
5. You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _____________ (refer).

6. Your ______________ (perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

7. My first ______________ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

8. The school advisers help you talk through your problem but they don’t give you any direct ____________ (solve).

9. Those who suffer from headache will find they get _______________ (relieve) from this medicine.

10. I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed


11. The ______________ (express) on his face told me that he was angry..

12. Always read the instruction on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.(改错)

III. 名词在写作中的应用

5. 每个学生都有自己的优缺点。(has, of his own, strengths and weaknesses, every student) ______________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ 6. 我们应该采取有效措施来保护我们的地球不受我染。(take, earth, to, should, being polluted, measures, our, from, effective, protect, we)



7. 全中国人民都应该重视空气污染问题。(attach importance to, people , air pollution, should,all over China)


_________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ.强化训练

1. I think we are all ______________ (grown-up) and we have the ability to manage our own affairs.

2. There are so many forks, spoons and ________________ (knife). 3. The ____________ (tomato) were grown in the greenhouse.

4. He has told several _________________ (interview) that he has no intention of apologizing for his comments.

5. Last year, a civil _____________(serve) was imprisoned for leaking a document to the press.

6. She was like a ______________ (prince) in a fairy tale.

7. Those ________________ (invent) were respected, because they solved practical problems. 8. Maybe it’s a statement about environmental __________________ (friendly). 9. They placed an _____________ (advertise) in the local paper for a secretary.


10. The house is more than twenty meters long and measures six meters in __________ (wide).

11. Watching sport gave him great _____________ (please).

12. A new general store has been built for the ________________ (convenient) of the residents.

13. I have to change my approach, because the _________________ (compete) is too fierce. 14. We need to take ___________________ (responsible) for looking after our own health. 15. My advice it to accept his __________________ (propose).


专题十 名词 介词 Part II


1. He was very sad ________ the bad news

【要点】固定短语be sad at“因为……而伤心”。

2. She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest on the big rock ________ the side of the path.

【要点】by the side of the path在路边

3. Judging ________ his accent, he must be from Shandong.

【要点】judging ______=judging ______ 用作独立结构,即不用考虑与主句的逻辑关系。 4. Graduation is a good time to thank those who helped you ________ the tough years. 【要点】介词______ 表示“从某物内部穿过;凭借;度过(一段时间)”。 5. Everybody was touched ________ words after they heard her moving story.

This book is ________ my reading ability because there are too many difficult words in it. It is ________ me that such a young boy should know how to write so many words. 【要点】介词______ 可以表示“超出理解、信任或能力范围”。

6. An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are ________ it.

【要点】搭配“be _______ sth.” 表示“反对某事”。 7. I found out the secret of the matter ________ accident.

I was making a general reference. It was really not aimed at you ________ purpose.

【要点】表示 “无意地,偶然地”几个搭配: do sth_____ accident=do sth ____ chance;表示“故意地”几个搭配:do sth _______ purpose=do sth _____ design=do sth ______ coincidence。

8. Sorry for having kept you waiting so long. I ought to have told you ________ advance. 【要点】“do sth ______ advance” 为固定短语,表示“提前做某事”。 9. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; ________ the contrary, I think it rather beautiful. 【要点】“______ the contrary”为固定短语,表示“正相反”。

10. _________ addition to native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers

from overseas. 【要点】“in addition _____” 为介词短语,意思是“除了……”。“in addition” 意思也是“除了,还有”,但相当于副词,通常放在从句的句首,后面接完整的句子。 11. He was ________ charge of the company.

【要点】“____ charge of…”意思是“掌管……”;“___ the charge of…” 意思是“在……掌管下”。

12. ________ case of rain they can’t go.

【要点】“in case ___” 为介词短语,后跟名词作宾语;in case词性为_____,引导条件状语从句,意思都是“万一……”。

13. He bought a gift in return ________ her help.

【要点】in return _____=as a reward for 意思是“作为……的回报”

14. Christmas is a day celebrated on December 25th _________ honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

【要点】in honor _____ =in memory ______ 意思是“为了纪念……” 15. The general opinion is ________ favor of him. 【要点】_____ favor of 意思是“支持”。


16. It reduces risks ________ means of automated testing.

【要点】____ means of… 意思是“依靠……,借助于……”。

17. But my connection with pandas goes back _________ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s.

【要点】go back …= date back ____...=date ____... 为固定搭配,意思是“回到;追溯到……”。本结构作谓语无被动语态、无进行时。

18. My uncle says that he never dreams ________ becoming rich in a short period of time. 【要点】dream ___/______ doing 表示“梦想做某事”,为固定搭配。

19. While they chatted, my father would lift my sister and me up to sit ________ the top of the fridge.

【要点】_______ the top of 为固定搭配,意为“在……顶部”。

20. I’m not sure, but I think the final exam is ________ the morning of next Monday. 【要点】特指“某一天”的“上午、下午、晚上”,常用介词_______。如____ a rainy morning。 21. We examine the wording ________ detail before deciding on the final text. 【要点】_____ detail 相当于一个副词,做状语,意思是“详细地”。 22. ________ the same time, they warm up again for the night. 【要点】_____ the same time 固定短语,意为“同时”。

23. The mother continued to care for the young panda ________ more than two years. 【要点】“介词_______ +时间段”表示某个动作持续一段时间。

24. I don’t think it is concerned ______ me, because I know nothing about it. 【要点】be concerned with意思为:_______________。

25. In India, for example, most people traditionally eat ________ their hands. 【要点】表示“用…工具”常用介词_______。

26. Most of us are more focused ________ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.

【要点】focus ____/focus…_____… 表示把……集中于。 27. This deserted old building is home ________ mice.

【要点】“是……的聚集地,是……的家园”搭配为“be home ____...”。 28. ________ short, he is a promising young man and has a bright future. 【要点】“简言之”词组搭配为____ short=___ a word=____ brief。

29. ________ the development of society, the choice of food and drinks for children is more diversified than ever before.

【要点】“随着……的发展”搭配为:“_____ the development of…。” 30. The firm has provided me ________ a car.

【要点】两个同义搭配需牢记:provide sb. _____ sth.=provide sth. _______ sb. II. 对点通关、回归高考

36. The exercise was ________ the abilities of the class and few students could manage it. 37. He seized me ________ the arm.

38. ________ time passing by, they have grown into big boys and big girls. 39. Are you for or ________ the new road scheme?

40. This toy is not machine-made. It is made ________ hand. 41. Mongolia is ________ the north of China.

42. He is 107 years old and it is said that he has lived ________ two world wars. 43. I lost my money and I have been worried ________ then. 44. Her face went red ________ anger.

