
. Some houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment.

Houses are different in the ways they are A. buildB. buildingC. built

. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built. In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.

take care (“注意”,“当心”,“留心”)

【答案】:B. important;C. where;A. care for;B. sizes;C. built 12.


Hiring the right employee is a challenging process for a company. A bad hire not just wastes your time and money, but also impacts the team spirit and company morale. A good hire, however, pays you back in employee productivity, successful employment relationship, and business culture enhancement. Here are certain rules that you can use to select the right employee.

Design an effective advertisement. A clearly targeted ad attracts qualified candidates and discourages others. You can make your ad more effective with a precise and specific job description.

Ask the right job interview questions. The purpose of the interview is to find out if the candidate is a strong fit to your business. By using a sequence of particularly designed questions, you are able to get a true picture of your potential employee.

Check backgrounds and references. Background checking helps you reduce risks and improve the overall quality of hire. You need to verify that all the presented, credentials, skills, and experience are actually possessed by your candidate.

1. Hiring the wrong employee is expensive, costly to a company, and time consuming.

2. A company has to spend a lot of money hiring a right employee.

3. An advertisement with a clear target will make all candidates lose courage.

4. Well designed interview questions can help you know more about the candidates.

5. Work experience is one of the primary things for an employer to verify in background checking. 【答案】:T;F;F;T;T

13.We think that Smith should be told about his ______ condition as soon as possible. A. physic

B. physics

C. physical


14.The enemy has strengthened their ______ position. A. protective

B. defensive

C. offensive


15.More than 30 people ______ the position. A. applied for

B. applied to

C. applied in

【答案】:applied for 16.


1. Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.

A. 真的非常感谢您的帮助。

B. 非常喜欢这里宜人的环境。

C. 非常感谢您的盛情款待。

2. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

A. 一个真实的朋友就是能伸出他的手触碰你心灵的人。

B. 一个真实的朋友就是能伸出他的手理解你心灵的人。

C. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。

3. I don’t know why he is late, he might have had an accident.

A. 我不知道他为何迟到,可能遇上了事故。

B. 我不知道他为何没有迟到,很有可能遇上了事故。

C. 我不知道他为何迟到,一定是遇上了事故。

4. They are willing to understand their partner’s position first before trying to get understood.

A. 在得到合作对方理解后,他们才愿意理解合作伙伴的立场。

B. 在得到合作对方理解前,他们愿意先理解合作伙伴的立场。

C. 他们愿意去了解对方的立场但必须先想明白。

5. The more familiar interviewing feels to you, the less anxiety you will feel with the process.

A. 你对面试越熟悉,在面试过程中你的焦虑就会越少。

B. 面试中熟人多,面试过程中你焦虑也会少。

C. 你熟悉面试多一点,面试中的麻烦就会少一点。 【答案】:C;C;A;B;A

17.—Can you go skating with us this afternoon?

—Sorry, I can’t. I ________ take care of my little sister at home. A. could

B. may

C. have to

【答案】:have to

18.He was always ______ in sharing his enormous knowledge. A. generous

B. generation

C. generate 【答案】:generous

19.―Whose textbook is this?

―It _______ John’s. It has his name on it. A. can’t be

B. must be

C. might be 【答案】:must be 20.


There are more ants than any other kinds of land animals in the world. They range from 0.1 to 1 inch long and are usually yellow, brown, red, or black. Ants live in societies in which they depend on one another. The societies are not all exactly the same because there are ants of very many kinds. But in general, each kind has ants of three main types: queens, males, and workers.

The ants have a good many enemies. They include birds, bears and ant eaters of various kinds. In some cases other ants are their worst enemies, as man’s enemy is man. In some parts of the world, red ants march in large armies to attack the homes of black ants. Some of them succeed in getting inside of the tunnels of black ants, whose entrances have been blocked. They try to carry the black ant babies away. The black ants do all they can to prevent that. They send their biggest soldiers into action. Very many of the red ants soldiers are killed but some escape with babies belonging to the black ants. The red ants take the babies home and bring them up. They become the only workers for the red ants.

Ants as a group are beneficial to humans. Their tunnels mix and soften the soil, in some places replacing the activity of earthworms. Some of ants are harmful to humans. For example, the fire ant, which has a painful bite, is a serious pest to humans and domestic animals in many parts of
