四级笔试新题型模拟题02 - 百度文库

poorly in international educational tests, coming behind Asian countries that spend less on education but work their children harder. California's state universities have to send over a third of their entering class to take remedial courses in English and maths. At least a third of successful PhD students come from abroad.

A growing number of politicians are waking up to the problem. These politicians have no shortage of evidence that America's poor educational performance is weakening its economy. A recent report argues that the lagging performance of American pupils, particularly its poor and ethnic minority children, has caused more destruction on the economy than the current recession.

61.What is the passage mainly about?

A) American education principles. B) American education condition. C) American education perspective. D) American education background.

ȷΪ B û


62.What can be inferred about American children according to the passage?

A) American kids have only 11 school years, less than those in OECD countries. B) American kids have shorter school days, but more homework, which surprises the Japanese and Chinese.

C) American kids enjoy the long summer vacation but only richer children work hard during the school time.

D) American kids are less competitive than those from other countries in international educational tests.

ȷΪ D û

µĶᵽҲʹĺھԵװ㡣ͨڹʽбֲѣڽͶͣСϸҪ޹ңThe education is also leaving American children ill-equipped to compete. They usually perform poorly in international educational tests, coming behind Asian countries that spend less on education but work their children harderѡDԭ⣬ѡD

63.Which of the following may best interpret \

A) exaggerating

B) understating C) worsening D) overstating

ȷΪ C û

شҪļµᵽˣƶĺҲײѧϰġձĶµˮƽԣĺǵijɼConsequently, poorer children are particularly prone to learning loss. They fall behind by an average of over two months in their reading. Richer children actually improve their performanceɴ˿Էڵľӱʾֽ£IJƽԽԽصģexacerbatingworsening˼ͬʾʹءѡC

64.Who may suffer from the \

A) American teachers. B) Poor American children. C) Rich American children.

D) Kids from all American families, either rich or poor.

ȷΪ B û

µᵽˣƶĺҲײѧϰģConsequently, poorer children are particularly prone to learning lossɴ˲ѵó𰸣ѡB 65.Which of the following can we learn from the passage?

A) The short school hours bring more chances to American richer kids to compete on the globe.

B) The short school hours have caused the lagging performance of all American pupils. C) The economic crisis in the US has exerted less effect on its economy than on its educational performance.

D) Some American universities have to help students to make up for their summer learning loss.

ȷΪ B û

һᵽһݱƣѧѧҵƶͥͥĺӣȵǰ˥˶Ծ÷չƻA recent report argues that the lagging performance of American pupils, particularly its poor and ethnic minority children, has caused more destruction on the economy than the current recessionɴ˿ԵĵóһҪ˵ϿʱɵIJǵѧҵѡBԭ⣬ѡB
