《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文


I decided to stop and have lunch — for I was feeling hungry. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 比较:

The ground is wet, because it rained last night.

Someone must have entered my room, for my money is missing. It will rain, for it?s getting dark.

He will certainly succeed, for he works so hard.

请注意:在下列情况下,只能用because,不能用其他连词。 1. 在回答以why开头的问题时。例如: A: Why can?t I go?

B: Because you are too young.

[误] Since / As / For you are too young.

2. 在only, just, simply等副词之后,以及在否定词not或not…but…结构之后。例如: She did so much for her son only because she loved him.

You shouldn?t do anything simply because other people are doing it. I did it, because I have to, not because I want to. 3. 在it is之后。例如:

If you feel cold, it is because you didn?t put on your overcoat. It was because he was ill that he didn?t come to the class.

Unit 7 Don’t Worry About Failure


A. Have you ever failed to do something? How did you overcome the difficulties? B. What do you think of the idea “failure equals learning”.

II. Sentence Analysis

1. Meyer showed a spirit of working towards positive goals, pouring one's energy into the task, and not looking behind and making excuses for past events. (Para. 1) pour into: put into a large quantity 大量注入

e.g. The government has been pouring money into the steel industry. 政府一直在拔巨款支持钢铁工业。

e.g. He is pouring his energy into the task of helping the poor. 他把大量的精力投入到了帮助穷人的工作中去。 look behind: look back 回首

e.g. When we fail, we shouldn?t look behind all the time; we should look forward and go ahead.

当我们失利的时候,不应该始终回想过去 。我们应该向前看,往前走。


make excuses for: look for reasons for 寻找借口

e.g. It?s natural for people to make excuses for what they have done wrong, because they have to protect themselves.



2. Leaders don?t allow themselves to be held prisoner by the fear of failure. (Para.2)

be held prisoner: be kept as a prisoner; be closely controlled 被监禁;被控制 e.g. It seems that I am held prisoner by so much work. 这么多的工作弄得我无法分身。

prisoner: n. [C] sb. kept in a prison for some crime or while waiting to be tried 囚犯;拘留犯

e.g The prisoners tried to escape but failed. 犯人们企图逃跑,但是失败了。

Meaning: Leaders don?t want to have their possible choices of action limited by the fear of failure.


3. ... it seemed to me that he put all his energy into not falling rather than walking the tightrope. (Para.4)

Note: rather than 用作连词,其前后所连部分的词性通常要保持一致。e.g. He was engaged in writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper. 他那时是在写信而不是看报纸。

e.g. We are doing this for our brother classes rather than for ourselves. 我们做这个是为了兄弟班级而不是为我们自己。

Meaning: It seemed to me that all the time he was thinking about not falling rather than about walking the tightrope.


4. Almost every “false step” was regarded as an opportunity and not as the end of the world. (Para.9)

be regarded as: be thought of as 被认为是

e.g. Life is regarded as a play. Everyone has a role in it. 生活被看作是一出戏。每个人都在其中扮演一个角色 regard: vt. consider 认为,视作

e.g. I have always regarded him highly. 我总是把他看得很高。 e.g. We regard these developments with serious concerns. 我们甚为关注这些发展。


n. attention and care 重视;关心;考虑

e.g. He has no regard for her feelings. 他根本不在乎她的感觉。

Meaning: Failure was considered as a fresh start to success and not as something extremely serious.

中文翻译:几乎“走错的每一步”都被看作是一次机遇,而不是世界的末日。 5. … took a big risk on a product … (Para.10)

risk: n. [C; U] the chance of being in danger 危险;风险

e.g. Construction workers face a lot of risks in their daily lives. 建筑工人在日常生活中面临许多风险。

e.g. The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk. 疾病正在蔓延,所有的孩子都有危险。

e.g. Anyone swimming in this river does so at his own risk. 在这条河中游泳如有意外责任自负。

e.g. He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我。

vt. place sb. or sth. in danger 使……遭受危险;冒……风险

e.g. It is advertised even by cigarette companies that to smoke is to risk one?s health. 甚至香烟生产商也宣传:吸烟损害健康。 take a risk: do dangerous things 冒风险

e.g. You have to take a lot of risks in your job. 你在工作中得冒许多风险。

Ⅲ. Word & Phrases 1. spirit n. ①[C; U] sb.'s mind or soul 精神; 心神

e.g. His spirit was a bit troubled. 他有点心神不安。

②.[U] the central quality or force of sth. that makes it special本质; 精神

e.g. What is the spirit of life in the 21st century? 21世纪的生活本质是什么?

③.[U] force or effort 精神; 活力, 锐气

e.g. They always lose because they have no team spirit. 他们总是输,因为他们没有团队精神。

④.[U] feeling 心情;心境

e.g. You should take his remarks in the right spirit. 你应该以正确的心态理解他的话。 2. positive adj. ①.believing that one will be successful or that a situation will have a good result 乐观的,积极的

e.g.We must take a more positive attitude to life. 我们必须以更积极的态度对待人生。

②.meaning or saying \肯定的


e.g.Are you positive about what happened? 对于所发生的事情你能肯定吗?

③.definite, leaving no doubt 确定的;无疑的

e.g.The police need something positive to go on. 警方需要确切的资料以便查下去。 3. seed n. ①.[C; U] the part of some plants that may grow into a new plant 种子 e.g.I'm taking these seeds home to plant. 我打算把这些种子带回家种。

②.[C] sth. from which growth begins 根源

e.g.Plant the seeds for peace 种下和平的种子 4. interview n. ①.[C] a meeting at which a person, usu. someone famous, is asked about his or her opinions or life 采访

e.g. I never give interviews. 我从不接受采访。

②.[C] a meeting to decide if a person is suitable for a job 面试;面谈

e.g.I've got an interview with National Chemicals. 我已获全国化学制品公司邀约面试。

v. ①.ask sb. questions in an interview 采访

e.g.He has been interviewed many a time on the writing of this book. 就这本书的写作他已经多次接受过采访。

②.talk to someone to see if they are suitable for a job 面试

e.g. I'm interviewing all this afternoon. 今天整个下午我都要进行面试。 5. install v. ①.set up 安装;设置

e.g. We're installing a new heating system. 我们正在安装新的暖气系统。

②.settle in an official position 任命;就职

e.g. The new head of the university will be installed today. 这所大学的新校长将于今天就职。 6. operate v. ①.be in action经营;管理,掌管 e.g.That business operates in several countries. 那家公司在几个国家经营。

②.cause to work 操作;工作

e.g. I'm learning how to operate a factory. 我正在学习如何管理工厂。

③.cut the body in order to set right or remove the diseased part 动手术;开刀

e.g. These doctors are ready to operate on the patient. 医生们准备为病人开刀。

7. uniform adj. with every part the same 一致的,统一的

