


第三课时 一、教学目标 知识与能力:

1.I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier. 2.能够听懂、会说Let’s read 部分的对话并完成填充句子的练习,特别是能看懂、会朗读句子:I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier.





2.难点是学生能看懂、会朗读句子: I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier. 三、课前准备

1、准备录音机和本课时录音带。 2、准备两张宠物狗的图片。 四、教学过程 1、Warm-up

1、跟唱本单元Let’s chant 的歌谣。

2、学唱本单元歌曲My pets. 2、Presentation and practice

1、T:The little girl has two pets. What are they?

T: Yes. I have two pets too. Let’s have a look. What are they?

2、T: Yes, I have a black dog and a brown dog. Are they cute? Which dog is taller? Which dog is stronger?

3、T:The black dog is taller than the brown dog. It’s 80cm tall. The brown dog is 55cm tall. And its tail is longer than the brown dog. Its tail is about 28cm long. But the brown dog is stronger than the black dog. I like the brown dog. It’s funny. It’s funnier than the black dog. Which dog do you like?

4、师再出示一张小猴的图片,说Look at the monkey. What do think of it? 帮助学生回答:It is funny, too.师接着问Which one is funnier, the dog or the monkey? 帮助学生表达自己的看法,如:I think the monkey is funnier.

5、师引出课文:Ben is watching monkeys at a zoo with his father now. What are the monkeys like? Which monkey does Ben like? Let’s read the dialogue. 6、学生听录音,理解对话,完成填充句子练习。师检查。 7、放录音,学生跟读。 Step 3: Consolidation 1、学生做配套练习。 五、板书设计:

板书设计: Unit 1 How tall are you? 3

I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall.

The monkey is shorter but you are funnier.





第四课时 一、教学目标 知识与能力:

1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:heavier, longer, thinner, bigger和smaller. 能够灵活准确地运用以上形容词比较描述人物和动物的特征差异。2.能够完成Let’s play部分的活动并在活动中相应的语言正确表达。能够理解story time中的故事。 过程与方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法




2、难点是掌握以下形容词比较级的构成方式:heavy—heavier, thin—thinner, big—bigger. 三、课前准备

录音机、B Let’s learn 和 C Story time 部分的录音带、单词卡片、一个汽球,一段弹

力皮筋和一组对比明显的人物图片 四、教学过程 1、Warm-up

1、放本单元Let’s chant 录音,学生和着录音吟唱, 师与生对话:T: How tall are you?

T: I’m 168cm tall. You’re shorter than me. You’re 2cm shorter than me. 2、Presentation and practice

1、师拿出一个气球,请一名学生帮忙吹,“Please make it big.” 师带领全班学生跟随学生吹气球的节奏喊:Bigger, Bigger, Bigger!呈现该单词。然后师拿着已经吹大的气球,一点一点放出空气,说: Smaller, Smaller, Smaller!呈现并领读这两个单词。 2、师拿出一段皮筋,一边拉长,一边说:longer, longer, longer! 接着慢慢放松皮筋说:shorter, shorter, shorter!然后呈现并领读这两个单词。

3、师拿一叠作业本:I have many books. They are heavy. 师一本一本往上加时说:heavier, heavier, heavier! 领读该词,请学生再次确认从heavy 到heavier的词尾变化。 简单介绍形容词的比较级第二种情况是以辅音字母加“Y”结尾的,要改“y”为“i”+er。 4、师出示一组有强烈对比效果的图片,教学heavy, thin, thinner.师出示图片说:look , The boy is heavy. He wants to be thinner. So he does exercises everyday and eats less meat. He is thin after three months. He keeps doing exercises. He is thinner after another three months. 然后呈现thinner.

简单介绍形容词的比较级第三种情况是以重读闭音节加一个辅音字母结尾的,要双写这个辅音字母再加“er” 5、放录音,学生跟读单词。 6、单词游戏 7、 Let’s play
