
home was shown to reporters and visitors at the South by Southwest technology meeting and music festival. The event took place earlier this month in Austin,Texas. 68. What is Peppa Pig according News 1? A. A Chinese cartoon character. C.A British book.

B.A British cartoon character. D. A pig from Britain.

69. What is the meaning of exports in Chinese? A.进口




70. How long will female whales give birth each year? A. Three months.

B.One month.

C.Two months.

D. Four months.

71. Which of the following is TRUE according to these news? A. Peppa Pig is not popular in China at all.

B.People can see the 3D printed homes everywhere in the U.S.. C.The population of endangered whales may be smaller than before. D. All the goods from the U.S will be more expensive in China than before.


We have found plastic in the ocean and in animals. But for the first time, scientists have found plastic in human poop(粪便),USA Today reported.

The findings came from a study by scientists from Environment Agency Austria. The researchers followed eight healthy volunteers from different parts of the world. The volunteers wrote down what they ate for a week and then provided a stool sample(大便样本)for testing.

Scientists found nine different types of plastic particles( 颗粒)in the samples. “The smallest plastic particles are able to enter the bloodstream, the lymphatic system (淋巴系统),and may even reach the liver(肝脏)”said Philipp Schwabl, who took part in the research.

However, the scientists aren't sure if this plastic is harmful to humans. They're not sure how the plastic got into the volunteers' bodies, either. But most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could include plastic from ocean pollution.

In fact, plastic is everywhere around us. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste goes into the oceans. There, sunlight and waves break the plastic down to small particles. Most of the particles stay in the ocean. Others can spread into the soil and air. Could plastic in the air fall onto food and get into the human body?

According to USA Today, 90 percent of sea salt sold in the world includes plastic. And even some top water has been found to have plastic particles in it.

72. According to USA Today, what have scientists found for the first time? A. Plastic in the ocean. C.Plastic in human poop.

B.Plastic in animals. D. Plastic in the soil.

73. The researchers__________according to the second paragraph. A. followed eight healthy volunteers. C.wrote down what they ate for a week

B.are from Environment Agency Australia D. provided a stool sample for testing

74. Paragraph 3 is written to tell us that__________ A. plastic particles can be a few different sizes C.plastic can harm the lymphatic system

B.plastic particles can reach many parts of our bodies D. plastic particles are inside all of us

75. What can we infer (推断) from the study? A. Plastic does no harm to our bodies.

B.The best way to deal with plastic waste is to burn it. C.People should stop drinking tap(水龙头)water. D. It can be hard to avoid plastic in food and drinks.


Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry all of our things to school. 76 But have you ever thought about the history of the schoolbag?

In the Han Dynasty, when old-style private schools were opened, students used bamboo boxes to carry books to school. 77 . There were usually two or three layers(层)in the box. Kids put different things, like books, brushes, ink stones (砚)and paper in the boxes. 78 .For example, in The Legend of White Snake, Xu Shilin caries a bamboo box to the capital to take an exam. And in the movie The Chinese Ghost Story(倩女幽魂),the scholar Ning Caichen also carries a bamboo box.

Hundreds of years later, people developed a new kind of schoolbag called the budai, or “hip-pocket”. The budai was lighter than the bamboo box. With the founding of the People's Republic of China, military rucksacks (军用帆布包)became popular. 79 .Maybe they can tell you about their experiences of carrying them when they were in school.

A new style of schoolbags has been produced in recent years. Many of them have colorful and fashionable designs on them, such as pictures of cartoons or pop stars. And they are more comfortable to use. Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks 80 .

Schoolbags are still changing. Can you imagine what schoolbags will be like in the future?

A. Everyone at that time owned such a bag. B.You can see the bamboo box in many TV shows. C.We can't go to school without our schoolbags. D. People consider the bamboo box to be the earliest schoolbag. E. They are the most common seen schoolbags now. F. They are a big part of our lives. G. Ask your grandparents or parents about these bags. 五、补全对话(五分)


A:You look worried, David. What's wrong? B: 81 A: What's your problem ? You said you liked English. B: 82 A: That doesn't sound too bad. B: 83 What should I do?

A: Just read quickly to get the main idea at first. Don't read word by word. Read word groups. B: 84 A: To guess a word's meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think. B: 85 A: Well, be patient. It takes time.You can improve your English reading by more practice. The more you read, the faster you'll be.

B: I'll try. Thank you, Mrs. Black.

A. But how do I deal with the words I don't understand? B.I hope I can. C.I'm having trouble learning English. D. I failed my math test. E. That sounds difficult. F.I find it difficult to do English reading. G. But I'm a very slow reader. 六、书面表达(15 分)

假设你校举办“信息时代文化校园”活动,最近以“学生做作业时是否提倡网上搜索答案”为主题做了一个调查,调查结果显示有些学生赞成,但多数学生反对这种做法。请你根据调查情况和下列表格中的要点提示,以“Think before you search online”为题,用英语为题写一篇短文。 Agreement 1. can't do homework easily 2. save time 3. convenient and relaxing 4..... 要求:


2.短文须包括所有信息提示,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。 3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

Think before You Search Online

Technology plays an important role of our life. But what will happen if we lose control of it? Nowadays. Some students have a new use of the Internet--helping them with their homework.

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Disagreement 1. can't improve the ability 2. become more dependent 3...... Your Opinion
