2013年英语专业四级考试考前冲刺试卷(7)-中大网校 - 图文


C. calls in D. calls for

(10)正确答案是( A. ahead B. advance C. front D. forward

(11)正确答案是( A. informal B. formal C. indecent D. inappropriate

(12)正确答案是( A. as many as B. as usual as C. as much as D. as long as

(13)正确答案是( A. finances B. schedules C. conventions D. rituals

(14)正确答案是( A. catch B. contain C. control D. cherish

中大网校 “十佳网络教育机构”、 “十佳职业培训机构” 网址:www.wangxiao.cn


(15)正确答案是( A. rhyme B. rhythm C. swing D. circle

(16)正确答案是( A. respond B. move C. submit D. comply

(17)正确答案是( A. to fix

B. to have fixed C. fixing D. to be fixed

(18)正确答案是( A. receive B. admit C. consent D. confess

(19)正确答案是( A. skims B. slides C. slips D. skips

(20)正确答案是( A. Moreover B. Therefore

中大网校 “十佳网络教育机构”、 “十佳职业培训机构” 网址:www.wangxiao.cn


C. Nevertheless D. Likewise


(1)51. It is reported that __________. adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.

A. the most B. most of C. most

D. the most of

(2)You've worked long and hard at your job, and it's about time you __________ able to see some financial rewardsfor it. A. should be B. were C. must be D. are

(3)A new technique __________ , the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent. A. working out

B. having worked out

C. having been worked out D. to have been worked out

(4)The United States Constitution provides for a count of the population __________ a census, every ten years. A. called

B. which called C. that it is called D. as called

(5)Just as a force is required to change the speed of an object, __________ a force must act to cause a change in the direction of the motion. A. as

中大网校 “十佳网络教育机构”、 “十佳职业培训机构” 网址:www.wangxiao.cn


B. thus C. so D. like

(6)Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure __________

A. than more on efficiency B. and more on efficiency C. and more efficiency D. than efficiency

(7)__________ he is still young, he is going very grey. A. As long as B. As C. While D. Even

(8)Criticism and self-criticism is necessary __________ it helps us to fired and correct our mistakes. A. by that B. at that C. on that D. in that

(9)When I try to understand __________ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two reasons. A. why it does B. what it does C. what it is D. why it is

(10)Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner __________ at the very moment of the crash.

A. ought to die

中大网校 “十佳网络教育机构”、 “十佳职业培训机构” 网址:www.wangxiao.cn
