年产5万吨泡菜厂方便泡菜车间工艺设计(定稿) - 图文



学 生:罗 剑 学 号:07041020214 专 业:食品科学与工程 班 级:2007.2 指导教师:刘清斌教授



四 川 理 工 学 院


设计题目: 年产5万吨泡菜厂方便泡菜车间工艺设计

系: 生物工程 专业: 食品科学与工程 班级: 2007.2 学号: 07041020214 学 生: 罗 剑 指导教师: 刘清斌 接受任务时间 3月10日 教研室主任 (签名) 系主任 (签名) 1.毕业设计的主要内容及基本要求








1 2 3 4 5 设计各阶段名称 查阅资料的准备工作 全厂和生产车间有关选择、论证和工艺计算 设备布置和论证 撰写设计说明书和绘图纸 答辩准备和毕业答辩 注:本表在学生接受任务时下达

起 止 日 期 1月11日~3月25日 3月27日~4月21日 4月24日~5月19日 5月22日~6月4日 6月5日~6月9日

摘 要


本设计为年产5万吨泡菜厂方便泡菜车间工艺设计。文中首先分析了四川泡菜产业的发展现状、存在问题和自然优势。接着进行了工厂选址、产品方案设计、生产工艺设计与论证,并以泡白菜为例进行了物料衡算、水电气用量的估算、设备选型、劳动力估算和辅助部门设计。文中以生产工艺论证和车间布置为重点,对车间门、采光、楼盖、地坪、内墙面、柱子进行了设计。最后运用Auto CAD软件绘出了4张图纸:工艺流程图、生产车间平面布置图、车间剖面图和全厂布局图。生产工艺采用先进技术和设备,使生产效率得到了提高,同时减少了劳动力成本。车间和全厂的布局都符合GMP卫生管理体系和HACCP质量管理体系。



The global pickles are on the basis of China, the Chinese pickles are on the basis of Sichuan. Sichuan pickle industry development plan (2009-2012) provides a better environment for Sichuan pickled vegetables.

This is designed to facilitate the annual output of 50,000 tons of pickle’s easy pickles workshop. The paper first analyzes the current situation in Sichuan pickle industry, problems and natural advantages. Followed by is the site selection of factory, the design of produce scheme, production technique and argumentation are all analyzed. Based on the example of soak cabbage, this paper also elaborates the calculation of materials, the estimated amount of water and electricity consumption, the selection of machine types, the estimation of labor force and the design of auxiliary department and lays stress on demonstration of production process and layout of workshop. Finally, four design diagrams including process flow

diagram, floor plan of workshop, the profile map of workshop and the layout diagram of the factory are plotted according to the basis of the design of the door of workshop utilizing Auto CAD software. The design also takes the floor plate and doors, lighting, ground, inside metope and pillar into consideration. With the advanced technique and equipments, the production efficiency is greatly improved and the labor force of production is reduced. The layout of workshop and plant correspond with GMP sanitary control system and HACCP quality control system.

Key words:easy pickles, technology demonstration, the design of workshop
