2011年至2016年江苏省普通高校单独招生统一考试英语试题及答案 - 图文

A. how B. whether C. that D. what 28. We’ll see you after the concert,time ▲ .

A. permitting B. permit C. to permit D. permits

29. Lucy’s failure in the entrance exam was a great blow to her parents and it took

them a long time to ▲ their disappointment. A. get over B. get on C. get off D. get in 30. —— ▲ ?

——It’s going to be cloudy.

A. Is it going to rain B. What’s the weather like today

C. Do you like the weather D. It’s chilly ,isn’t it 二、完型填空(共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分)


Passage A

I learned how to accept life as it is from my father .However,he did not Teach me acceptance when he was strong and 31 , but father when he was weak and ill.

My father was 32 a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness took all that away. Now he can 33 walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even 34 is difficult. On night, I went to visit my sisters. We started talking about life, and I told them about one of my 35 . I said that we must very often give things up as we grow –our 36 , our beauty ,our friends – but it always seems that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father spoke up. He said,“But,Peter, I 37 of everything! What did I gain?”I thought and thought,but I could not 38 of any thing to say.

39 ,he answered his own question,“I gained the love of my family.”I looked at my sisters,and saw tears in their eyes,along 40 hope and thankfulness. I was also 41 by his words. After that,when I began to feel irritated(愤怒的)at someone,I 42 remember his words and become calm. If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others,then I should 43 give up my small irritations, 44 I learned the power of acceptance from my father.

Sometimes I wonder what other things I could 45 from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though ,I am grateful for this one gift. 31. A. health B. healthy C. sick D. sickness 32. A. just B. only C. once D. already 33. A. no longer B. not longer C. no long D. not long 34. A. stand up B. stands up C. stood up D. standing up 35. A. beliefs B. belief C. believe D. believes 36. A. young B. youth C. youngest D. younger 37. A. gave off B. gave out C. gave in D. gave up

38. A. consider B. think C. remind D. suggest 39. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Surprisingly D. Surprise 40. A. with B. to C. in D. at 41. A. frightened B. excited C. interested D. moved 42. A. would B. must C. can D. should 43. A. am able to B. was able to C. able to D. be able to 44. A. At this way B. On this way C. In this way D. By this way 45. A. teach B. learn C. study D. know

Passage B

Modern zooss are very different from those 46 fifty years ago. 47 ,zoos were places where people could go to see animals from many parts of the world The animals lived in cages with iron bars(栅栏),cages that were easy to 48 clean. However, for the animals,the cages were small and impossible to hide in .Although the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them 49 , many of the animals did no feel comfortable,and they often became ill.

In modem zoos,people can see animals in more natural conditions. The animals are given more freedom in larger places so that they can live 50 as they would in nature. And the appearance of the zoos has changed. There and grass grow in the cages,and water flows through the places in 51 the animal live. There are few bars;instead,there is often a deep ditch,full of water, which 52 a space where several sorts of animals live together as they would naturally.In an American zoo,the visitor can walk through a huge special cage that is 53 trees, some small animals and many birds. And me cage is 54 for the birds to live in naturally. In a zoo in New York,55 special night lights,people can observe certain animals that are active only at night,56 most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visit to watch animals that live in the desert,or underwater.Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions 57 the bear from the Arctic.

Modern zoos 58 show animals for visitors,but also keep and save 59 animals. For this reason,fifty years from now, the grandchildren of today’s visitors will still be able to enjoy 60 these animals.

46. A. build B. building C. built D. builds 47. A. In that time B. In a time C. At that time D. At a time 48. A. keep B. stay C. be D. hold 49. A. well B. good C. better D. best 50. A. freer B. more free C. free D. more freely 5l. A. that B. where C. who D. which 52. A. surrounding B. surrounded C. to surround D. surrounds

53. A. filled with B. filled of C. filled in D. filled on 54. A. enough large B. large enough C. too large D. large 55. A. because B. because of C. since D. for 56. A. when B. what C. whose D. why 57. A. with B. like C. such D. as 58. A. only not B. only if C. not only D. if only 59. A. rare B. expensive C. large D. small 60. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched 三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


Passage A

Many people catch cold in the spring time or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon,why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get,so there isn’t a cure for each one.

When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockage(堵塞) in it. You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well,but your body is actually“eating” the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have runny nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells

You may feel miserable,but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it call to kill the cold.

Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example people might eat chicken soup to feel better.Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms(症状) of colds.

There is one interesting thing to note. Some scientists say that taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in your longer because your body doesn’t develop way to fight it and kill it.

61. According to the passage,why haven’t scientists found a cure for the common cold?

A. They haven’t devoted as much energy to medicine as to space travel.

B. There are too many kinds of cold virus for them to identify. C. It is economical to find a cure for each type of cold. D. They believe people can recover without treatment. 62. What do we know about the symptoms of the common cold? A. They result in the seriousness of the problem. B. They indicate how fast the virus spreads. C. They tell us what kind of medicine to take. D. They show our body is fighting the virus.

63. Some scientist say that taking medicines for the common cold ▲ . A. actually does more harm than good

B. causes damage to sortie organs of our body C. works better when combined with other treatment D. helps to recover much sooner

64 .The expression “remedies for colds ”underlined in the third paragraph may mean

▲ .

A. ways to deal with colds B. symptoms of colds C. meals for colds D. drinks for colds

Passage B

One of the biggest problems in developing countries is hunger.An organization called Heifer International is working to improve the situation. The organization sends farm animals to families and communities around the world. An American farmer, Dan West, developed the idea for Heifer International in the 1930s. Mr. West was working in Spain, where he discovered a need for cows,

Many families were suffering from hunger because of the Civil War in the country.So Mr. West asked his friends in the United States to send some cows. The first Heifer animals were sent in 1944. Since that time, more than 4,000, 000 people in 115 countries have had better lives because of Heifer animals. To receive a Heifer animal,families must first explain their needs and goals.

They must also make a plan which will allow them to become self-supporting. Local experts usually provide training. The organization says that animals must have food,water, shelter, health care and the ability to reproduce. Without them the animals will not remain healthy and productive.Heifer International also believes that families must pass Oil some of their success to others in need. This belief guarantees(保证)that each person who takes part in the program also becomes a giver.Every family that receives a Heifer animal must agree to give that animal’s first female baby to other people in need. Families must also agree to pass on the skills and training they received from Heifer International. This concept(理
