高一英语人教版必修2练习:模块综合测评 含解析


(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 W:What’s wrong with me,doctor? M:Nothing serious,but it wouldn’t do you any harm to have a few days’ rest. 1.What does the man mean? A.She should take more exercise. B.She’d better have a few days’ rest. C.She is badly ill. 答案B W:When will you be free this month,Mr White? M:Let me see.Maybe I won’t be free until next Saturday. 2.On which day will Mr White be free? A.This Saturday. B.Next Friday. C.Next Sunday. 答案C M:Excuse me,how much is it to post a letter by ordinary mail? W:Only 80 cents,sir. 3.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.At a bookstore. B.At a post office. C.At a supermarket. 答案B W:Thank you so much for the lovely evening,Jim.Frank and I had such a good time. M:You’re quite welcome.Thank you for coming.We’d been looking forward to seeing you. 4.How many people are mentioned in the dialogue? A.At least four. B.Only three. C.More than five. 答案A 1

M:I’m interested in that chair.How much do you want for it? W:$25. M:That’s too much.What about $15? W:No,that’s not enough.But I can let you have it for $20. 5.At which price may the man buy the chair in the end? A.$15. B.$25. C.$20. 答案C 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 M:Have you travelled much in Britain? W:No,not much.But I travel quite a lot in London every day. M:What do you think of London traffic? W:I think the London underground is OK,because it’s fast and comfortable.But I also like your London buses,especially for short journeys. M:But don’t you think the buses are rather slow? W:Yes,I do.Particularly in rush hours. M:What about London taxis? W:Taxis often get us in traffic jams,and besides,they’re too expensive. M:Well,what do you think is the best way to travel in London? W:The London underground,I think. 6.What are the two speakers talking about? A.The building of London. B.The traffic of London. C.Travelling in Britain. 答案B 7.What does the woman think of the London taxi? A.Rather slow. 答案C 8.In the woman’s opinion,what is the best way to travel in London? A.By bus. B.By underground. C.On foot. 答案B B.Comfortable. C.Too expensive.


听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 W:Mike!Look at the floor! M:What’s wrong with it? W:What’s wrong with it?It’s dirty! M:Oh... W:It’s dirty because you never wipe your shoes. M:I’m sorry about it. W:What are you looking for now? M:My cigarettes. W:Well,they are not here.They are in the dustbin. M:In the dustbin?Why? W:Because there’s cigarette ash everywhere in the house. M:I don’t drop ash on the floor,you know. W:Oh,yes,you do!Anyway,cigarettes are a waste of money.I hate them. M:Maybe they are,but I earn the money!I work eight hours a day.Remember? W:Well,what about my money then? M:What do you mean “your money”?You don’t go to work,do you? W:No,I don’t go out to work,but I work fifteen hours a day here! M:Well,housework is different. W:Oh,I see...So housework is different,is it?Housework doesn’t matter!Well,you do it then.I’ll go. M:Hey,wait a minute,Pat,Pat... 9.Who are the two speakers? A.A man and his servant. B.A man and his wife. C.A man and his sister. 答案B 10.What does the man always do? A.The man helps with the housework. B.The man makes the room dirty.

C.The man enters the room without taking off his shoes. 答案B 11.Why does the woman go away?

A.The man doesn’t give her money for her work. B.The man drops cigarette ash everywhere in the house. C.The man doesn’t think housework is important. 答案C 3

听第8段材料,回答第12、13题。 W:Good afternoon. M:Good afternoon.Have you got any records of modern guitar music? W:We’ve got a lot of them.Which ones are you looking for? M:I’m looking for some records of Julian Bream.I saw them in your window last week but there are different records now. W:Excuse me,aren’t you American? M:No,I’m Canadian.My father gave me the same records.But I broke them.They were in my suitcase.I sat on my case and broke the records.I came here last week and saw the records. W:Let’s look for the records.I put some new records in the window yesterday.I took the Bream records out and I put them on that shelf.Yes,the records are over here on the shelf. M:How much are those three? W:They’re four pounds fifty pence. 12.What’s the man looking for? A.Some records of guitar music. B.Some tapes of modern music. C.Some records of modern piano music. 答案A 13.Why does the man want to buy some records of Julian Bream? A.He enjoys them.

B.He damaged the records his father gave him in his suitcase. C.He saw them in the shop window the week before. 答案B 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。

M:Could I speak to you for a few minutes,Mrs Brown? W:I’m very busy at the moment.Can’t you wait until tomorrow? M:Uh...well,it’s rather important.And it won’t take long. W:All right,then.What is it? M:It’s a personal matter.Uh,you see,she is ill and has to go to a hospital. W:I’m sorry to hear that.But why do you want to talk to me about it? M:Because...because we have a baby and there’s nobody to look after her while she’s in the hospital. W:Who?Your wife? M:No,no.My daughter. W:Oh,I see.But I still don’t understand what all this has to do with me. M:But that’s what I’m trying to explain.I’d like to stay at home for a few days. W:But why? 4
