电子信息工程 测控技术与仪器 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 SJA1000 独立的CAN控制器应用指南

handles the man-machine interface (MMI).

As shown in Figure 1 the SJA1000 stand-alone CAN controller is always located between a microcontroller and the transceiver, which is an integrated circuit in most cases.

2.2 Block Diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram of the SJA1000.

The CAN Core Block controls the transmission and reception of CAN frames according to the CAN specification.

The Interface Management Logic block performs a link to the external host controller which can be a microcontroller or any other device. Every register access via the SJA1000 multiplexed address/data bus and controlling of the read/write strobes is handled in this unit. Additionally to the BasicCAN functions known from the PCA82C200, new PeliCAN features have been added. As a consequence of this, additional registers and logic have been implemented mainly in this block.

The Transmit Buffer of the SJA1000 is able to store one complete message (Extended or Standard). Whenever a transmission is initiated by the host controller the Interface Management Logic forces the CAN Core Block to read the CAN message from the Transmit Buffer.

When receiving a message, the CAN Core Block converts the serial bit stream into parallel data for the Acceptance Filter. With this programmable filter the SJA1000 decides which messages actually are received by the host controller.

All received messages accepted by the acceptance filter are stored within a Receive

FIFO. Depending on the mode of operation and the data length up to 32 messages can be stored. This enables the user to be more flexible when specifying interrupt services and interrupt priorities for the system because the probability of data overrun conditions is reduced extremely.



For connection to the host controller, the SJA1000 provides a multiplexed address/data bus and additional read/write control signals. The SJA1000 could be seen as a peripheral memory mapped I/O device for the host controller. 3.1 SJA1000 Application

Configuration Registers and pins of the SJA1000 allow to use all kinds of integrated or discrete CAN transceivers. Due to the flexible microcontroller interface applications with different microcontrollers are possible.

In Figure 3 a typical SJA1000 application diagram including 80C51 microcontroller and PCA82C251 transceiver is shown. The CAN controller functions as a clock source and the reset signal is generated by an external reset circuitry. In this example the chip select of the SJA1000 is controlled by the microcontroller port function P2.7. Instead of this, the chip select input could be tied to VSS. Control via an address decoder is possible, e.g., when the address/data bus is used for other peripherals.


3.2 Power Supply

The SJA1000 has three pairs of voltage supply pins which are used for different digital and analog internal blocks of the CAN controller. VDD1 / VSS1: internal logic (digital) VDD2 / VSS2: input comparator (analog) VDD3 / VSS3: output driver (analog)

The supply has been separated for better EME behaviour. For instance the VDD2 can be de-coupled via an RC 3.3 Reset

For a proper reset of the SJA1000 a stable oscillator clock has to be provided at XTAL1 of the CAN controller, see also chapter 3.4. An external reset on pin 17 is synchronized and internally lengthened to 15 . This guarantees a correct reset of all SJA1000 registers (see [1]). Note that an oscillator start-up time has to be taken into account upon power-up.

3.4 Oscillator and Clocking Strategy

The SJA1000 can operate with the on-chip oscillator or with external clock sources. Additionally the CLK OUT pin can be enabled to output the clock frequency for the host controller. Figure 4 shows four different clocking principles for applications with the SJA1000. If the CLK OUT signal is not needed, it can be switched off with the Clock Divider register (Clock Off = 1). This will improve the EME performance of the CAN node.

The frequency of the CLK OUT signal can be changed with the Clock Divider Register:

f CLK OUT = f XTAL / Clock Divider factor (1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14).

Upon power up or hardware reset the default value for the Clock Divider factor depends on the selected interface mode (pin 11). If a 16 MHz crystal is used in Intel mode, the frequency at CLK OUT is 8 MHz. In Motorola mode a Clock Divider factor of 12 is used upon reset which results in 1,33 MHz in this case.


3.4.1 Sleep and Wake-up

Upon setting the Go To Sleep bit in the Command Register (BasicCAN mode) or the Sleep Mode bit in the Mode Register (PeliCAN mode) the SJA1000 will enter Sleep Mode if there is no bus activity and no interrupt is pending. The oscillator keeps on

running until 15 CAN bit times have been passed. This allows a microcontroller clocked with the CLK OUT frequency to enter its own low power consumption mode. If one of three possible wake-and a Wake-up interrupt is generated. As soon as the oscillator is stable the CLK OUT frequency is active. 3.5 CPU Interface

The SJA1000 supports the direct connection to two famous microcontroller families: 80C51 and 68xx. With the MODE pin of the SJA1000 the interface mode is selected. Intel Mode: MODE = high Motorola Mode: MODE = low

The connection for the address/data bus and the read/write control signals in both Intel and Motorola mode is shown in Figure 5. For Philips 8-bit microcontrollers based on the 80C51 family and the 16-bit microcontrollers with XA architecture the Intel Mode is used.

For other controllers additional glue logic is necessary for adaptation of the address/data bus and the control signals. However, it has to be made sure that no write pulses are generated during power-up. Another possibility is to disable the CAN controller with a high-level on the chip select input in this time.

