

A.sets up B.puts up C.uses up D.makes up

11.The teacher told her students_______ so late on weekends. A.not get up C.do not get up

B.don’t get up D.not to get up

12.—Tomorrow will be Father's Day. What will you do? —I ______“I love you,Daddy” to him. A.will say B.is saying C.says D.say

13.Story of Yanxi Palace is one of _______ best TV plays. A.the B.a C.an

14.Don’t forget ________ the rubbish out when you leave. A.taking C.to take —Five.

A.How many B.How about C.How much D.How long 16.—There is a new photo show.Let's watch it. —That ________ interesting. A.sounds A.hardly

B.sounds like B.hard

C.looks C.always

D.looks like D.well

17.Bill doesn't like studying. He can __________ write English. 18.The girl is afraid ________ her parents about it. A.talking with B.to talk about C.to talk with D.talking about

19.Peter is looking forward ________ his grandparents this winter holiday. A.visit


C.to visit

D.to visiting

20.This coat is a bit small for me. Could you give me one to try on? A.a large B.a larger C.the largest D.the larger 二、单词填空


1)It’s good for us to take _____________(身体的) exercise. 2)Tina has a very close ____________(关系) with her sister.

3)Dad ______________(许诺) that he would take us to the park the next Saturday. 4)An English word often has a few m________________. 5)He is c_________________ dinner in the kitchen. 三、句型转换 22.句型转换

1)I like singing. My sister likes singing,too.(合并为一个句子) Both my sister______ Isinging.

2)He will fly to Shanghaiin a week.(划线提问) _____ _____ will he fly to Shanghai?

3)He usually reads bookson weekends.(划线提问) What ____ he usually ____ on weekends?

B.bringing D.to bring

15.― people are there in your family?

4)We often sleepninehours every day.(划线提问) _____ _____ hours do we often sleep?

5)Tom goes to the movies on Sunday.(用next Sunday改写句子) Tom ____ ______ to the movies next Sunday. 四、完成句子


1)Tom isn't __________________(诚实的), we never believe what he says. 2)I hate the ___________________(广告) when I watch TV.

3)It is a very useful book for ________________ (语言) learners to improve their writing skills.

4)Let's __________________ (讨论) what to wear tomorrow.

5)Most of us don’t know the _________________(高) of the Yellow Mountain. 五、完形填空

24.Do you like going to the movies? Most of the 1 in high schools like movies very much. Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students 2 their favorite movies. 3 of their answers were really interesting. Here are their likes and 4 : Jim, a 5 boy, likes watching thrillers because they are scary 6 exciting. His classmate, Kate, can’t stand documentaries. She told me they were 7 parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. Jack is a big boy. He said he 8 mind documentaries. But he doesn’t like comedies 9 they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone 10 them very much! 1)A.teacher 2)A.about 3)A.Any 4)A.dislike 6)A.also 7)A.for 8)A.can’t 9)A.so 10)A.enjoy

六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.用所给词的适当形式填空

1)Some people enjoy________(plan) to do things before doing them. 2)He was ________(lucky). He didn't pass the exam.

3)Many people like ________ (comedy), because they make people relaxed. 4)My uncle ________(become) very rich five years ago.

5)The little girl________ (lose) her way in the street yesterday.

七、阅读理解 26.阅读理解

Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers.

B.students B.of B.Some B.dislikes B.too B.with B.didn’t B.why B.enjoys

C.parents C.at C.Lot C.hobbies C.11 year-old C.but C.to C.doesn’t C.because C.watch

D.people D.from D.Much D.enjoyments D.11-years-old D.and D.of D.couldn’t D.before D.watches

5)A.13-year-old B.13-years-old

One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked,\\

When the waiter put two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry,

“You are impolite,Mike. Why don’t you take the smaller one?\

“But I am right.”said Mike with a smile,“if I let you take first, which one will you choose?\

“Of course I’11 take the smaller one. \

“Yes.”Mike said,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will still be mine. Don’t you think so?\

“Oh!\ 1)Tom and Mike were______ A.always kind to each other B.sometimes kind to each other C.dear brothers

D.friends of different school

2)Mike thought only about______ when they were having lunch. A.himself B.Tom

C.his parents D.his friends 3)The waiter gave them_______ A.two eggs B.two apples C.three oranges D.some milk 4)Tom took the_______ apple. A.better B.bigger C.smaller D.worse

5)Who took the apple first? ______ A.Mike B.Tom

C.Both Tom and Mike D.The waiter


We spend hours, days and years of our lives in studying. But what do you think of your school? What is your ideal school like? Here is some designing from four children in different countries.

I’m Ma from China. My dream school has a swimming pool and two football fields. It also has a cinema, a restaurant and a shopping centre. Now my school has none of these and I think there should be more enjoyable things for pupils to do while they are studying. I am Sonia from Italy. I’d like a room. We can go and play computer games and chat with friends there. Some older pupils in the school have this but I think there should be a place for everyone to go when they want to switch(转换注意力) from the lessons.

I am Richard from the USA.I think it would be great to have a three days’ holiday every week. We could have a long holiday. What fun! I also think school should start at ten o’clock, and finish at three o’clock in the afternoon.

I am Rebecca from Australia. My dream school would be big and roomy with a computer for

every person in the school. I’d also like to have a music room. We can go and play instruments(乐器) when we want.

1)Ma thinks his dream school should have________________. A.more enjoyable things B.a comfortable computer room

C.a place to switch off from the lessons D.a music room

2)Sonia thinks students should have a room. They can _________ there. A.play sports

C.play computer games A.two days C.four days A.playing music C.doing some shopping

A.students can learn about the world B.students can have their own interests C.students can play games all day D.students can help each other

八、书面表达 28.书面表达

72.假如你是王伟,你在“学雷锋纪念日”参加了志愿者去敬老院慰问老人的社会实践活动。请你根据以下提示,给你的美国笔友Lisa写一封电子邮件,向她介绍此次活动。 提示:活动:送鲜花、水果;打扫卫生;读报 …… 你参加活动后的感想:……

要求:要点齐全,80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Lisa,

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Wang Wei


B.play instruments D.play balls B.three days D.five days

B.chatting with friends D.eating fast food

3)Richard wants to go to school for _____________ a week.

4)Rebecca may like ______________ according to (根据)the passage.

5)In the four children’s ideal schools, we can know ___________________.
