


摘要 ...........................................................1


1.1 原始资料....................................................2 1.2 原始资料分析................................................3


2.1 负荷分析的目的..............................................4 2.2 待建变电站负荷计算..........................................5


3.1 变电站主变压器的选择........................................6 3.2 变压器类型的确定............................................8 3.3 中性点的接地方式............................................9


4.1 对电气主接线的基本要求.....................................10 4.2 电气主接线的基本原则...................................... 11 4.3 待建变电站的主接线形式.....................................12


5.1 短路电流计算的目的和条件...................................17 5.2 短路电流的计算步骤和计算结果...............................18


6.1 保护原则...................................................19 6.2 变电所继电保护配置.........................................21


7.1 雷电的形式及防雷措施.......................................23 7.2 接地的形式及作用...........................................24 结束语.........................................................25 致 谢..........................................................26 参考文献.......................................................27 附录...........................................................28





In this paper, the design of 110kV substation electrical part. Through the summary of the substation and outlet direction to consider, and through the analysis of the data of load, security, economic and reliability considerations, determined the 110kV, 35kV, 10kV system main wiring, and then through the load calculation scope of supply identified main transformer units, capacity and models, load calculation is the basis and method of design and calculation of power supply, load calculation determined whether is correct, directly affect the choice of electrical wire and cable is economical and reasonable. Short circuit is a common fault in power system. Short circuit current directly affects the safety of the electrical equipment and the operation of the main wiring. In order to make electrical equipment withstand the impact of short circuit current, it is often necessary to use large capacity of electrical equipment. This not only increases the investment, and even can not meet the requirements of the current due to open current can not meet the requirements of the electrical equipment. It is therefore required that we must carry out short-circuit calculation in the design of substation. Also define the station transformer capacity and models, main transformer capacity and units directly influence the structure of the main wiring forms and distribution device, it is the choice of basis except on the basis of data, also depends on the transmission power of the size, connected to the system of close degree. In addition, the choice of the main transformer has a great influence on the reliability of power supply and the later expansion. Thus completed the 110kV substation electrical part design.

Key words: load calculation, short circuit calculation, transformer, relay protection



第一章 原始资料及其分析

1.1 原始资料

待建变电站在输电线路的终端,接近负荷中心,高压侧为110KV,经降压后直接向所属地区供电。因此,本变电站是按系统规划,为满足地方负荷的需要而建设的地区变电所。 电压等级

变电站的电压等级分别为110kV,35kV,10kV。 110kV : 2回 35kV : 7回 10kV : 12回 地形 地质 环境

站址选择在地势平坦地区,位于城郊结合部,交通便利,进出线方便,完全污染轻微,待设计变电站选在黄沙土地壤时:电阻率不大于500。 待建变电站负荷数据(表1-1)

表1-1 待建成变电站各电压等级负荷数据

电压等级 用电单位 市镇变1 市镇变2 35kV 煤矿变 化肥厂 砖厂 镇区变 机械厂 纺织厂1 10kV 纺织厂2 农药厂 面粉厂 耐火材料厂 注:

(1)35kV ,10kV负荷功率因数均取cos?=0.9(无功补偿以后) (2)负荷同时率:35kV kt=0.9 10kV kt=0.85 (3)网损率为 A%=5% (4)站用负荷为50kW


最大负荷(kW) 6000 7000 4500 4300 5000 1000 800 700 800 600 700 800 功率因数 0.9 0.92 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.9 0.9 回路数 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 供电方式 架空 架空 架空 架空 架空 架空 电缆 电缆 架空 架空 架空 架空 线路长度(km) 15 8 10 7 11 5 2 3 7 4 5 2 华北电力大学成人教育毕业设计(论文)

1.2 原始资料分析


要设计的变电站由原始资料可知有110千伏,35千伏,10千伏三个电压等级。待建变电站选择在地势平坦区为以后的扩建提供了方便。初期投入两台变压器,当一台故障或检修时,另一台主变压器的容量应能满足该站总负荷的70%,并且在规定时间内应满足一、二级负荷的需要。 无功补偿



35kv侧:Q35KV=15120kvar 10kv侧:Q10KV=13230 kvar

