
A. so B. or C. and D. but

7. Jenny, put on your coat _________ you will catch a cold. A. but B. and C. or D. so

8. Last night I went to bed late, ________ I am really tired now. A. so B. or C. but D. because

Unit3 Our animal friends Key phrases

1.blind adj. 失明的 作定语或表语 前加定冠词the表示一类人 Eg. He is blind.

He was a teacher of the blind.

【固定搭配】(as) blind as a bat 视力极差的,几乎看不见的 be blind to ... 对……视而不见 turn a blind eye to... 对……熟视无睹 Eg. He is blind to his own faults. 2.Television programme

3.helpful adj. 有帮助的,有益的 近义词:useful 反义词:helpless(无助的) Eg. Our teachers are kind and helpful.

4.mean vt. 过去式:meant “表示……的意思” 名词:meaning(意思;意义) Eg. What do you mean by saying that?

What does this word mean? = What’s the meaning of this word? 5.welcome adj. “受欢迎的”

【拓展】感叹词 “欢迎” Eg. Welcome to China! Vt. “欢迎(人),欣然接受(意见)”

Eg. All the students and teachers welcome Doctor Brown. 交际用语 “不用谢,不客气”

Eg. --Thank you for your help. --You’re welcome.

6.sorry adj. “对不起” 用于对别人有伤害或做错事时。 be sorry+句子 “对……抱歉” 【拓展】be sorry to do sth. 抱歉做某事 Eg. I’m sorry to trouble you. be sorry about sth. 为某事感到遗憾 be sorry for sb. 为某人感到难过、同情 Eg. I’m sorry about what’s happened. 感到遗憾 I am very sorry for the family. 十分同情 交际口语听到伤心或不愉快的消息时的回答 Eg.--I’m afraid he’s ill. --I’m sorry to hear that.

Excuse me Sorry

通常用在打扰别人或吸引别人注意时,在说或做某事之前使用 在说活做这件事之后使用,表示歉意

Eg. Excuse me, where is the bank? Sorry, I can’t remember your name.

7. anywhere adv. “任何地方;无论何处” (用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句) Eg. I haven’t got anywhere to live. 没找到住的地方。 Did you try to get help from anywhere. If you go anywhere, take me with you. 【拓展】somewhere “在某处” 用于肯定句中

nowhere “无处,任何地方都不(表示否定意义,等于not...anywhere)” 8.by oneself 独自 在句中用作状语 Eg. I can do it by myself. 9.apologize vi “道歉,认错” = say sorry

【短语】apologize to sb. = say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉 apologize for sth. / doing sth. 为(做)某事道歉用 Eg. You must apologize to her for having kept her waiting.

10.lead vt&vi (过去式led) “引导;领导” lead sb. to ... 引领某人去某处 Eg. The boy led the blind man to the other side of the road. 11.fall asleep “入睡” 同义:go to sleep sleep为adj. n.--sleep

Eg. I fell asleep soon after I went to bed last night. 不久就睡觉了 12.start to do sth. = begin to do sth. 还可用start doing sth. Eg.It started raining[to rain]. 开始下雨了。 13.wake vi&vt. 醒;唤醒。 wake up 醒来;

wake up sb.(wake sb. up) 唤醒某人。

Eg. His mother wakes him up every morning, for he can’t wake up himself. I’ll wake him up right now.

14.with one’s help = with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下 Eg. I worked out the problem with Mary’s help. 在Mary的帮助下 15.get down 蹲下;趴下;下车 Eg. She got down on the floor. We get down at the next station. 下车

16.next to prep. 紧邻;在……近旁 Eg. Come and sit next to me. 17.get ... out of... 使……从……出去 get out of... 从……出去,离开

Eg. The police got the boy out of the house on fire. He got out of the car at the school gate.

18.at the airport 在机场

19.dangerous things “有害物品,危险物品”

dangerous adj. 危险的 比较级:more dangerous 最高级:most dangerous danger n. in danger “处于危险中” Eg.This kind of animal is dangerous. 动物是危险的 This kind of animals is in danger. 面临危险

20.appear vi 出现,显现 反义词:disappear n.appearance 外貌、外观 Eg. A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. 出现一道彩虹 21.push... away from... 把……从……推开 too far away 离得太远

Key grammar

Reflexive pronouns反身代词

1. 反身代词的基本用法是在句子中作宾语或表语。(反身代词反指句子的主语,表示“本人”或“亲自”)

Did you enjoy yourself last night? We should not think only of ourselves. He did the homework himself.

2. by oneself 形式,其含义为alone(单独地,独自地) I went on holiday by himself. (= I went on holiday alone.) She learnt English by herself.(= ) 3. 反身代词常用于某些固定搭配中。

all by oneself learn by oneself think to oneself

say to oneself teach oneself leave one by oneself make oneself at home
