《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文

e.g. She read the text more carefully than slowly.

请注意:当more用在形容词或副词前面时,不管该形容词或副词是单音节、双音节或多音节,都不能改成-er的形式。例如: Steven is more smart than hard-working. [误] Steven is smarter than hard-working.

此外,more than也可用于不带比较分句的句子中,作“不只是”解,后面可跟名词短语(1)、动词短语(2)、形容词短语(3)等。例如: (1) Shakespeare has written more than Hamlet.

e.g. His trip to America was more than sightseeing.

e.g. Teaching in a university is more than giving lectures. (2) We more than waited from morning till night. e.g. She more than suffered from the disease.

e.g. James more than shouted; he threw the glass at the waiter. (3) She was more than glad to hear the news.

e.g. I was more than frightened when I saw the terrible man. e.g. The jokes you told me the other day are more than funny.

Audio Script

Christmas: an annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as well. The most important holiday in the Christian Calendar is Easter, which commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Nevertheless, many people, particularly in the United States and Canada, consider Christmas to be the most significant annual Christian event. In addition to being a religious holiday, Christmas is a widely observed secular (世俗的、非宗教的) festival. For most people who celebrate Christmas, the holiday season is characterized by gatherings among family and friends, feasting, and gift giving.

Christmas is based on the story of Jesus? birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew and the Gospel according to Luke. Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of Nativity, as early as 336 AD. The word Christmas entered the English language sometime around 1050 as the Old English phrase Christes maesse, meaning “festival of Christ”. Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas—Xmas—may have come into use in the 13th century. The X stands for the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos(Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

Unit 5 Making a Genius of Myself


A. What kind of person do you think is a genius? B. Give an example of a genius you know.


Ⅱ.Sentence Analysis

1. I pictured this genius part of me as many different types, trying each one on for size. (Para.1)

Meaning: I imagined myself as a very clever person with many different types of unusual abilities, and tried to test each ability to see how effective it was.


2. I was Cinderella gliding out of her golden coach with beautiful music filling the air. (Para.1)

glide: vi. move in a smooth continuous manner 滑行;滑动 e.g. The dancers glided across the floor. 舞者在地板上滑行。 fill: vt. 1) make or become full 装满;填满

e.g. You?ve filled the bath too full. 你把浴缸灌得太满了。

2) be in or be put into an office or position 担任 e.g. I?m afraid the post has already been filled. 我担心已经有人补上了这个空缺。

Meaning: I was Cinderella getting out of her golden coach easily and smoothly with beautiful music all around.


3. Whenever I imagined such things, I was filled with a sense that I would soon become perfect. (Para.2)

whenever: conj. at any time 无论什么时候

e.g. I?d like to see you whenever it?s convenient. 在你方便的时候我想来看看你。

adv. when 究竟何时

e.g. Whenever did you find time to do all this? 究竟何时有空做完这些事的?

be filled with: be packed with; be full of 充满

e.g. When we arrived there, the room was already filled with listeners. 当我们到达那里的时候,房间里已经挤满了听众。

Meaning: Whenever I imagined such things, I felt that I would soon show my unusual abilities as a genius.


4. She would look through them all, searching for stories about remarkable children. (Para.4)

look through: examine 检查


e.g. Look through this plan for me, and tell me what you think of it. 替我好好看一下这个计划,并把你的想法告诉我。

remarkable: a. worth mentioning, esp. because it's unusual 不寻常的;出众的

e.g. What she has achieved is remarkable given she is still very young. 考虑到她还那么年轻, 她取得的成绩十分出众。

5. And after seeing my mother?s disappointed face once again, something in the depths of my soul began to die. (Para.10)

in the depths of: the deepest, most central part of sth. 在……深处 e.g. They live in the depths of poverty. 他们生活在苦难贫困的深渊之中。

e.g. He was in the depths of despair after the death of his wife. 妻子过世后他悲痛绝望。

soul: n. [C;U] the central or most important part of a person, which is thought not to die 灵魂;心灵

e.g. What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? 一个人如果获得整个世界却丧失了灵魂,那又有什么好处呢?

Meaning: And after realizing that my mother was disappointed again, the strong feeling that I would soon become perfect began to disappear.


6. I made cries like a crazy animal, trying to tear out the wet face in the mirror. (Para.10) tear out: pull into pieces by force 撕碎,扯碎

e.g. Please tear these answer pages out; it?s no good giving them to students in class. 请把这几页答案撕下来。课上学生拿到答案不好。 wet: adj. covered with water 湿的

e.g. My hair is still wet from being washed. 我的头发洗了,还是湿的。

vt. make wet 把……弄湿

e.g. The baby wet its bed again. 婴儿又尿床了。 in the mirror: 镜子里

e.g. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we may find we look better. 从镜子里看自己,我们或许会发现自己显得漂亮些。

Meaning: I cried madly, trying to change the tearful image in the mirror.


Ⅲ.Words & Phrases 1. wing n. ①[C] (either of) the sides of the stage, where an actor is hidden from view 舞台的两侧


e.g. Performers are waiting in the wings. 表演者们在舞台两侧等待着。

②[C] a particular part which a bird, an insect, etc. uses for flying 翅膀

e.g. The birds spread their wings and flew away. 鸟儿展开翅膀飞走了。 2. complain v. express feelings that one is dissatisfied or unhappy, etc. 诉苦;抱怨

e.g.She's always complaining. 她总是在发牢骚。

complain about: express feelings that one is dissatisfied or unhappy, etc. 诉苦;抱怨 e.g.When students complain about our teaching, we have to be patient. 当学生批评我们的教学时,我们应该耐心听取。

e.g. The students complained about the school meals to the headmaster. 学生们向校长抱怨学校伙食太差。 3. copy n. ①[C] a single issue of a magazine, book, newspaper, etc. 一份;一册

e.g.Did you get your copy of China Daily today? 你今天收到《中国日报》了吗?

②[C] a thing made to be exactly like another复制的文件 e.g.The secretary made a copy of his speech. 秘书把他的演讲稿复印了一份。 v. ①make a copy复制;抄写

e.g.Would you copy this letter for me, please? 请为我复印一下这封信好吗?

②follow as a standard仿效

e.g.It is now thought of as a skill to copy the speech manner of others. 现在人们认为仿效他人的讲话是一种技能。

③cheat by writing exactly the same thing as someone else 抄袭;剽窃

e.g.Their answers are exactly the same? One of them must have copied from the other. 他们俩的答案完全一样:他们当中的一个一定抄袭了另一个。 4. depth n. ①[C] the deepest, most central part of sth. 极深处 e.g.He was in the depths of despair. 他处于绝望的深渊。

②[C; U] the state or degree of being deep深;深度

e.g.What is the depth of this river? 这条河有多深? 5. flood v. ①cover or spread completely 充满

e.g.The room was flooded with light. 房间里充满了阳光。

②(cause to) be filled or covered with water (使)被水淹没

e.g.The river flooded the valley. 河水淹没了河谷。

③go or arrive in large numbers 大量涌去或涌来

e.g.Letters flooded in after the program.节目播出后信件像雪片般飞来。

