


<1> cede; ceed; cess=come; go; yield accede [Ak5si:d] v. 同意, 加入, 同意 ac + cede (to+go)

Our government acceded to the treaty. 政府同意了协议。 access [5Akses] n通路, 访问, 入门 There is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。 Students need access to books. 学生需要使用书本。 I have no access to the internet. accessible [Ek5sesEbl] adj易接近的, 可到达的 The cave is only accessible by boat.

I think that you'll find she's very accessible. Easy-going v. 承认, 退让vi.让步 concede [kEn5si:d] con + cede (together+ go)

She was so persistent that I conceded at last. Give up quit concession [kEn5seF(E)n] n让步;(退一步)承认 The boss's promise to increase the workers' pay was a concession to union demands. 老板答应提高工人们的工资是对工会提出的要求所作的让步。 We will never make any concessions to terrorists. 我们永远不会向恐怖分子让步。 v. 调解 intercede [7intE(:)5si:d] inter + cede (between+ go)

He interceded on the victim’s behalf.

The mother interceded with the father for the daughter母亲替女儿向父亲求情 intercession [7intE5seFEn] n.代为求情, 调解 Several political prisoners have been released through the intercession of Amnesty International.

v. 领先(于), 在...之前, 先于 precede [pri(:)5si:d] pre + cede

(before + go)

The invention of the automobile preceded the Airplane.

He preceded his lecture with a humorous anecdote.他以一个幽默的轶事开始他的演说 n. 先例 precedent [pri5si:dEnt] without precedent in history史无前例的

The President followed historical precedent in forming the Cabinet.总统遵循历史惯例来组成内阁

n.优先, 居先 precedence [5presIdEns] National defense must take precedence over all other questions.国防应优先考虑。 v.后退 recede [ri5si:d] re + cede (back+ go)

We can look for shells when the tide recedes. Balding

Receding hair

The floodwater finally receded. 洪水最终退走了 n.(墙壁等的)凹进处 vi.休假, 休息 recess [ri5ses] an hour's recess at noon一小时午间休息The investigators recessed for lunch.调查者们休会进午餐

n. 退回,工商业之衰退, 不景气 recession [ri5seFEn] There is deep recession in the UK. vi.正式脱离或退出, 分离 secede [si5si:d] se + cede (away + go)

By 1861, 11 states had seceded from the Union.

There is likely to be civil war if the region tries to secede from the south. n.脱离 secession [si5seFEn] Croatia's secession from Yugoslavia vt. 超越, 胜过 exceed [ik5si:d] ex + ceed (out + go)

The measures he took exceeded the law. exceeding the speed limit超速to exceed one's authority越权

n. 过度, 超额 excess [ik5ses] adj.? 过量的;多余的 [5ekses] an excess of enthusiasm过份热心

You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane.在飞机上你得付超重的行李费。 adj.过多的, 过分的, 额外 excessive [ik5sesiv] a (much more than is reasonable or necessary)

Boyd's wife left him because of his excessive drinking. $15 for two cokes seems a little excessive.

Excessive intake of high-fat and high-calorie food harms/damages your health.

vi.进行, 继续下去 proceed [prE5si:d] pro + ceed (foreward + go)

Please proceed to the next station.

Let us proceed with our lesson.我们继续上课吧。

Patrick said he liked my work, and then proceeded to tell me everything was wrong with it!

n.过程 process [prE5ses] the process of digestion消化过程;

the process of obtaining a driver's license 取得驾驶执照的过程 n.行列, 队伍 procession [prE5seFEn] They watched the procession go past.他们观看游行队伍经过。 vi.(~ in) 成功v.继...之后, 继任 succeed [sEk5si:d] 1. suc + ceed (under + go)

The prince will succeed the king.王子将继承国王的王位。 n.连续, 继承, 继任 succession [ sEk5seFEn ] adj.继承的, 连续的 successive [ sEk5sesiv ] 2.suc + ceed (next + go)

None can succeed without pain and perspiration.不经历痛苦和汗水没有人能成功。 n.成功, 成就, 胜利, 发迹, 兴旺 success [sEk5ses] adj.成功的 successful [sEk5sesful] antecedent [7Anti5si:dEnt] n.先辈adj.先行的 ante + ced + cent (before + go + adj)

A wise man uses the lesions he learns from the antecedent events.


2> ceive; cept=take 拿 conceive [kEn5si:v] vt.构思to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop itvi怀孕,设想,想象to imagine a particular situaticon + ceive (together+ take)

conceive a plan to increase profits.构想出一个增加利润的计划

The baby was conceived in February and born in November.孩子是二月里受孕,十一月出生的。 Pregnant adj.

Ancient peoples conceived of the earth as flat古人认为地球是平的 conception [kEn5sepFEn] n.观念, 概念 conceivable [kEn5si:vEb(E)l] adj.可想象得出的 by every conceivable means千方百计, 用一切手段 It is conceivable that you may get full compensation, but it's not likely. n.观念, 概念 concept [5kCnsept] She thinks that marriage is an old-fashioned concept. v.欺骗, 行骗 deceive [di5si:v] de + ceive (away + take)

He deceived her into signing the contract.他骗她签了合同。 n.欺骗, 谎言 deceit [di5si:t] He got the money by deceit.他靠欺骗弄到了钱。 n.欺骗, 诡计 deception [di5sepFEn] deception指“任何形式的欺骗”,也指“一种行动, 它给人一错误的观念, 但并不一定有欺诈的目的”, 如:

practise deception on sb.欺骗某人。 deceit 指“通过隐瞒或歪曲实情去蒙骗” vt. 察觉 perceive [pE5si:v] per + ceive (through+ take)

How did you perceive the event? 你怎么看待这件事的? The past is often perceived to be better than the present. That morning, he perceived a change in Franca's mood. n.理解。感知,感觉 perception. [pE5sepFEn] Perceptions are not the same thing as knowledge, but they are what the holder of the perception believes to be knowledge. adj.可察觉的perceptible sounds in the night. perceptible [pE5septEbl] 在夜里总能感觉到声响 vt. 收到, 接到;接待, 接见 receive [ri5si:v] re + ceive (back+ take) n. 收条, 收据, 收到 receipt [ri5si:t] Keep your credit card receipts until your statement arrives. pay the money on (the)receipt of goods在货物收到时付款 n 收买贼赃的人,电话听筒 receiver [rI5si:vE(r)] n.接待, 招待会, 接收 reception [ri5sepFEn] n.接受者 recipient [rI5sIpIEnt] vt. 除, 把...除外prep.除了...之外 except [ik5sept] ex + cept (out + take)

You will be punished, I can except no one.你们都得受到惩罚,我不放过任何一个人。 He answered all the questions except for the last one除最后一道题之外的所有问题 n. 除外, 例外 exception [ik5sepFEn]
