
Bicycling is good exercise; __________, it does not pollute the air. —Can you lend me some money?

—I am short of money myself, but __________, I will give you some. 【要点】______表示“而且,还有”。________表示“anyway”。 II. 对点通关、回归高考

1. We thought the figures were correct. ___________, we have now discovered some errors. Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn’t it risky, ________?

2. He applied to many tattoo shops and got no calls back. He didn't give up; __________, Brian finally runs his own shop.

The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests __________.

I was unable to attend the conference because I was __________ engaged.

3. Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is cruel to eat animals, but others argue that they can eat meat and __________ be kind to animals, The hotel was terrible. __________, we were lucky with the weather.

It is our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, __________supply more jobs.

4. My wife and I will be there and four of our friends __________.

What a terrible experience! __________, you’ re safe now---that is the main thing. III. 逻辑关系副词在写作中的运用(所有句子均出自高考真题参考范文)

1. We will go and make dumplings with the elderly people there. B_________, we will

spend some fun time together putting on performances such as singing, dancing and so on.

2. What’s more along with the texts there are many beautiful and colorful pictures, which

can help us understand English better. Even the students who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. H_________ some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us. T_________, I’d like to suggest changing them into easier ones.

3. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. B_________, I am easy

to get along with and I like to make friends.

4. The detection can help strengthen our health awareness. H_________, it may cause

excessive anxiety.

5. T_________ some people are doing ordinary jobs, what they do makes a difference to our society.

6. T_________, I hold a positive attitude toward on-line voting. 7. T_________, you can depend on it that I will be up to this job.

8. Actions are important in other fields too. Instead _________shouting empty slogans, it is meaningful to donate books to children in need.

9. Instead _________ blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others’ place.

10. The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control. _________ (bad) still, I took many falls off the bike.

11. Furthermore, the pen is made of the extremely strong materials, which can protect the pen from the damage when it might fall down onto the ground. _________ (good) still, so smoothly does it write that it can contribute to making our handwriting better.


IV. 形容词副词易错词

1. It was really comfortable to live in the room. There was a __________(true) beautiful view from the bedroom.

2. Seeing the boss come in, I got up __________(hurry) from my seat and said, “Morning!”. 3. He was very happy in kindergarten. __________ (expect), he burst into tears when he saw his mother pass by.

4. __________ (fortunate), the fire was discovered soon after it started. Therefore, it didn’t cause severe damage.

5. _________ (probable) the best way to learn Spanish is by going to live in Spain.

6. This seems to me a not __________(whole) convincing argument and I don’t think the speaker has made enough research.

7. We should pay attention to eating __________ (health), which is important in a long term. 8. She said something, __________ (shy) hiding behind her mother. 9. He fought __________ (energy) against cancer.

10. The brain needs a __________ (continue) supply of blood. Otherwise, you’ll have a headache.

11. His taste in music is __________ _____ (相似的) mine, so we are good friends.. 12. The voice on the phone seemed __________ (familiar) to me, so I hung it up. 13. It is a __________ (humour) account of her travels in South America.

14. Three o’clock is __________ for me, because I will have a lecture to attend then.

15. The colors of New England in the fall are __________ (forget), and you shouldn’t miss it. 16. I won’t waste any more of your __________(value) time.

17. What I like about the book is that the characters are all very __________ (believe). 18. Let’s go __________ (straight) down to business.

19. Three men were standing very __________ (close) as if talking about something very personal.

The detective was watching him __________ (close) to see what he would do next. 20. Flying __________(direct) to China is a wise choice because it can save us some time. 21. The new law won’t __________(direct) affect us. However, it is our responsibility to obey it to ensure the safety of others.


专题九 名词 介词 Part I


1. At least three __________ (passer-by) witnessed the accident.

When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become ___________ (story-teller)

【要点】合成名词变成复数时,通常只将里面所含的________变为复数,如果没有_________,则将_________部分变为复数。例如:sons-in-law, grown-ups, 2. Several __________ (wolf) were tearing a lamb to pieces.

A common design is a tall box with several _________ (shelf) inside to hold the food. They are completely covered by their blue _____________ (scarf).

【要点】以字母-f和字母组合-fe结尾的名词的复数形式一般直接加-s, 但是以下以-f或-fe结尾的名词需要将f和fe变为________.这些名词有:wife, thief, self, knife, half, leaf等。

3. ___________ (volcano) have erupted in the past, and will continue to erupt in the future. They are making a smoke to drive away ____________ (mosquito).

【要点】以-o结尾的名词变为复数常在词尾加-s,但中学英语中以下名词要加-es, 即Negroes, heroes, echoes, potatoes, tomatoes。但是下列以-o结尾的名词既可以加-s也可以加es, 即zeros/zeroes, mosquitos/mosquitoes, volcanos/volcanoes。 4. A _________ (lie) is not believed when he speaks the truth.

The demand for _____________ (employ) with green skills will continue to grow as the world seeks to become more earth friendly.

There is a credibility gap developing between _____________ (employ) and employees. If you can’t find a position in paid employment, try to find a post as an unpaid __________ (train).

We just managed to find all our ___________ (volunteer) through connections with different social networks.

【要点】名词后缀-ar 表示_________, -er表示______________________, -ee表示______________,-eer表示_______________ 例如:scholar, interviewer, interviewee, engineer等。

5. Or I can have my __________ (assist) help me do it.

Through this program, different government agencies try to identify visa ____________ (apply) who could threaten national security. 【要点】后缀-ant表示 ____________,例如:servant,accountant, immigrant, merchant等。 6.The __________(host) circulated among her guests. His sister is an famous ____________ (act).

【要点】后缀-ess表示_____________, 比如:princess, waitress, goddess等。 7. He served on the board of ___________ (direct) of a local bank. He is the only ______________ (survive) of this earthquake.

【要点】名词后缀-or表示___________,例如author, doctor, operator, inventor, visitor等。 8. Today we have the _________ (free) to decide our own future. I am very grateful to you for your ____________ (kind).

Stress and ___________ (tired) affect your powers of concentration.

【要点】后缀-ness 表示______________________ 例如:goodness, friendliness等。 后缀-dom表示______________________ 例如:kingdom, wisdom 9. Many patients are not getting the medical ___________ (treat) they need.


They actually monitor the ______________ (move) of the fish going up river.

【要点】后缀-ment 表示________________ 例如:development, management, advertisement等。

10. I must tell you the ____________ (true) about this business.

Take into account your own ____________ (strong) and weaknesses. 【要点】名词后缀-th表示_____________________例如:wealth, length, growth, depth等。 11. After only a short ______________ (expose) to sunlight he began to turn red. The marriage was a _____________ (fail) and they both wanted to be free of it. Its government is under _____________ (press) from the European Commission.

【要点】名词后缀-ure表示_________________,例如:pleasure, measure, leisure, treasure等。

12. It has become one of the most popular tourist ___________ (attract) in the city.

I have confidence in the _____________ (able) of the players. He came up with a ________________ (solve) to the problem.

【要点】名词后缀-ion/-sion/-tion/-ation/ition表示________________________, 例如:

action, conclusion, destruction, translation, expression, competition, correction等。

【要点】名词后缀-ibility/-ability 表示______________________, 例如:possibility,

reliability, responsibility等。

13. _____________ (diligent) and wisdom contribute to his success.

That is the fundamental _______________ (different) between the two societies.

【要点】名词后缀-ance/-ence表示____________________,例如:importance, convenience等。

14. These men were violating her family’s ______________ (private). We can’t guarantee the _____________ (accurate) of these figures.

【要点】名词后缀-ancy/-ency表示____________________,例如:frequency, urgency,

vacancy, efficiency等。

15. He called his mother on his ______________ (arrive) in Beijing.

The chairman has also given his _____________ (approve) for an investigation into the case.

【要点】名词后缀-al表示____________________,例如:survival, proposal, refusal等。 16. African countries is suffering from food ______________ (short).

The _____________ (marry) had lasted for less than five years.

【要点】名词后缀-age表示____________________,例如:storage, courage等。 17. I watch _____________ (Italy) football a lot.

He remained one of the most popular ________________ (politics) in France.

【要点】名词后缀-an/-ian表示________________,例如:American, historian, Asian, physician等。

II. 对点通关、回归高考

1. Her _____________ (motivate) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.

2. To his ________________ (satisfy), he got twice as many people voting for him as he thought.

3. Due to the widespread ______________ (apply) of this medical technology,more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

4. Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ______________ (patient).

