
28.Dear Mike,

Thanks for your letter. I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Don't worry. Let me help you. Now, I'll give you some advice about how to do better in your study. If you play too much computer games, you'll waste lots of time. As a result, you'll have little time to do your homework. If you give up playing computer games, you may be interested in other things, like study or sports. So you should give up the computer games and work hard. I think if you keep working hard, you'll have a great time at school with your good friends.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.If I have enough money, I the ticket to the concert. A.will buy

B.don't buy


D.won't buy

2.—When did your uncle ________ in Shanghai? —The day before yesterday. A.arrive B.get C.reach D.arrived

3.- Is the bread enough for you?

- Oh, no. I’m so hungry. I want _________cakes, too. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few 4.Please _____ two apples and then ______. A.peel, cut them up C.get, cut them A.buying;to join

B.peel, cut up them D.get, cut them down

B.to buy;joining


5.We feel like____some food and drink because well invite some friends____in a party. 6.---Why do you like him?

---I have no _______ for it. It is only a feeling. A.dream B.reason C.habit D.question 7.—Daniel, could you tell me________? —Certainly, in Japan.

A.when the 2020 Olympics will be held B.when will the 2020 Olympics be held C.where the 2020 Olympics will be held D.where will the 2020 Olympics be held

8._____ he ______ to the mountains with his friends last Sunday? A.Did; went

B.Does; go

C.Does; went

D.Did; go D.to cook; cook

9.My brother enjoys ________ very much. He wants to be a ________. A.to cook; cooker B.cooking; cooker C.cooking; cook A.my; me B.my, mine C.mine; my D.me; mine 11.—Do you have ________ to say about the plan? —Yes.I think it is less important than that one.

10.It isn't watch. I left at home when I came to school this morning.

A.something else B.else something C.anything else D.else anything

12.My father’s friends often come to my home, and I often ________ tea to them. A.serve B.put C.pour D.fill

13.---What a beautiful watch! Did you buy it ____? ---No. My mother bought it for me. A.herself —A movie actor. A.do ; grows

B.be ; grow

C.have ; grows

D.be ; grows

15.It’s raining outside, so we ______ stay in the room. A.can B.have to C.has to D.must

16.Don’t _______TV too much . It’s bad for your eyes . A.watch B.watched C.watching D.to watch

17.Please give me some ______ on how to learn English well. A.plan B.information C.advice D.news

18.--Do you know that there are not many cranes left in the world? --Yes, I do. And 40 percent of them __________in Zhalong. A.is B.was C.are D.were

19.This book is the same as that one. There are no ________ between them. A.ideas A.How 二、单词填空 21.

1)The modern development is attractive, but what I like in Beijing is the ________(古老的) cultural characteristics.

2)_________(尽管) the film Big Fish & Begonia (《大鱼海棠》) was popular during this summer holiday, my daughter didn’t show any interest in it.

3)No matter how serious your problems are, you’d better deal with them __________ (和平地).

4)Neil Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and________(服役) as a pilot for three years. 5)When Mary first came to China, she wasn’t used to using _________ (筷子). 三、句型转换 22.

1)Mary is not as tall as her sister.(改为同义句) Mary ________ _____________than her sister. 2)You like game shows.(完成附加疑问句) You like game shows,_____________ __________?

3)There are some differences between my best friend and me.(改为一般疑问句) ______ ___________ ___________differences between you and your best friend?

B.rules B.What an

C.differences C.What a

D.problems D.What

20.________ exciting news it is!




14.—What’s your son going to _________when he ___________up ?

4)I think a good friend can make me laugh,(改为否定句) I ______ ________a good friend__________make me laugh. 5)Tara works hard. Mary works hard,too.(合并为一句) Tara works__________ ___________ _________Mary. 四、完成句子

23.根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词 1)他的爸爸经常早晨带他去散步。

His father often ————— him ——————— in the morning. 2)你能帮我打扫起居室吗? 对不起,我不能。我得给朋友写信。 _________ you help me _________ the living room? Sorry, ___________. I_____ ______ write to my friend. 3)妈妈,不要忘了喂金鱼。

Mom, don't _________ ________ ________ the goldfish. 4)你多长时间浇一次花?一周三次。 ______ _______do you water the flowers? __________ _________ a week. 5)谢谢帮我照顾宠物小狗。

Thanks _____ ______ care of my dogs. 五、完形填空

24.My name is Li Ping. I am a schoolgirl. I am fourteen years old. I am in Grade Eight. When I 1 high school, I am going to college(大学).I want to major 2 math because I am going to 3 a math teacher. I like 4 . If I am a teacher, I will make my class 5 . When I am at college, I am going to exercise more to keep 6 . I will run every morning. In the afternoon, I want to play 7 with my friends. I also like singing, so I am going to 8 lessons.

I enjoy 9 all over the world. When I am free, I am going to interesting places to 10 new things. I also want to make much money and buy good things for my parents. They work hard and they are very tired every day.

1)A.start B.am going to start C.finish D.am going to finish 2)A.in B.at C.with D.on 3)A.is B.do C.be D.doing

4)A.playing B.swimming C.listening D.teaching 5)A.boring B.fun C.difficult D.terrible 6)A.health B.tired C.fit D.unhealthy

7)A.soccer B.the soccer C.a basketball D.the tennis 8)A.make B.take C.spend D.pay

9)A.travel B.to travel C.traveling D.visit 10)A.look B.see C.listen D.listen to


25.根据句意,用can/must/have to的适当形式填空 1)—_____________ I go swimming with you? —Yes, you can.

2)It’s getting dark. He _____________ go home now.
