
1 2. make...rich and colorful 3. have a chance to... 2. be dangerous 3. be hard to... … 要求:①语言准确,行文连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。 ②文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。

③作文应包括上述所有相关信息并可适当发挥。 ④文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Different students have different opinions for the activity “Soccer Enters School”. Some students in my class think________________________________________________________________________



(15分)目前,有越来越多像Running Man 这样的明星真人秀节目(true man shows)在电影上热播,对此同学们众说纷纭。请根据如下提示,以“Different Ideas on True Man Shows”为题,写一篇英文短文并发表自己的观点。 most students a few students my ideas … ◆relaxing, funny, a lot of stars ◆spend too much time watching TV ◆know more about stars' daily life ◆too many ads(广告) in shows ◆learn many cool games from them 要求:①语言准确,行文连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。 ②作文应包括上述所有相关信息,可做适当发挥。


Different Ideas on True Man Shows

Different students have different ideas on true man shows.________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



注意:1. 全文字数90词左右。

2. 条理清楚,书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。

3. 短文中不能出现真实的人名、地名。文章开头已给出,不计入单词总数。

Recently, a survey has been made in our school on whether you want a little brother or sister. The opinions are different.________________________________________________________________________







专项训练四 观点看法类 第1篇


1. 本文写作围绕的话题是:“说英语”,但是写作的关键是根据图片和要求,首先确定从谁的立场来阐述(注意:横线上先填所选角色,再续写理由);

2. 写作时,尽量从自己熟悉的人或事入手,以便展开叙述。同时注意写作时要结合图片中所给的对话提示,可适当发挥;

3. 选择的角色不同,人称的使用也不同。 【写作指导】 对“说英语”的看法 要点提示 正文:阐述“我”的观点 素材串联 1. 你的英语不好是因为你不说英语(poor, because)2. 说得越多,你的英语变得越好(the+比较级+...,the+比较级+...)3. 每天尽量多说英语(every day, as much as possible)4. 不要害羞或怕犯错误,你的老师和同学愿意帮你(be afraid of, make a mistake, be ready to)5. 重要的是,相信你自己,不要放弃(believe in yourself, never give up) 记住:熟能生巧(practice makes perfect) 结尾:总结 【高分范文1】 I am Miss Wang. Your English is poor because you don't speak English. English, like any other language, is a tool of communication. The more you speak it, the better your English will become. So you should try to speak every day as much as possible. And don't be shy or afraid of making a mistake. Your teacher and classmates are always ready to help you. The most important thing is that you must believe in yourself and never give up! Always remember: practice makes perfect! 【高分范文2】

I am Li Hua. I don't speak English because my English is poor. I find it hard to speak English. I am a little shy and afraid of making a mistake. I always feel nervous when I stand up speaking English in class. I'm afraid that my classmates may laugh at me when I speak English. To tell you the truth, I don't believe in myself. The less I speak, the worse my English will be. When my English improves, I will enjoy speaking it. 第2篇



2.讲述经历时,因为是过去的事情,用一般过去时;表明观点则用一般现在时。 【写作指导】

对“不好好管理时间影响学习”的看法与建议 要点提示 正文:自己的经历 2

素材串联 时间:上周末(last weekend)2. 事件经过:好朋友Jim教我一种新的电脑游戏,我玩了1 很长时间以至于忘记写家庭作业(play a kind of computer game; forget to do homework)3. 事件结果:父母和老师都很生气,我也很沮丧(be angry with sb.;upset) 结尾 看法与建议 看法:我认为要做好周计划(make a weekday plan) 1. 建议:记录要做的事情,放在显眼的地方,可以很好地帮助我们(write on the paper and put up some place we can see it easily ) 【高分范文】

Nowadays, many students can't make good use of their time and this has a bad influence on their study. I had an experience like this. Last weekend, my good friend, Jim taught me how to play a kind ofcomputer game. It was interesting. So I spent more time on it. I forgot to do my homework in the end. My teachers and parents were angry with me. I was also upset.

How to make good use of our time? I think we should make a weekday plan. We should make a plan before we do something. And we should write it on the paper and put it up some place where we can see it easily. It can help us to remember what we have to do next. 第3篇


1. 根据所给的背景材料,学生首先要确定是围绕“正方”或“反方”其中之一展开写作;

2. 本文的写作思路也很清楚,即:阐明自己的观点(正或反)→讲述自己的经历→说出2至3条理由,由图片人物对话的内容进行联想,注意语篇的连贯性。 【写作指导】

帮助别人是否期待回报? 要点提示 开头:阐明观点 素材串联 1. 帮助别人不希望得到回报(expect, repay)2. 我认为,帮助别人给我一种强烈的被需要的感觉,并给我带来快乐(a strong feeling, bring happiness)3. 每个人都会陷入困境,需要帮助(get into trouble) 几天前,在公园里散步发现一个小男孩哭泣(have a walk);他找不到妈妈,我给他妈妈打了电话(can't find);他妈妈想给我买礼物表示感谢,我拒绝了(thankful, want to buy me a small gift, refuse);我感到很高兴(feel quite happy) 1. 世界需要爱,我们要时刻准备帮助别人(be ready to)2. 一句“谢谢”就足够了(enough) 正文:讲述经历 结尾:发表感慨 【高分范文】 When I show kindness and help others, I never expect them to repay me. In my view, helping others gives me a strong feeling of being needed and brings me happiness. On the other hand, everyone may

