

绝密 启用前


英 语


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4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)




1.What’s the weather like at the moment? A. Rainy B. Sunny C. Cloudy 英语试卷A型 第1页(共16页) 2. What’s the women’s roommate like?

A. She’s patient. B. She’s nice . C. She’s tidy . 3. Why has John moved out?

A. To be near school. B. To live in a quiet place. C. To avoid the trouble. 4. What’s the man problem?

A. He can’t see the nice clearly. B. He has no in the movie. C. He’s parked in the wrong place. 5. Which musical instrument dose have?

A. Drums. B. A guitar. C. A violin.




6.What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The wonmen has missed flight. B. The plane will take off tonight. C. The airport is closed. 7. What dose the women want?

A. A room for herself alone. B. A hotel close to the airport. C. A room with bright light.


8. What can we learn about the woman? A. She isn’t familiar with the Internet. B. She can’t afford a camera. C. She doesn’t like MA-205.

9. What is the man probably going to do next? A. Reduce the budget. B. Change the model. C. Order a camera.

听第8段材料,回答第10至17题。 10. What does the man show the woman? A. A magazine

B. Hair care products. C. A bottle of red wine.

11. How will the woman’s hair look? A. Long B. Short

C. Shoulder-length.

12. Why doesn’t the woman want to change the color of her hair? A. She thinks it’s too expensive.

B. She’s afraid it might damage her hair. C. She doesn’t like the suggested color. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13.How much pocket money does Lily get a month? A. About 20 pounds. B. About 15 pounds. C. About 5 pounds.

14. Why does Lily want more pocket money? A. To get as much as her friends.

B. To pay for music lessons. C. To buy some clothes. 15.When can Lily have pocket money?

A. When she proves good at her school work.. B. When she no longer argues with her mum. C. When she is mature in her mum’s eyes. 16.What does David suggest Lily do?

A .Have a discussion with her mum. B. Help her mum with housework. C. Sit down and wait Balmy. 听第10段录音,回答17-20问题: 17.Where is the speaker?

A. On a plane. B. In a bus.

C. At a tourist site.

18.Why is food or drink not allowed on the journey?

A. To avoid annoying others. B. To show respect for the guide. C. To guarantee passengers’ safety.

19.How long can the tourists stay at the first destination?

A. 15 to 30 minutes. B. About an hour. C. About two hours.

20.What is the second resonation famous for?

A. Stonehenge. B. The River Avoid. C. The Raman Baths.

