

get into trouble and need help, too.Several days ago, while I was having a walk in the park, I found a little boy crying. Then I asked him what the matter was, and he told me he couldn't find his mom. Luckily, he remembered his mother's phone number. So I called her immediately. Ten minutes later, the boy saw his mom and became excited. His mom was so thankful that she wanted to buy me a small gift, but I refused. At that time, I felt quite happy because I did something really good.All in all, the world needs love and we should be ready to help others without expecting any repay. If you wanted repay, a “Thanks” would be enough.第4篇 【审题指导】

1. 本文围绕“诚信”教育写演讲稿,所给的表格要点提示已明确给出写作思路:首先介绍朋友李雷的情况,然后表明自己的观点,补充的内容要合理,注意句子结构准确,篇章结构连贯; 2. 介绍别人的情况,用第三人称;表明自己的观点则用第一人称。 【写作要点】 朋友李雷 爱踢足球、玩游戏、考试作弊(likes playing football and computer games; often cheats in the exams) 学习退步、不被信任(gradually falls behind other students; isn't trusted by others) 诚信考试,独立完成作业(should be honest in the exam; do homework by ourselves)应该讲实话(ought to tell the truth)努力做到遵守诺言(try our best to keep the promise) 我的观点 【高分范文】

Hello, everyone! It's a great honor to give a speech here. I'd like to tell you something about my friend Li Lei. He likes playing football and he also likes computer games. To get good grades, he often cheats in the exams. As a result, he gradually falls behind other students. What's more, he isn't trusted by others. So I think we should be honest in the exam. And it's important to do homework by ourselves. We ought to tell the truth and be honest students. If we promise to do something, we'd better try our best to keep the promise.That's all. Thank you for listening! 第5篇


本文写作围绕的观点是“Good Friends in My Eyes”,所给背景材料已经给出了写作思路:首先根据所给提示阐述大众观点,然后选出两个方面阐述自己的观点与理由。考生要注意语篇的连贯性,理由的合理性。 【写作指导】 我眼中的好朋友 要点提示 开头:大众观点 素材串联 1.一些人认为:诚实、开朗(honest; outgoing)2.一些人认为:热爱运动(sports)、乐于助人(be ready to)3.其他人认为:努力学习(study hard)、和睦相处(get on well with) 1.最重要的是:诚实守信(honest)2.应该交流与合作(communicate, cooperate)3.由于正文:我的观点及理由 2

1 我很害羞并且安静,希望朋友有趣、幽默(funny and humorous) 结尾:总结感受 【高分范文】 Good Friends in My Eyes

Everyone needs friends. Different people have different ideas about making friends. Some people like the friends who are not only honest, but also outgoing. Some want friends that are good at sports and always ready to help others. Others like friends who study hard and get on well with others.

In my opinion, I think it is important for my friends to be honest. What's more, good friends should communicate and cooperate with each other. At the same time, I am a little shy and quiet. So I expect my friends to be funny and humorous. In this way, I hope my friends can make me laugh.I wish that all of us can find friends.第6篇 【审题指导】


2.本文对“中学生在校是否可以使用手机”进行讨论,以一般现在时为主。描述别人的看法和理由时使用第三人称,表达自己的观点和理由时,使用第一人称。 【写作指导】 中学生在校是否可以使用手机 要点提示 开头:表明观点 正文:正反两方面的看法 素材串联 已给出 赞成1. 便于与家长、老师或朋友进行联系(it's convenient for students to call their parents, teachers or friends)2. 运用手机获取信息,如查询生词、浏览新闻(look up new words; look through news) 反对1. 花费太多时间在QQ和游戏上,浪费时间(spend too much time on...; a waste of time)2. 危害身心健康,如:伤害眼睛,结交坏朋友(be unhealthy for...) 我认为,学生不能使用手机,因为对身体健康和学习没有好处(In my opinion;be bad for...) 希望所有人能找到好朋友(wish that all of us can find friends) 结尾:自己的看法和理由 【高分范文】

Can middle school students use mobile phones at school?

Nowadays, more and more teenagers use mobile phones. Can middle school students use mobile phones at school? Different students have different opinions about it.Some students think they can use mobile phones at school. First, it's convenient for students to call their parents, teachers or friends. Second, they can search what they need on mobile phones. For example, they can look up new words and look through news.However, some students disagree. They think using mobile phones at school is a waste of time. Many students spend too much time on games and QQ. Besides, it's unhealthy for the mind and the body, such as hurting eyes, making some bad friends.

In my opinion, students can't use mobile phones at school. It's bad for our health and study.





本文要求考生对“作业帮”等手机运用软件这一现象给出看法,文中给出的几条信息提示必须都涉及到,可以适当拓展。 【写作指导】 对“作业帮”的看法 要点提示 开头:表明观点 素材串联 现在,一些学生对网络有了一个新的使用方法……(Some students now have a new use for the Internet...) 1. 一些学生认为他们有太多的作业……(Some students say/think that they have so much homework...)2. 并且还有一些问题对于他们来说解决出来很困难。(And some of the problems are too hard for them to work out.)3. 然而,查找作业答案不能提高学生的能力……(However, I think copying the answers can't improve the students' abilities...) 在我看来,我们可以更合理地使用网络……(In my opinion, we can make proper use of the Internet ...) 正文:陈述理由 结尾:自己的看法 【高分范文】

Some students now have a new use for the Internet—use mobile phones to find out the answers to their homework. But different people have different ideas about it. Some students think that they have so much homework every day that they don't have enough time. And some of the problems are too hard for them to work out. So they have to use mobile phones to find out the answers.

However, I think copying the answers can't improve the students' abilities, and may make them stop thinking. In my opinion, we can make proper use of the Internet and can't depend on it. Studying online can be a way to help study, but the best way is studying (to study) by oneself. 第8篇


1. 本篇书面表达已经给出了写作思路:首先,分别阐述家长们的观点(1和2);其次,表明自己的观点,要求用2~3句话适当发挥;

2. 阐述观点的文章时态主要用一般现在时,发表个人意见可适当使用情态动词; 3. 写作时主要使用第三人称,发表个人意见可用第一人称。 【写作指导】

对“家长开车接送孩子上学”的看法 要点提示 开头:阐述普遍现象 正文:表明家长观点 素材串联 已给出 观点1:省时(saves time);安全(safe);提供更多与孩子交流的机会(offer more chances to communicate with children) 观点2:学校周围更拥挤(more crowded around schools);最近发生了几起交通事故2

1 (traffic accidents);污染的空气对身体有不良影响(the polluted air is bad for health) 结尾:自己的观点 自己的事情自己做,我们应该乘公共汽车或步行去上学(go to school by bus or on foot),可以减少污染(reduce pollution) 【高分范文】

Nowadays it's common for parents to drive their children to school and back home, which has caused a heated discussion.Some parents think it saves time. It is very safe. And it offers more chances to communicate with their children. So they can get along well with their children. However, other parents think it's more crowded around schools. There have been several traffic accidents recently. And the polluted air is bad for our health.

I think we should do our things by ourselves. We can go to school by bus or on foot. And it can also help reduce pollution. 第9篇


1. 本文要求就“环境问题”发表观点,根据所给的表格内容可知,本文适合采用三段式写法:第一段介绍乐观者的观点,第二段介绍担心者的观点,最后一段介绍自己的观点;

2. 本文讨论的是将来的环境问题,因此时态应以一般将来时为主,人称为第三人称。 【写作指导】 十年后的环境:是更好还是更坏? 要点提示 乐观者的观点 素材串联 1. 越来越多的人将成为环保主义者(more environmentalists)2. 政府将采取更多的措施改善环境(take more measures) 1. 大量的树木仍将被砍伐(cut down)2. 私家车将越来越多(more private cars) 1. 我对未来感到乐观(feel optimistic about our future)2. 一些发达国家在环保方面做得很好(some developed countries have already done well in)3. 我们也能做到(make) 担心者的观点 我的观点 【高分范文】

Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse?

Many students are optimistic about our environment in ten years. They think there will be more environmentalists in the future. What's more, our government will take more measures to protect the environment. So they are sure that our future will be better.

However, others are pessimistic. They think trees will still be cut down by people. Besides, with the development of our society, there will be more private cars in our life. Thus the environment will be even worse than it is now.

In my opinion, I feel optimistic about our environment in ten years. Because some developed countries have already done well in the protection of their environment. We can also make it.第10篇


1.本篇写作为一篇议论文,写作的主要内容就是谈论中学生如何正确使用手机,并且要有自己的看法和建议; 2.写作时,使用第一人称,时态用一般现在时。

