保证期的规定。在这2年里,贵方生产的产品免费维修。另外,为了机器能在8月1日当天或者以前发货,你方预付我们2%的履约保证金(performance bond)。如果在规定时间内仍未履约,则不予退还该笔保证金。 请确认接受我方订单,并用邮件确认上述条款。
实训2:Accepting an order 接收订单 Translate the following letter into Chinese: Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your letter of May 17 with order for the delivery of 100 pumping machines. You may be assured that we shall do our best to execute the order to your satisfaction
The omission of the customary guarantee in our letter of May 5 was an oversight on our part, for which please accept our apology. We hereby guarantee the 100 pumping machines ordered for two years, during which period we are prepared to repair free of charge any defects in the machines arising from faulty material. We are likewise arranging to provide the performance bond prescribed by you.
Yours faithfully, (Signature)
实训3:Refusing an order 拒绝订单
.Write an English letter based on the following information: 就第一封信写一封拒绝信函 1.确认已经收到来信。
2.说明拒绝对方要求的原因。比如:要求不合理,成本运费太高等等。 3.说明替代方案及我方能够提供的折扣或者其它优惠条件。 4.请求对方及早回复。
实训项目七:促销信函的翻译与写作 一、实训目的
本章让学生了解促销的意义,根据目的书写促销信函。 二、实训时间: 6学时
四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤:
实训一: Translate the following sentences into Chinese:
Sales letter Dear Sirs,
Reports from users all over the world confirm what we already knew before the new famous DUNYEAR Tubeless. Tyre was put on the market-that is the realization of every car owner?s dream.
The list of shortcomings of the ordinary tyre must be well-know to you: punctures(穿孔漏气), wall failure under sudden stress(突然应力), lack of road grip(缺乏附着力) on wet or greasy surfaces(潮湿路面)- to name the chief grumbles of the ordinary motorist(这只是一般驾驶员所抱怨的主要几项). What a pleasure it would be if you could offer your customer something beyond criticism(无可责备) in these vital qualities of road-holding and complete reliability!(可靠性)
We could tell you a lot more about the new DUNYEAR tyre but prefer you to read the enclosed copies( 附寄的副本)of reports from racing drivers, test drivers, ordinary motorists, motor-dealers and motor manufacturers.
Our terms of business are already known to you, of course, but to encourage you to lay in a stock of the new tubeless DUNYEAR, we will allow a special discount of 2% on any order received by the end of this month, A price list is enclosed for your perusal(供你细阅). A good stock will enable you to take full advantage of the advertising campaign which we intent to run in your country in April.
Your local agent is …..who will be pleased to attend to your requirements and to give you after-sales service. Yours truly, Wision
实训二: Translate the following sentences into Chinese:
1. Here is a chance to show how smart you are by wearing our new style dress. 英语e问e答 http://ask.englishcn.com)
2. Have you ever tried getting a bilingual service from a computerized speaker?
3. Why not escape city noises and enter the peace of outskirts with our weekend trip?
4. Our newly introduced student kit is made from fine quality vinyl plastic, which is strong, washable, transparent and handy for pencils, pens, rulers, loose papers, cards, pocket money and many other items a student carries.
5. Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton. Owing to the carefully selected materials used and the great attention paid to weaving and printing, they possess a very attractive appearance as well as novel designs.
6. Give this new kind of glazed ware the ultimate test-try scratching, cutting, burning or even putting it into acid; you will see how strong this glazed product is against any such force and how long it will resist fire and acid.
7. If your stainless steel cutter becomes damaged, just return it and we will replace it free-even when the warranty is over.
8. Complete the form enclosed right away. This offer expires 5p.m., June 15, 2007. Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to enjoy the finest canned food you'll ever taste.
实训3: Translate the following sentences into Chinese:
Follow up letter 随访信
Dear Sirs,
We have been expecting to (盼望)hear from you concerning the captioned(上述) engine(引擎), pamphlets (样本)of which we trust you have already received.
This engine is an ideal one suitable(很理想的) for use in rice-growing countries(产米国). It supplies motive power(提供动力) for hand tractors(手扶拖拉机), small irrigation pumps(小型灌溉水泵) and grain threshers(打谷机). It is moderate (公道的)in price and compares most favourably with other makes in quality(质量可以与其他厂家 的产品媲美).
As we contemplate(想。。。) introducing this engine into Brazil(巴西), we shall be glad to have your comments(意见) on its sales possibilities(可行性). Further details, if required, will be gladly furnished to assist you in your sales efforts(以助你方推销).
We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon.(盼不久能收到你方回音) Yours sincerely,
实训4:让学生根据老师所给图片信息仿照上述信函,写一封促销信函。用ppt 演示
实训项目八:支付方式-催开信用证和修改信用证信函的写作 一、实训目的
信用证实国际贸易中最常用的支付方式,不仅适用于个人交易,也适用于系列交易。有时,进口方由于某种原因而未能按合同规定的时间开立信用证,这时,出口方应催促进口方迅速办理开证手续,特备是大宗商品进口货进口方要求特制的商品,更应结合备货情况及时催证。在国际贸易中,支付条件的规定远比国内贸易复杂。国际贸易最普遍使用的支付方式是信用证(缩写为L/C),它对买卖双方来说既安全又有保障,但这种方式操作起来比较复杂。有时候为提高工作效率,进口商/买方要求按付款交单(D/P)或承兑交单(D/A)方式通过银行托收。这种情况下,银行只作为中间人,代卖方递单和收取货款,并不承担进口商一定付款的责任。如D/P要求付款后交单。其中有见单即付( D/P at sight)和见单后XXX天付款( D/P at xx days ?s sight)。前者要求进口商立即付款才可取得单证,而后者的情况是给进口商一段宽限期,在出示单证30天、45天、60天或90 天后再付款,但进口商在付款之前不能取得单证。D/A要求在出口商/卖方开出的汇票被承兑后即需提交单证。这种支付方式由于是商业信誉,对卖方不利。
通过这一章的学习训练使学生了解国际贸易中几种支付方式,看懂信用证。 同时让学生明白催证信函的写作技巧,其目的是劝说对方紧密合作,并且履行其义务。
二、实训时间: 6学时
三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤: