
28.A. Even if B. even since C. as far as D. so long as 答案:D

解析:之后,我准备好了相机拍了照。只要它在吃东西,它就不会因为头上有个东西顶着而烦躁。As long as 只要 29.A. welcomed B. required C. bothered D. expected 答案:C

解析:其实读文章,中文意思“只要它在吃东西,它就不会因为头上有个东西顶着而烦躁”我们是可以抓住的。A是欢迎,B是要求,D是期待,这里有一个never,加上后从意思上看,只有C合适。 30.A. trade B. competition C .task D. affair 答案:A


2015年普通高等学校 招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)

When Alice was sixteen, I was the one who wanted to run away from home. It was 16 to see the changes coming over her. She skipped school, and refused to communicate. I tried being firm, but it didn‘t 17. I saw a dark future for my once sweet daughter.

One school day Alice returned home very late. With a quarrel in view. I was surprised to see Alice was 18.

“I hope I did the right thing, Mom,”“Alice said. I saw a cat, all bloody but alive. I 19 it to the vet’s(宠物医院), and was asked to make payment 20 . As I couldn’t reach anyone at the phone number on the cat’s tag(标牌), I had to pay the bill.”

In the following days, the owner still couldn’t be 21. Alice paid the vet to continue treatment. I grew 22: what if the family had simply left the cat behind?

A week went by. A woman called to speak to Alice. “She is at school,” I said.

“You have a 23 daughter,” she said, apparently in tears.

Her family had just returned from abroad, and got a (n) 24 from the vet. Their cat was recovering, thanks to Alice’s 25. “We can’t wait to hug Cuddles again,” she sobbed.

Upon her return home, Alice was filled with 26 at the news. So was I. I learned through another woman’s eyes that my daughter was still a good person despite her 27 teenage years. Her warm heart would surely guide her in the right direction. 16. A. pleasant 17. A. remain

B. painful B. match

C. unwise C. appear C. worried C. returned

D. inspiring D. work D. interested D. guided D. immediately D. satisfied D. proud D. curious D. reply

18. A. annoyed 19. A. carried

B. amused B. followed B. honestly B. contacted B. rude

20. A. monthly 21.A. trusted 22. A. active 23. A. pretty

C. generously C. persuaded C. anxious C. wonderful C. message

B. grateful B. invitation B. donation B. anger B. long

24. A. apology 25. A. suggestion 26. A. love

C. encouragement D. help C. regret C. boring

D. joy D. quiet

27. A. troubled

答案解析: 16. 【答案】 B [考点] 形容词 感情色彩

[解析] A,D 褒义 B,C贬义 根据run away from home 得知作者想写不好的事,排除A,D, 而B,C 在意思上有差别,看到她身上的变化,我的感情肯定是痛苦的,所以选B 17. 【答案】D

[考点]动词 前后动作顺序必须保持一致

[解析]此句动词1.skipped school 逃学 ,2. refused to communicate拒绝交流 3. tried being firm 尝试严格点but 转折指出女儿逃学,拒绝交流,我尝试严格点,但是没用, 所以选work 起作用 18. 【答案】 C

[考点]形容词 感情色彩及其搭配

[解析] 根据前后出现的1.return home late , 2. quarrel in view , 3. a cat, all bloody可以知道作者想写不好的事情,所以排除 B,D ,而A 项 恼怒的 C项 担心的, 作者看到全身血的猫,送它去医院,肯定是担心之情。 19.【答案】A [考点]动词 搭配

[解析] 看到全身血还活着的猫,我就把猫送去了医院,此题考动词的搭配 A.携带

B. 跟随

C. 归还

D. 引导;指导 根据搭配选A

20. 【答案】 D [考点]副词 副词修饰动词

[解析]把猫送去医院之后,医生叫我付款, B 诚实地 C 慷慨大方地 与付款这个动词

搭配语境不符合,而根据后文联系不是失主,我不得不付款,得知医生一定是叫我立即付款,所以选D 21. 【答案】 B

[考点]动词 动作前后顺序一致和动词搭配

[解析]根据前后动作 1. couldn’t reach anyone 2 had to pay 可以得知,几天之后失主还是未能联系上,根据动词搭配只有B项有联系的意思。 22. 【答案】C


【解析】anxious表“焦虑,担心”,可以指人的一种急切的精神状态;active表”积极地,充满活力的“;rude表”粗鲁的“,proud表”骄傲的“。由下文可知,作者在想如果猫咪的主人不要它了该怎么办,表达的是焦急之情。 23. 【答案】C


【解析】pretty表“漂亮的”,grateful表“感激的,wonderful表“精彩的,美好的”,curious表“好奇的”。根据上下文可知,猫咪的主人在找回猫咪后,对作者的女儿充满了赞许之情,因此答案为C. wonderful. 24. 【答案】C 【考点】名词词义辩析

【解析】apology表”道歉,invitation表“邀请”,message表“信息”,reply表“回复”。由上下文可知,猫咪的主人是收到了宠物院发出的信息,才找回了宠物,故答案为C。 25. 【答案】D
