

六下 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse知识点梳理

一 词组

1. in the forest 在森林里 2. walk by 走过;路过 3. wake up 醒, 醒来 4. wake sb up 把某人叫醒 5. be angry with sb 对某人生气 6. the next day 第二天

7. be angry at sth 对某事生气 8. want to do sth 想要做某事 9. want sb to do sth 要某人做某事 10. some day 某一天

11. say quietly 小声地说 12. sit quietly 静静地坐着

13. laugh loudly 大声地笑 14. let sb do sth 让某人做某事 15. catch the lion with large net 用一口大网捉住狮子 16. bite the net with sharp teeth 用锋利的牙齿咬网

17. ask sadly 难过地问,伤心地问 18. just then 就在那时

19. say happily 开心地说, 20. from then on 从那时起

21. become friends 成为朋友 22. say excitedly 兴奋地说,激动地说 23. make a study plan 制定学习计划 24. It doesn’t matter. 没关系。 25. the boy over there 那边的那个男孩

26. play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓球 27. cheer for sb loudly 大声地为某人欢呼

28. be excited at / about… 对……很兴奋// 激动

29. in the ground 在地下 30. reach the apple 够得着那个苹果 31. reach the park 到达公园 32. have an idea 有一个主意 33. bring some water quickly 很快拿来水 34. pour…into…. 把……倒入……

35. Well done. 干得很好。做的不错 36. so many balls 如此多的求

37. so much bread 如此多的面包 38. take … to… 把…….带到……. 39. become happy 变得很开心 40. get out 出来, 出去


1. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse.这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。 2. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth.那只狮子用它的厉牙咬那个网。

3. From then on, the lion and the mouse become friends.从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。

4. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了那只狮子。 5. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help.那只狮子用他的厉牙咬网,但是那无济于事。 6. Here comes the lion.狮子来了。

5. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. 一天,一只老鼠从狮子身边经过,弄醒了狮子。 6. The mouse said quietly. 老鼠小声地说。 7. “How can I get out ?” asked the lion sadly. “ 我怎么能出去呢?”狮子难过地问。

8. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. 很快,老鼠用他的牙齿把网咬了一个大洞。





1. The lion asked sadly.狮子伤心地问。 2. The mouse said quietly.老鼠平静地说。 3. He laughs happily.他开心地大笑。 四 Word form change

excited---- excitedly quiet---- quietly loud ---- loudly happy----happily sad ---- sadly quick ---- quickly careful----carefully slow ---- slowly

Unit2 Good habits

hobbby爱好;业余爱好;喜欢 habit习惯—指某人有规律地经常做某事, ①Telling the truth is a very good and telling lies is a bad . ②Reading is a good as well as a nice to keep. ③My cousin has a of stamps.

④—What's another girl's hobby? —She is interested in r_______ books. ⑤吃太多的糖果对人们的牙齿没有好处。

Eating too much ____ ___(糖果) is not good for people's teeth. It’s a bad . ⑥This is not a match. We're playing chess just for _____. A. habit B. hobby C.fun D. Game ⑦---Don’t have so much junk food, Andy.

---Sorry, I won’t. I’ll have more fruits and form a good eating _____. A.hobby B.habit C.list D.menu


1.★try to form good learning habits试着形成好的学习习惯 2. have many good habits有许多好的习惯

3. ★get up early in the morning早上早早地起床 4. ★never go to bed late从不晚睡觉 5. brush his teeth刷牙

6. ★before bedtime睡觉前 7. ★at home在家

8. ★put his things in order把他的东西放得井井有条 9. finish his homework before dinner在晚饭前完他的作业

10. listen to his teachers at school在学校听他老师的话 11. ★do well at home在家做得好

12. ★keep his room clean and tidy保持他的房间又干净又整洁 13. help his parents帮助他的父母

14. have some bad habits有一些坏习惯

15. do his homework late at night晚上很晚做他的作业 16. go to bed early早睡觉

17. ★feel sleepy in the morning早上觉得困 18. ★know Liu Tao well很了解刘涛 19. went to bed late last night昨晚睡觉很晚 20. ★I’m not sleepy. 我不困。 21. walk fast走得快

22. You shouldn’t go to bed late. 你不应该晚睡觉。



23. ★What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have? 王兵和刘涛有什么习惯? 24. walk fast in the street在街上走得快 25. ★have breakfast on time准时吃早饭

26. do their homework in the evening晚上做他们的作业 27. ★pick one选一个

28. four short horses四匹矮马 29. run through the grass跑过草地 30. run very fast跑得很快

31. ★This is the way we wash our face. 这是我们洗脸的方式。 32. come to see her来看她

33. ★show you around our house带你参观我们的房子

34. Let me show you around our house. 让我带你参观我们的房子。 35. go into the living room进入客厅

36. go into Tina’s bedroom进入蒂娜的卧室

37. They are in Bobby’s bedroom. 他们在波比的卧室。

38. see a lot of books and toys on the floor看见很多书和玩具在地板上 39. ★Whose bedroom is this? 这是谁的卧室? 40. ★my brother’s我哥哥的

41. put your books and toys in order把你的书和玩具放的井井有条 42. under the bed在床下

43. loot at the pictures看着图片 44. run slowly跑得慢 45. walk slowly走得慢

46. sing badly / well唱得不好/ 好 47. do badly at school在学校做得不好

48. get up at six o’clock in the morning早上6点起床

Unit 3 重点词汇、句型、语法知识

Story time

1. a healthy diet 健康的饮食

2. like eating sweets, cakes and ice cream 喜欢吃糖、蛋糕和冰淇淋(冰激凌) an ice cream (单数) ice creams (复数)

3.He does not like drinking water. 他不喜欢喝水 4. He only drinks a little water every day. 他每天只喝一点点水 drink a little water every day 每天喝一点儿水

5. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. 迈克早饭吃些面包和牛奶。 have some bread and milk for breakfast 早餐吃面包喝牛奶 6. for lunch and dinner 对于午餐和晚餐 7. have a lot of rice 吃许多米饭

some fish and some meat一些鱼和一些肉

8.He has a few eggs every week. 他每周吃几个鸡蛋 a few eggs 几个鸡蛋

9. Does Mike have a healthy diet?迈克有一个健康的饮食吗? have a healthy diet 有一个健康的饮食

10. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. 杨玲早饭经常吃许多面条。 更多精品文档


have a lot of noodles for breakfast 早餐吃许多面条

11. She sometimes eats an egg too.她有时也吃一个鸡蛋。 eat an egg 吃一个鸡蛋

12.For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. 中饭和晚饭,她吃一些肉和一些蔬菜。

eat some meat and some vegetables 吃一些肉和一些蔬菜 13. She only eats a little rice.她只吃一点米饭。 only eat a little rice 只吃一点米饭

14.Yang Ling likes sweet food too. 杨玲也喜欢甜食。 like sweet food 喜欢甜食

15. She eats a little at a time. 她一次吃一点点。 at a time 一次

16. She eats some fruit every day. 她每天吃一些水果。 eat some fruit 吃一些水果

every day 每天 every week每周

17. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?杨玲有一个健康的饮食吗? 18. Do you have a healthy diet?你有一个健康的饮食吗? 19. Mike doesn’t eat any cakes. 迈克不吃一些蛋糕。

Grammar time (语法)

1. a few, a little的区别。

a few几个 + (可数名词复数) 如: a few eggs

a little一些 +(不可数名词) 如: a little rice, a little water 如果后面加了可数名词单数的话,则翻译为:一个(只)小的….. a little dog:一只小狗 2. 不可数名词

六液体:water,milk, juice, coffee, tea, cola 六食物:bread,rice, food,meat肉,fruit, fish 鱼肉

五资源:coal,oil,energy, plastic, wood, 3. a lot of 许多+ (可数名词、不可数名词) 4.some 一些+ (可数名词、不可数名词)

5.Some和 any的区别 : some用于肯定句,any用于否定和疑问句中。但是在表示委婉语气的问句中,要用some委婉句有:What about 、How about、Would you like.. 6.many 许多+ (可数名词复数) much 许多+ (不可数名词) 7.名词变复数: (1)、 词尾直接加s, 如: books (2)、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的加es,如: classes, boxes, peaches, fishes (3)、 元音字母+y结尾直接加s,如: days。辅音字母+y结尾,y变i加es,如: factories (4)、 以f, fe结尾,把f, fe变为v,再加es如:knife--knives (5)、以o 结尾,可以吃的加es,如: potatoes。不可以吃的加s,如: photos (照片) mangoes芒果potatoes马铃薯tomatoes番茄,西红柿 (6)、单复数一致,sheep, chinese (7)、不规则:child--children, woman-- women, man--men,foot—feet, tooth—teeth mouse—mice

