
D. They were both depicted in India tribes.


15.Who is the 30 president of the US ? A. Thomas Jefferson. B. Teddy Roosevelt. C. Abraham Lincoln. D. Calvin Coolidge.

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Women are more efficient and trustworthy, have a better understanding of their workforce and are more generous with their praise.In short they make the best managers, and if men are to keep up they will have to start learning form their female counterparts, a report claims today.

The survey of 1,000 male and female middle and senior managers from across the UK is an indictment of the ability of men to function as leaders in the modern workplace.

A majority of those questioned believed women had a more modern outlook on their profession and were more open minded and considerate.By way of contrast, a similar number believe male managers are egocentric and more likely to steal credit for work done by others.

Management today magazine, which conducted the research, said that after years of having to adopt a masculine identity and hide their emotions and natural behaviour in the workplace, women have become role models for managers.

The findings tally with a survey of female bosses carried out in the US. a five-year study of 2,500 managers from 450 firms found that many male bosses were rated by their staff of both sexes to be self-obsessed and autocratic.Women on the other hand leave men in the starting blocks when it comes to teamwork and communicating with staff.

In Britain more than 61% of those surveyed said men did not make better bosses than women.Female managers use time more effectively, with many of those surveyed commenting that juggling commitments is a familiar practice for women with a home and a family.Female managers also appear to make good financial sense for penny-pinching companies: most people, of either sex, would rather ask for a rise from a man.

16.What is the source of the data mentioned in the passage ?

A.A magazine B.A newspaper

C.A government white paper D.A university Journal

17.According to the passage,male manager tend to ________. A.be more selfless in teamwork

B.ask more questions when surveyed C.be considerate leaders in company D.claim the contribution

18.What can be found after comparing the findings in the UK and US ?


A.The findings are irrelevant B.The findings are contradictory C.The findings match each other D.The findings are not significant

19.What does the phrase “penny-pinching companies ” means ? A.Companies that lack money

B.Companies that are very generous C.Companies that earn a lot of money

D.Companies that are unwilling to use money 20.What’s the main idea of the passage ? A.Men are better managers than women B.Women are better managers than men C.Male managers are more willing to learn

D.Male leaders and females leaders have different advantages


Directions: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 21—25, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the gaps. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet.

Facing the interview might make you apprehensive,but there is no reason to fear it.21._______Take the time to prepare properly.The interview has been your goal thus far in the job search,so it is your stepping stone to future success.

Always be positive.22_______.Don’t worry about where you have been,worry about where you are going.Make sure your accomplishments are related to your capabilities.

Listen and stay focused.Throughout the interview,concentrate to be sure you’re listening to what the interviewer has to say.It looks very bad when you ask a question the interviewer just answered.23._______Don’t get off on the matters that have nothing to do with the job or your qualifications.

Ask questions.Be sure to ask intelligent,well-thought-out questions that indicate you are trying to find out what you can do for the company.Base any statement on proven experience not dreams and hopes.

Don’t get personal.Keep personal issues out of the interview.24._______If you feel the urge to bare your soul,your feelings should tell you the interviewer is very skilled in creating a casual atmosphere.Plan some answers to obvious questions.Why did you leave your precious position?Why did you choose your major?What are your training and experience going to do for the company?


When the interview concludes,don’t linger,but don’t run out the door,either. 25._______Remember to write a brief thank-you note to the people who interviewed you.

A. Focus on the conversation at hand.

B. If you can’t look the interviewers in the eye,they won’t believe your answer.

C. It is your real opportunity to get face to face with your potential employer.

D. If the interviewers haven’t indicated when a decision will be reached,ask them.

E. Explain in detail how a team atmosphere can improve your personal efficiency.

F. Losers dwell on past losses whereas winners dwell on future success.

G.Never tell an interviewer everything no matter how relaxed and comfortable you feel.

Section B (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Please blacken the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet.

“No one can teach you,but you may learn.”This ___26___ means that though we may hear or read the greatest words of wisdom,they will remain mere words unless we ___27___ them.

We may be able to name the courses that we have taken over the years:

algebra,history,geology,French,and so forth.But ___28___ we have internalized the subject matter or have studied it very ___29___ we will not recall what we have “learned”.

With good study skills,you will not only learn material more thoroughly.

___30___, you will also be less dependent on your teachers.As long as you look to someone else for an “explanation”, you will not be a ___31___ person intellectually.

To become an independent learner,you must have the desire and ___32___ to

open a textbook,read it,and ponder it.Then you must be able to get up in class the next day,or write on paper a week or so later,saying. “As I ___33___ the author,he says.”

The purpose of the course is to guide you through ___34___ steps efficiently.The

teacher is there to explain and amplify you textbook.But only you can educate


A) But B) courage C) free D) if 7

E) interpret I) statement M) various F) internalize J) student N) visit G) me K) unfortunately O) yourself H) recently L) unless

PartⅡ Integrated Testing (30 marks, 30 minutes)

Section A Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

Dave Tally could ____36____ believe his eyes.____37____ waiting to board a commuter train in Tempe,Ariz,last November,he spotted an ____38____ backpack containing $3,300 in cash.After six years of being homeless,Tally’s mind raced,thinking ____39____ he could spend the money--An apartment?A bike? “Yet

____40____ it”recalls Tally, “wasn’t the right thing to do.”

With ____41____ from the staff at his homeless shelter,Tally ____42____ down the owner.Bryan Belanger,22,a senior at Arizona State University,who had

____43____ the pack behind in his ____44____ to get to work. “I’d given up

____45____, ”says Belanger,who was ____46____ to buy a used car with the money. “I was greatly ____47____ when I found out it was a homeless guy.”

Since then,Tally’s kindness has been ____48____tenfold.As news of his good deed spread,the recovering alcoholic and ____49____ landscape gardener received nearly $10,000 in ____50____ from strangers--____51____ a small reward from Belanger and a new set of teeth, ____52____ a local oral surgeon.Says Tally,who now has his own apartment and a full time gardening ____53____ : “I can’t believe all these were made ____54____ just by doing the ____55____ thing.”

36. [A] readily 37. [A] Before 38. [A] unattended 39. [A] who 40. [A] giving 41. [A] order 42. [A] tracked 43. [A] held 44. [A] car

[B] always [B] While [B] unavailable [B] which [B] losing [B] help [B] turned [B] pushed [B] effort

[C] hardly [C] Without [C] unbalanced [C] what [C] earning [C] questions [C] put [C] left [C] class

[D] merely [D] For [D] unavoidable [D] how [D] taking [D] offers [D] cut [D] carried [D] rush

