
W: You're welcome.

9.Why does the man send his package by airmail?

A) Because it includes contents insurance. B) Because it takes less time. C) Because it is more convenient. D) Because it is safer.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,男士说“想把这个包裹寄到中国(I'd like to send this package to China)”,女士问男士“想用普通邮寄还是航空邮寄(Would you like to send it by surface mail or by airmail)”,经过女士的一番介绍后,男士说“还是航空邮寄吧,这样会更快一些(Then I'd like to send it by airmail for it's faster)”,由此可以推断出,男士选择航空邮寄是因为它花的时间会更少一些,所以选B。 10.How much should he pay for the package?

A) 5 pounds. B) 10 pounds. C) 15 pounds. D) 20 pounds.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,女士说“总共花费15英镑(So the total cost amounts to 15 pounds)”,由此不难得出答案,所以选C。

11.Why should the man put a return address on the package?

A) Because he will be informed of the post time.

B) Because he could get it back in case something unexpected happens. C) Because he was informed that it was a good idea. D) Because the recipient need know who sends the package.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,女士对男士说“顺便告诉您一下,您应该把退回的地址放在包裹上以防包裹不能成功送达收件人地址(By the way, you should put a return address on the package in case the package doesn't make it to the recipient address)”,由此可以推断出,男士把退回地址放在包裹上是因为万一有意外情况发生,包裹邮寄不到的话,男士还能取回包裹,所以选B。 Script

M: Good morning, madam. How can I help you?

W: I'd like to get some temporary medical insurance for traveling.

M: OK. Where will you go?

W: My family and I will go to America; and since health care is so expensive there, we don't want to leave anything to risk.

M: That's very wise of you. Are you familiar with our different policies?

W: Yes. But I have a question about the silver family account. Does it include medical aid for the entire family or just the person who is sick?

M: It will pay for the person who is sick plus one person to accompany him or her to fly back home.

W: I see. And how to make a claim?

M: For any medical emergency which is less than $1,000, you'll have to pay the hospital directly and then file afterwards to get the money.

W: How about for medical emergencies that are over $1,000?

M: For those, you'll be free from paying completely. Just make sure you have your insurance card with you so that you can give us a call when you go to the hospital.

W: OK. Let me just quickly read the fine print and then I'll add my signature to the forms.

M: You might also want to think about taking out some travel insurance, which will insure your belongings, flights, and hotel reservations.

12.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A) In a travel agency. B) In a hospital.

C) In an insurance company. D) In an emergency room.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,男士对女士说“早上好,能为您做些什么(Good morning, madam. How can I help you)”,女士说“我想办一些临时性的旅行医疗保险(I'd like to get some temporary medical insurance for traveling)”,由此可以推断出,此对话可能发生在保险公司里,所以选C。

13.How many people will the silver family account pay for?

A) One. B) Two. C) Three. D) Four.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,女士问男士“银牌级的家庭账户包括对所有家庭成员的医疗救助还是患病家庭成员的医疗帮助(Does it include medical aid for the entire family or just the person who is sick)”,男士说“它会为病人和陪同其坐飞机一起回来的人买单(It will pay for the person who is sick plus one person to accompany him or her to fly back home)”,由此可以得出,银牌级的家庭账户可以为两个人买单,所以选B。

14.How can you make a claim for medical emergency which is less than $1,000?

A) Pay yourself first and then apply to the insurance company for the refund. B) Pay part of the fee and inform the insurance company to pay the rest. C) Have your insurance card and make a phone call to the insurance company. D) Make a phone call and fill in the application forms for the refund.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

对话中,男士说“对于任何一个少于1000美元的医疗急诊,你必须直接在医院付账,然后把资料寄回以获取索赔(For any medical emergency which is less than $1,000, you'll have to pay the hospital directly and then file afterwards to get the money)”,由此不难得出答案,所以选A。 15.What is the man's last suggestion to the woman?

A) Add her signature to the form. B) Be careful of her belongs. C) Make a reservation.

D) Apply for more travel insurance.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:

在对话结尾时,男士给女士提出了建议——“你可能也要考虑购买一些旅行保险,它们会为你的物品、航班和酒店预订提供保障(You might also want to think about taking out some travel insurance, which will insure your belongings, flights, and hotel reservations)”,由此可以得出,最后,男士建议女士买更多的旅行保险,所以选D。

Section B Understanding Passages

Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).



Most people picture sharks as huge, frightening animals, ready at any moment to attack swimmers with their sharp teeth. This idea of sharks, however, contains many misunderstandings.

First, there are about 350 species of shark, and not all of them are large. They range in size from the dwarf shark, which can be only six inches long and can be held in the palm of the hand, to the whale shark, which can be more than 55 feet long.

A second misunderstanding concerns the number and type of teeth, which can vary tremendously among the different species of shark. A shark can have from one to seven sets of teeth at the same time, and some types of sharks can have several hundred teeth in each jaw. It is true that the fierce species do possess extremely sharp teeth used to rip their prey apart. Many other types of sharks, however, have teeth more adapted for grabbing and holding than for cutting.

Finally, not all sharks are ready to strike at humans without warning. In fact, only 12 of the 350 species of shark have been known to attack humans, and a shark needs to be stimulated in order to attack. The types of shark that have the worst record with humans are the tiger shark, the bull shark, and the great white shark. However, for most species of shark, even some of the largest types, there are no known instances of attacks on humans.

16.Which species of shark is the largest one?

A) The dwarf shark. B) The tiger shark. C) The bull shark. D) The whale shark.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中提到共存在350种鲨鱼,但并不是所有种类的体型都很大,它们的个头有可以握在手掌中的仅仅6英寸长的侏儒鲨,也有长于55英尺的鲸鲨(...there are about 350 species of shark, and not all of them are large. They range in size from the dwarf shark, which can be only six inches long and can be held in the palm of the hand, to the whale shark, which can be more than 55 feet long),由此可以得出,鲸鲨的体型最大,所以选D。
