
vt. 抵抗, 反抗 resist [ri5zist] re + sist (against) + (stand )

He was not able to resist the temptation of the chocolate cake. Boycott J products n. 反抗, 抵抗 resistance [ri5zistEns] adj.抵抗的, 有抵抗力的 resistant [ri5zistEnt] v. 生存, 维持生活 subsist [sEb5sist] sub + sist (under) + (atand)

When they were trapped in the mountains, they subsisted on eating wild berries and plants.


<38> Solve; solut = loosen vt.解决, 解答 solve [sClv] The gifted boy was able to solve the mathematical problem in a matter of seconds. n.解答, 解决办法 solution [sE5lju:FEn] One possible solution might be to borrow the money. adj.完全的, 绝对的 absolute [ 5AbsElu:t ] ab + solute (from) + (loosen)

An absolute ruler is one whose word is law. adv. 完全地, 绝对地 absolutely v.决心, 决定vt.解决 resolve [ ri5zClv ] After the divorce she resolved never to marry again. re + solve (back) + (loosen)

They were able to resolve the conflict through peaceful negotiations. resolution [ 7rezE5lju:FEn ] n.坚定, 决心, 决定, 决议 The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority. adj.坚决的 resolute [ 5rezElju:t ] Make resolutions

Enthusiasm, diminish v.


<39> Spect; spit; Scope = look; see circumspect [ 5sE:kEmspekt ] adj.慎重的, 周到的 Circum + spect

(around) + (look)

He was circumspect on the closing of the deal. vt.期待, 预期 expect [ iks5pekt ] ex + (s)pect (out) + (look)

We can expect probably a twenty percent return on our investment. n.期待, 预料 expectation [ 7ekspek5teiFEn ] expectant [ iks5pektEnt ] adj.预期的, 期待的n.预期者, 期待者 The children were looking at the gifts with expectant expressions. vt.检查, 视察v.检查 inspect [ in5spekt ] in + spect (into) + ( look)

The principal inspected the lockers for hidden drugs. inspection [ in5spekFEn ] n.检查, 视察 introspect [ 7intrEu5spekt ] v.内省, 内观 intro + spect (within) + (look)

When he fell silent everybody thought he was introspecting. n.景色, 前景, 前途 prospect [ 5prCspekt ] Pro + spect (forward) + (see )

The prospect of finding oil in these islands is quite promising. prospective [ prEs5pektiv ] adj.预期的 n.v. 尊敬 respect [ ris5pekt ] re + spect (again) + (look) adj.分别的, 各自的 respective [ ris5pektiv ] The leaders met to discuss the problems facing their respective countries. retrospect [ 5retrEuspekt ] n.回顾 Retro + spect (back) + (look)

In retrospect of the past events, I think it's time to take a harder line on our policies. n.嫌疑犯 v.怀疑 suspect [ sEs5pekt ] sus + (s)pect (under) + (look)

We suspected a mouse eating our food. adj.(~ of) 可疑的, 怀疑的 suspicious [ sEs5piFEs ] n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面 aspect [ 5Aspekt ] a + spect (to) + (look)

He always consider a question in all its aspects.
