
less cost than coal), but it also will make investments in fledgling companies—starting with those that focus on solar-thermal technology, enhanced geothermal, and high-altitude wind power. \renewable energy is not only critical for the environment but also vital for economic development in many places where there is limited affordable energy of any kind,\Brin, Google co-founder and president of technology, in a prepared statement.

Coal supplies 40 percent of the world's electricity and more than half of U.S. power, and

if current trends continue, it is expected to grab an ever increasing share because it is a plentiful and cheap fuel for big consumers like the United States and Russia. But coal is also the worst fuel in its production of the global warming gas carbon dioxide. Google co-founder Larry Page said the company's goal is to produce one gigawatt(十亿瓦特) of renewable energy capacity that is cheaper than coal within \not decades.\that's enough electricity to power a city the size of San Francisco (about 330,000 households) .

Google, located in Mountain View, Calif., said it was initially working with two other

California companies. They are eSolar, of Pasadena, which is specializing in solar-thermal power, using large fields of mirrors to concentrate sunlight and generate steam to run utility-scale electric turbines (涡轮), and Makani of Alameda, which is developing wind energy technology that takes advantage of the much stronger and more reliable currents available at high altitudes.

Google did not specify how much money it was putting into its projects with these

companies but said they both had “promising scalable energy technology”. This portion of the initiative will be funded through the company's' philanthropic arm, Google.org, which is not a traditional chanty but can make equity (股票) investments in companies Brin and Page have pledged (抵押) 1 percent of Google's equity and profits toward efforts including climate change and global poverty.

The RE

The company say it is on track in its goal to be carbon neural in the near future.

63. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the coal?

A. It is a kind of controversial fuel given its large quantity and its harm to the environment B. It is plentiful and cheap fuel hat will surely earn more market share.

C. It will be totally replaced by the renewable energy in years because it produces the worst gas-carbon dioxide,

D. It is supported by some enthusiastic countries like US and Russia which rely heavily on the coal

64. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. Google.org has made some crucial decisions in expanding the company B. Google.org has focused on exploiting alternatives to traditional energy

C. Google. org is a charity organization committed to funding the projects benefiting mankind D. Google.org is an environmental organization that specializes in promoting green fuel 65. What can Not be learned about the RE

D. It will be realized through investments in solar and, wind energy companies. 66. The best title of this passage is ________.

A. Google's RE

B. Google, the Energy Revolutionary C. Google, the Environmental Protector D. Google's Renewable Energy Project

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. This year's Carnival festivals kicked off' on February 16 and go on until March 5. B. During the 18 days of Carnival, the city fills with thousands of tourists from across Italy and around the world. C. Parts of Venice are well known for the beauty of their settings, their architecture and artwork. D. The Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice by seeking to use the traditional Carnival. E. It doesn't have to be traditional. F. Carnival virtually disappeared when Napoleon's troops brought an end to the Venetian Republic in 1797.

Venice Carnival

The annual Venice Carnival is in full swing, with thousands of revelers (狂欢者)

gathering the city's canals and squares in elaborate costumes and extraordinary masks. (67)____________

The Carnevale di Venezia is thought to date back to the 11th century, making it one of

the world’s oldest. Carnivals are held in many Catholic countries, such as Spain and Brazil, where they serve as a last chance to eat, drink and be merry before the deprivations of Lent, the 40 days of fasting(斋戒) that precede Easter.

It is thought that the masks allowed Venetians to hide their identities, allowing the poor

to mix with the wealthy, breaking strict social order, even if only for a brief and controlled period. (68) ___________ The theme of Carnival 2019 is “Tutta colpa della Luna,”or “Blame the moon,” marking a half-century since man first walked on the satellite.

To prevent overcrowding, authorities have installed turnstiles at the entrances to the

historic St. Marks’ Square, closing it off to new visitors once 23,000 revelers have entered. Costumed revelers are also searched as they enter the square.

Venice is situated across a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and

linked by over 400 bridges. The islands are located in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay that lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers. (69)___________ The lagoon and a part of the city are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Although most visitors stick to the traditional Carnival costumes of baroque gowns and

bejeweled masks for women and black capes and threatening masks for men, more and more people are opting for their own unique interpretations.

Some visitors use Carnival as an opportunity to show off a fantastic creation they've

always dreamed of wearing. It doesn't have to be Venetian. (70) ____________ At Carnival,

everybody is free to be who--or what--they want to be. Perhaps a different gender-- or even species. That's the joy of the mask--nobody knows who or what the person wearing it was before Carnival.

IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following pas Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible

71. Gardening can have many positive effects on your physical and mental health. Whether you’re growing fruit and veggies, flowers or succulents, getting your green thumb on can have a surprising number of health benefits for you and your family.

Depending on the size of your garden, maintaining it can be a great way to be physically

active. This could be as tough as mowing the lawn, or as gentle as getting a good stretch and practice stabilizing yourself while kneeling, sitting or reaching. In fact, gardening is a recommended activity as it can encourage the use of many motor skills, improve endurance and strength and keep you moving.

These days, we can buy pretty much any fruit and vegetable we want from the

supermarket, at any time of year. But gardening enables us to eat seasonally, which has important benefits for our bodies. For example, asparagus and apricots grow in spring and summer, while Brussels sprouts get going in winter. Eating seasonally can keep healthy eating exciting by encouraging you to try new recipes using in-season produce. You will also get a wider variety of different coloured produce, providing nutritious vitamins and minerals in your diet throughout the year as the produce you eat changes with the seasons.

Gardening is also a great way to relax, providing opportunities to still the mind and get

away from the busyness of everyday life. There is even evidence to suggest that gardening can help ease symptoms of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Whether you’re gardening by yourself, or getting the whole family involved, it’s a great way to spend some time outdoors, away from screens and to-do lists, and engage with nature. From repetitive tasks like weeding that provide opportunities for meditation, to practising patience while waiting for plants to grow, gardening is a great exercise for your mind as well as your body.

V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72. 这项新颁布的规定仅适用于一些突发情况。(apply)

73. 你越向别人敞开心扉,你心灵所承受的痛苦就越少。(The more..

74. 北京之行最令我印象深刻的是故宫的雪以及其优质的导游服务。(impress)

75. 我国政府从未对垃圾分类问题那么重视过,相信通过大家齐心协力,我们的居住环境会变得更好。(Never..)

VI. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given

below in Chinese.



1、简述你活动方案的主题和内容。 2、谈谈你设计该活动方案的理由。 (文中不能涉及真实信息)


英 语 试 卷 参 考 答 案


1-5 ADCAB 6-10 BCAAD

11-13CAC 14-16 BCD 17-20 ADDA II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A:

are getting 22. asked 23. in 24. while 25.where 26.Whichever/Whatever calming 28. can/may 29. that 30.to think Section B:

31-35 KHGAB 36-40 IEFDJ III. Reading Section A

41-45 BACDB 46-50 DABCA 51-55 CABCB Section B

56-59 CCBC 60-62 DBD 63-66 ACDB Section C 67-70 BACE

IV. Summary writing

Gardening may bring positive benefits to your fitness physically and mentally. It keeps you physically active, because it involves using motor skills and improves endurance and strength. Besides,gardening helps you to eat seasonally, through which you can maintain healthy eating and get adequate nutrition. Also, it’s a great way to calm your mind and ease your daily stress. V. Translation

72. The newly-issued rule/regulation only applies to some emergency. 73. The more you open your heart to others, the less you will suffer.

74. What left me the deepest impression during my trip to Beijing was the snow of the Forbidden City and its high-quality tour guide service.

75. Never before has the government in our country put such great value on garbage classification,
