
分类号 TB332 单位代码 11395 密 级 学 号


题 目


材料的研究 白永焱 化学与化工学院 油气储运工程 高平强 2014 年 5 月 24 日

作 者 院 系 专 业 指导教师 答辩日期

榆 林 学 院





年 月 日

摘 要

摘 要

高吸水性树脂(super absorbent polymer , SAP )是具有较高吸水性能和保水性能的高分子聚合物的总称。它含有很强的吸水性基团,通过水合作用迅速地吸收自身质量十几倍乃至上千倍的水而呈凝胶状。具有吸水容量大、吸水速率快、保水能力强且无毒无味等优越性能。通过近几十年的发展,高吸水树脂已经在许多领域得到了广泛的应用。

本论文的题目是反相悬浮法制备淀粉接枝丙烯酸复合材料的研究。本文尝试以丙烯酸作为原料单体,以玉米淀粉和有机改性丝光沸石为原料,以 N,N-亚甲基双丙基酰胺为交联剂,过硫酸钾为引发剂,采用反相悬浮法接枝共聚合成了一种新型复合高吸水性树脂,探讨了丝光沸石用量、引发剂用量、交联剂用量、丙烯酸中和度对复合高吸水性树脂吸水率的影响,采用红外光谱分析仪对树脂结构进行表征。实验内容包括淀粉接枝丙烯酸复合材料的制备、单因素实验、吸水树脂吸水倍率和吸水速率的测定等。

通过本实验得出结论:当丝光沸石用量为单体质量的10%,引发剂用量为单体质量的0.3%,交联剂用量为单体质量的0.08%,单体中和度为80 %,所制备的树脂吸水率最高,吸水率为532.5g/g。高吸水性树脂在去离子水中静置1小时后吸水基本达饱和,说明高吸水性树脂吸液速率较快。树脂凝胶在自然状态下放置一天后,失水率只有15 %。放置7天后平均失水率只有10.98%/d。在自然状态下表现出较好的保水性能。树脂吸水性能受温度的影响较小,可以在较宽温度范围内使用。





Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) have three-dimensional network of hydrophilic polymers that can swell to an equilibrium state, and retains a significant amount of water and/or biological fluids. They can rapidly absorb as ten times as their own mass of water or even a thousand times due to excellent water absorption capability. Owing to their excellent characteristics, such as high water absorption rate, steady water retention, and nontoxicity, superabsorbents have been considerably utilized in many areas.

With N,N-methylene bisacrylamide as crosslinking agent and potassium persulfate as initiator, the high-hydrophilia compound material starch-g-poly (acrylic acid)/organic mordenite was prepared by using inverse suspension polymerization and the influence of content of organic mordenite, crosslinking agent ,initiator, and neutralization degree on the water absorption capability of the compound material was reached. FTIR is performed to evaluate the effects of water absorption on superabsorption composite.

The experimental results showed that the optimum conditions is the mordenite content of 10 wt. %, the initiator content of 0.3%, the crosslinking content of 0.08% neutralization degree of 80%.In this case, the water absorption capability of the superabsorbent composite prepared was 532.5 g/g. The high absorption value can be reached in 1 hour in deionized water, indicating that the superabsorbent composite has faster absorption rate. Placed in a natural state during one day, the gel only lost 15 wt. %. After 7 days, the average water loss rate is only 10.98% per day. This result shown the superabsorbent composite has good water retention property. In addition, absorption capability can be less affected by temperature, indicating that it can be applied in a wide temperature range.

Keywords:Inverse suspension; Superabsorbent composite; absorption capability; organic mordenite

