
Internet helps me really a lot. It’s my favorite way of getting information. I enjoy searching information through Internet. 我最喜欢的获取信息的方法


13)Newspapers论报纸 I read newspapers every day. As a student, I have no time to watch news programs on TV. Besides, watching television takes up a lot of time. So reading the newspaper becomes the only way for me to learn about what's happening around the world.

There is an old Chinese saying, \his home to know what’s going on in the world.\must for those who wish to keep up with the times. 论报纸

我每天都看报纸。身为学生,我没有时间看电视新闻节目。此外,看电视要花许多时间。因此,看报纸就成了我了解天下大事的唯一途径。 一句中国古谚说:「秀才不出门,能知天下事。」因此,我的看法为凡是想赶上时代的人都必须阅读报纸。

14)Private Cars in China 中国私家车 In China, a lot of people own private cars.

There is no doubt that private cars make us travel faster and farther, but they have caused some problems. First, too many private cars make the road crowded and cause traffic jams. Second, they pollute the air. Third, they cause a lot of traffic accidents.How can we solve these problems? I think we should go to work by bus instead of driving private cars. Only in this way, can we protect our living environment. 论私家车

中国有好多人有私家车。毫无疑问,私家车可以加快旅途,但是它们也造成了一些问题。第一,许多私家车造成路况拥堵,和交通堵塞;第二,造成空气污染;第三,造成许多交通事件。如何解决这些问题呢? 我认为,我们应该乘坐公交车而非私家车上班,只有这样,我们才能保护我们的生存环境。 15)2008 Olympic Games 2008奥运 I think hosting 2008 Olympic Games will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.

First, there will be lots of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreigners will consume a lot during their stay in China. Second, the Olympic Games create more job opportunities for local workers, because we need to build a lot of gyms for the sport
