的港到本合同的装船港之间的航次。

航次租船合同从预备航次阶段-装货阶段-航行阶段-卸货阶段结束。 即合同不以船到装卸港为合同开始,而应在上一个合同结束时开始。

四、船舶受载期和解约日Laycan 1,何谓LAYDAYS

Lay days clause:租船合同约定的船舶到的装货港准备受载的日期(一般7天,可自由约定)

2,何谓Cancelling Days 9. Cancelling Clause (a) Should the Vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not) on the cancelling date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling this Charter Party. ·什么是解约日:Gencon A9(1)


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4,租船人的索赔权 索赔内容: (1)差额

(2)未尽到合理速遣 (3)其他费用


5,合时宣布解约——Midnight Rule(解约日0:00之后可解约) a,不能过早

b,不能过晚,否则视为放弃解约权 c,解约日午夜0:00之后,合理期限内

6,询问条款(如何保护租方) 9. Cancelling Clause (b) Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will not be ready to load by the cancelling date, they shall notify the Charterers thereof without delay stating the expected date of the Vessel's readiness to load and asking whether the Charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the Charter Party, or agree to a new cancelling date. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the Owners' notice. If the Charterers do not exercise their option of cancelling, then this Charter Party shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the Owners' notification to the Charterers shall be the new cancelling date. The provisions of sub-clause (b) of this Clause shall operate only once, and in case of the Vessel's further delay, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling the Charter Party as per sub-clause (a) of this Clause. 船东发现船无法如期到港时,船东可询问租方是否要求解约。收到船东询问通知后,租方要在预计到达目的港前48小时答复是否解约。不回答则视为接受新合同。一旦接受,为船新的估计可装日期之后第7天为解约日。且此项权利船东只能使用一次,船东在一个航次下再有迟延,不得使用此项权利,租方享有解约权。

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【例】解约日为May 10th,船东预计May 11th才到港。则船东通知租方,租方必须在May 9th之前回答是否接受。若租方没有回答,则视为接受。当船东May 11th到港时,新的解约日被推迟到May 18th。

7,准备就绪 Ready To Load

a,标准非常低(有别于装卸时间的起算)。解约日午夜00:00点到港就算“准备就绪”。 b, Major/Minor Defect 船即使到港,但未准备好装货,即存在Major Defect,解约日过了租方也享有解约权。

第六节 货物名称与数量条款

一、货名 第一百条 承租人应当提供约定的货物;经出租人同意,可以更换货物。但是,更换的货物对出租人不利的,出租人有权拒绝或者解除合同。因未提供约定的货物致使出租人遭受损失的,承租人应当负赔偿责任。 1,中国法下——中间性条款 (1)租方可以更换货物;

(2)更换的货物对船方不利、船方可以解约。——容易引起纠纷 2,英国法下——条件条款

只要更换货物名称,船东有权拒绝载货。 3,方式




e.g. 10,000 MT Steal Bar 5% more or less owner's option/ Charter's Option 简写——10,000 MT Steal Bar 5% MOL OO/CO 1,“宣载权”的争夺,谁得谁有利


e.g. 船方宣载9,800MT,则租方必须配齐9,800MT,少了付亏舱,多了自负。 2,亏舱费Dead Fright


(2)计算:亏舱费=运费-船东没有支付的费用 (问题) (3)支付时间:与运费同时支付

第七节 租方应提供货物的义务


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1,若未能及时备妥货物,需要船东等待,船东可索赔; 索赔内容看约定的时间方式

(1)明确约定Laycan的情况下:以滞期费索赔demurrage (2)按CQD方式下:以滞留损失索赔detention 2,船东在下列情况下可撤船解约 (1)租方明确表示无货可供

(2)过长的迟延供货——超出合理范围(一般与履约期限相较,即航行时间) (3)船东有证据证明租方无货可供 【案】\

合约写明 16,600t Sugar MOL OO;






第八节 船东解约权条款

GENCON没有该条款,由\案起,增加了船东解约条款。 1,在INTERTANKVOY-A7有解约权条款——船东享有滞期索赔权 以下任意一个情况发生,船东享有解约权

(1)租方10天内没有给船东航次指示或装货指示 (2)交通知书20天内没有货

2,在GENCON 94-A7 船东解约权 7. Demurrage Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the Charterers at the rate stated in Box 20 in the manner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the Owners' invoice. In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby. 若在96小时(4天)内没有指示,船东可节约。滞期费可以按日结算。

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