


1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.—My favorite writer is Mark Twin.

—Really? ________ do you know about his works?

A.How often B.How many C.How long D.How much 2.There _____ a football match on TV this evening. A.will have

B.is going to be


D.is going to have

3.—______ you_____ free tomorrow? —No. I______ free the day after tomorrow.

A.Are; going to; will B.Are; going to be; will C.Are; going to; will be D.Are; going to be; will be 4.There is _________ with my eyes. I can't see clearly. A.something wrong B.wrong something C.nothing wrong 5.—_________do you think___________the weather today? —It’s very cold. A.What; of

B.How; of

C.What; like

D.How; about

6.(题文)Bill is only a ____ boy, but he can speak Chinese very well. A.5-year-old B.5-years-old C.5 year old D.5 year olds 7.(题文)-How many hours does your grandpa play chess every day? -______________.

A.Once a day B.One C.First D.Once

8.Only fifteen percent of the students __________ in the classroom ten minutes ago. A.are

— Twice a week. A.How soon winning.

A.choice B.chance C.decision D.direction 11.— Is your friend British or American? — ________. She is Canadian. A.Both




12.If it is sunny tomorrow, we ________ fishing.

B.How often

C.How long

D.How many

10.If you fight hard, know who you are, and are proud of who you are, you’ve got a of




9.— ________ do you usually watch TV?

D.wrong nothing

A.will go A.too; to A.live


B.to; too

B.live to be

C.are going to D.went

13.The box is _______ heavy for the boy _______ lift.

C.much, to

C.living to be

D.live to

14.More and more people can _________100 years old in the future. 15.—________ are you going to be an actor? —I’m going to take acting lessons. A.What








16.─The new movie was so __________. ─Yes. I felt __________ with it. 17.-David,why are you so happy?

-My father makes a ____________ that he will take me to Sanya next month. A.face




18.—Who taught you Japanese? —Nobody. I learnt it by ______. A.myself B.my C.me D.mine

19.Many plants die ______ the bad weather. A.but B.because C.because of D.and

20.There _______ more visitors in Dongying this year because the City Landscaping Exposition of Shandong Province(山东省城市园林绿化博览会) was held here on September 1st. A.were 二、单词填空


1)Mr. Li ________ (make) maths so easy when he was a teacher. 2)The supermarket is too ________ (crowd), and I don’t enjoy it. 3)Does your sister enjoy ________ (do) homework with you?

4)The Greens ________ (go)to South Africa to watch soccer games last year. 5)The relaxing music made the patient(病人) ________ (feel) better. 三、句型转换 22.句式转换

1)Cut up the tomatoes and beef. (变为否定句) __________ ___________up the tomatoes and beef. 2)She needstwo spoons ofhoney. (对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ honey does she need? 3)We needtwo bananas. (对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ bananas do you need? 4)I’d like an apple. (用a tomato 改为选择疑问句) _______ you like an apple ______ a tomato? 5)You can’t eat ice cream. ((改为祈使句) __________ __________ ice cream. 四、完成句子



I stayed at home most of the time ________ ________ and relax.


C.will be

D.is going to have

2)你做过什么特别的事情吗? Did you do ________ ________? 3)假期他去哪里了?

________ ________ he go on vacation? 4)——食物怎么样?

——所有的食物尝起来都很美味。 —________ was the food? —________ ________ delicious. 5)他们在北京拍了许多照片。

They ________ many ________ in Beijing. 五、完形填空 24.完形填空

先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选出中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Last Saturday, my daughter and I went shopping together. When we left home, we saw a in front of the house. I picked it up, and found to contact (联系) the person who lost it. My daughter wondered if we' d get a reward (酬金), and I said it was just right to do it. We shouldn' t a reward. We returned the wallet, and the person was thankful. Only 5 days later, I took a business trip and had a very happy ride. The taxi driver' s home was very far from mine. We our different cultures, and shared our common experiences different places. He said it was to be a taxi driver with the slowing economy. But I thought the taxi ride was interesting. However, I my phone in the taxi that day. He called my home to send me the phone. Then knowing his friend would come to my town, he gave it to his friend.

His friend and I ,and I got phone back. I remembered something when I was a child. My morn was saved when she fell down in the road, and my dad helped someone whose car broke down at night. We all benefit (受益) from even the simplest acts of caring. 1)A. ticket B. wallet C. phone D. notebook 2)A. howB. whereC. when D. why

3)A. expect B. chooseC. order D. describe 4)A. busB. subway C. taxi D. train

5)A. cared about B. talked about C. thought about D. wondered about 6)A. with B. on C. for D. in

7)A. impossible B. fresh C. difficult D. comfortable 8)A. brought B. left C. reached D. got 9)A. disagreed B. changed C. caredD. met 10)A myB. his C. her D. Your

六、用所给的词正确形式填空 25.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子

1)Jay spends a lot of time____________(practice)singing.

2)They _________( build) new schools for the children in poor places next year.

3)We all know the_________(earth) moves around the sun. 4)Jenny is good at making flowers with_________(paper).

5)We spent _________(part) of time in the museum.


26.Tyler ran into the kitchen.“Mom, I'm going to the park!” he said.“Be careful!” said his mom. The park was just down the street. Tyler rode his bike there. It was one of his favorite places to go. The park looked pretty crowded. Some kids were playing. But other kids took garbage (垃圾) bags. They were picking up the garbage.

Tyler stopped his bike. One of the kids was Lauren, a girl from his school. She smiled (微笑) at Tyler.“We're cleaning up the park today,” she said. “Want to help?”

“No, thanks,” said Tyler. Today was Saturday. He came to the park to have fun, not to work!

Tyler rode his bike around the park. He passed (经过) the swings. He passed the small lake. As he rode, he saw things he never saw before. There was lots of garbage. The park was very dirty.

Tyler rode back to Lauren. He got off his bike.“I'll help,” he said. Lauren smiled. “Here,” she said. She gave him a bag. Tyler and the other kids cleaned for about an hour. When they finished, the park looked different. Before Tyler left the park, he rode around it again. The tired boy looked here and there and didn't see any garbage. A big smile came over his face. He would always remember this Saturday. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 1)How did Tyler go to the park? A.By bus. B.By car. C.By bike. D.On foot.

2)What was the relationship between Lauren and Tyler? A.Cousins. B.Schoolmates.

C.They were in the same club.

D.They lived in the same neighborhood.

3)Tyler rode back to Lauren because he _______. A.didn't want to go home B.wanted to play with her C.wanted to work with her D.didn't want to clean the park

4)When Tyler left the park, he was _______. A.tired but happy B.tired and sad C.cold but happy D.cold and sad

5)Which is the best title for the passage? A.Tyler's favorite place B.A different Saturday C.Tyler's best friend
