
year. Why does this happen? What can we do about it? Here are some things we should do.

Learn to float(漂浮) and swim with the help of your friends or an instructor. This is the most important thing for anyone who wants to swim in rivers. It is very dangerous! You don’t know how deep it might be.

Do some warm-up exercises and take a shower before swimming. Always swim in water that is not deep for you to stand up before you become a very good swimmer. Do not push or splash(溅湿)in the water. Swimming can be tiring, so do not stay in the water when you are tired. If you get into difficulty in the water, keep calm!' If you keep calm, you will not sink. Most people are drowned because they become frightened. Remember you have learnt how to float!

Never go swimming alone. Go with some friends. If you find one of your friends is in danger, keep calm! Decide the best way to help him. If you cannot reach him, ask a life-guard.

81. Where can swimming bring you pleasure?

82. Is it the most important to learn to float and swim with the help of your friends or an instructor?

83. Why is swimming in rivers dangerous?

84 Who will be asked for help if your friends are in danger? 85 What does the writer think of swimming? 七、补全句子(每小题2分,满分10分)

根据汉语提示补全英语句子,使句子意思正确、通顺。每空词数不限。 86. 我错拿了小军的尺子,但是很快就归还了。


I took Xiaojun’s ruler by mistake, but I__________________ soon. 87. 老师要到北京去学习一周,你能帮他照顾他的宠物狗吗?

The teacher is going to Beijing for a week. Would you his pet dog for him?

88. 据说这里将修建一条新路。

It is said that a new road________________ here. 89. 我们认为约翰(John)明天不会来参加会议。 We __________________ to the meeting tomorrow. 90. 这只猴子足够聪明,用毛毯把火扑灭了。

The monkey was __________________ put out the fire with a blanket.



提示:1.感谢的人:亲人、老师、同学…… 2.感谢他们的原因:生活方面、学习方面…… 3.对他们的美好祝福。 要求:1.内容包括所给提示;


3.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;80词左右。 4.文章开头已给出,不计入词数。

In my life, I get lots of help and love from many people. Now, I want to express my thanks to them.






1.I would like some noodles for lunch. 2.It’s six o'clock.It’s time to get up. 3.A camera is used for taking photos.

4.When a house is on fire you should call firefighters for help. 5.The whole family are having a big dinner at the moment。

B.对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍) 第一节 听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。

6.W:What? You haven’t got ready ? Isn’t it Thursday today? M:No ,it isn’t.It’s Wednesday. 7.W:What’s your hobby?

M:I like fishing very much.What about you? W:I 1ike hiking.

8.W:How is the weather in spring in Tianjin?

M:It’s often windy in March.In April.It’s mild .Sometimes it rains in May. 9.W:May I help you?

M:Yes,please.I'd like the white shirt.Can I try it on? W:Sure.

10.W:Excuse me.do you mind if I sit here? M:Of course not . W:Thank you.

11.W:Hello! I've come to see if my brother and I can join the club. M:How old is your brother?

W:He’s nine.and I'm four years older than him.

第二节 听下面三段长对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。 听第1段长对话,回答第12至14小题。 W:Excuse me.where is the History Museum?

M:The museum? It’s about 4 kilometers away from here .


W:Can I go there by bus?

M:Yes.Please take Bus No .5 ,and get off at Friendship Building. Then you’11 see a post office on your right. The museum is just behind it.

W:Take No.5 bus,get off at Friendship Building.Mm,I see.By the way,when does the museum open? M:At 9:00 in the morning. 听第2段长对话,回答第15至17小题。 W:Li Wei ,what kind of home do you live in? M:It’s a townhouse with two floors. W:Do you live with your parents?

M:No,they live in a big farmhouse in the country.What about your home,Jane? W:It’s an apartment.

M:How many floors are there in your building? W:There are eight.And I live on the fourth floor. M:Do you like living there?

W:Yes.I do .It’s near our factory.

M:Oh .Alan is looking for an apartment near our factory.Maybe we can help him. 听第3段长对话,回答第18至20小题。

W:Hi,Nick.I haven’t started my physics homework.How about you? M:I'm going to finish it tonight.

W:I feel it's too difficult for me.Can you help me with it?

M:Sure.Linda,why not come to my house this evening? We can do it together.。 W:That’s a good idea.

M:What about your chemistry project? Have you done that? W:Oh ,yes .I've finished it together with Simon.

M:Well,I’ve done only a bit of that.I'm having trouble with it.You’re better at chemistry than me . Maybe you could help me. W:Of course.We’11 help each other.

M:All right.And let’s go to the library for some information this afternoon first.


