
专题一 定语从句


1. New Year coming, I have many friends to _______ I am going to send post cards.

I will go to the countryside to see my grandparents, with ______ I will spend the whole summer vacation.

【要点】定语从句关系代词中,能和介词连用的只有两个,分别是______、_______。 2. The person I want to talk about with you is Tu Youyou, the one ______ won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015.

Those _____ are often late for class should be warned first. If they promise to be punctual next time, we should believe it.

Anyone _____ is quick-minded should also be careful with their handwriting, because beautiful handwriting can invisibly increase your scores. 【要点】定语从句关系代词that和who中,能和指“人”的不定代词(anyone, someone, those等)连用的为______。

3. The school shop, _____customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays.

I don’t want to put up for the night in this small inn, _______ windows are shabby and it’s too cold to live there.


4. I refuse to accept the blame for something ______ was someone else’s fault.

He is a social boy. Anything ______ happens surrounding him can easily distract his concentration. He really needs to calm down.

【要点】定语从句关系代词中,能和指“物”的不定代词(something, anything等)连用的为______。

5. The first place _____ they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill, and they think it fascinating.

The only part of the meal _____ I really liked was the dessert. I don’t like the soup, because it was too salty.

Shine once said jokingly, “He is the last man _____ I want to marry in the world”.

【要点】限定性定语从句中,中心词(指物)前有序数词、最高级、the only等修饰时,关系代词选择__________。

6. They will never forget the things and persons _____ they have seen or heard of during their long journey.


7. He is the only person to _______ I can turn for help when I am in trouble. I know he will come and help.

Mr. Anderson was absent from the meeting. Does anybody know the reason for _____ he didn’t attend the meeting?


8. There are some occasions _____ you need to wear suits to take part in some social activities, such as weddings and parties.

There are some times ______ I feel depressed, but in general I am an outgoing boy.




9. Such machines _____are used in our workshop are made in China. It is expensive to import machines abroad.

【要点】限定性定语从句中,中心词前面有“such, so, as, the same”修饰时,关系代词选择_____。

10. ____ we all know, he is a diligent student. He knows where he is and where he should go. He prepared well enough, and succeeded in passing the test, ______ we expected.

【要点】非限定性定语从句中,能放到句首、且有“正如”的意思的关系代词是_______。 11. Opposite is St. Paul’s Church, _______ you can hear some lovely music.

This is the mountain village _______ I visited last year and it has changed beyond recognition.


12. I will never forget the day _______ my father returned from the US and I am happy that he can send me to school every morning. He will miss the days ____ he spent there. 【要点】定语从句中,中心词表示时间时,关系词的选择依_______而定。 13. He is an ill-mannered man and I don’t like the way _____ he speak to me.

My mother is very strict, and I admire her for the way ______ her parents treat her.

【要点】限定性定语从句中,the way做中心词时、从句缺方式状语的情况下,引导词一般常用___________。

14. He has a lot of friends, none of _____ will offer help when he is in trouble. Rather, I have just two friends, and both of _____ will come to my assistance when necessary. Two is enough.

【要点】大家注意并列句和非限定性定语从句的区别:由并列连词“and, but等”连接的为______。

15. His head soon spread out of the window, from ______ he saw nothing but trees.

He spent 2 hours climbing to the top of the mountain, from ______ he could see a beautiful scene.

He began to practise the piano at 6, since ______ his talent for it has become more and more evident.

【要点】少数情景下,会出现“from where” “since when”的现象,建议单独记忆。

16. Tom is the only one of the engineers who ________ (be) able to come up with the solution.

Justin Bieber is one of the singers who _________(impress) me a lot. 【要点】限定性定语从句的谓语动词的单复数要依_________而定。 II. 对点通关、回归高考

1. Maybe you have a habit _______ is driving your family crazy.

2. Tibet is such a place _________ all the people across the world are dreaming of visiting. 3. Many young people, most of _______ were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.

4. The books on the desk, _______ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.

5. But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, _______ I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unite caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.

6. The next day, my brother and I went to the beach _______ we watched some people play volleyball.


7. When harvest came around, he was already selling herbs, vegetables and cotton in the market ______ people from the towns met regularly.

8. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, _______ the weather may be better. 9. I am looking for my glasses, and without _______ I can’t watch TV clearly.

10. Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, but none of _____ has been proved.

11. The children, all of which had played the whole day long, were worn out.(改错) III. 定语从句在写作中的应用

1. 那些学习成绩优秀的学生往往能很好地管理自己的时间,而且擅长写学习日志。(those who, academic performance, not only, but also, organize their time, keep a study journal)


___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 既然金钱如此重要,我们往往认为有钱的人很重要。(since, consider, those who, possess, to be very important)


___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我深深的爱着我的校园,在这里到处可见和蔼的老师、友好的同学和多种多样的野生动植物。(fall in deep love with, where, diverse wildlife)


___________________________________________________________________________ IV. 定语从句和生活

Life in high school is busy. Everybody seems to have endless homework to finish. To get a good academic performance, it is strongly recommended that you should learn to organize your time well. Those that just finish the exercises without enough thinking seem to find it difficult to make great progress. Rather, you can definitely improve very fast if you use your time efficiently. Focus on the things are important and necessary and you can build more and more confidence.

(请找出以上文本中的语言错误,数量不限。) V. 用适当的关系词把以下句子合并。

1. Peter danced and sang all evening. People used to think Peter was quiet.

2. The two traffic accidents happened on the same morning. Then there was a heavy fog. 3. He went on a bus tour with a group of people. Most of them had never travelled before. 4. Sharon gave me a picture for my birthday. She had painted it especially for me.

5. When I went on a tour around China, I saw many historical sites. It was very exciting.


专题二 名词性从句


1. It’s true ______the college will take in more new students.

I’m writing to tell you ______my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference.

The end result is ______we feel like we can’t focus or that we’re focused on the wrong things.


2. His question is______ they can be friends, because their personalities are totally different. He hasn’t made the decision ______ he will go there tomorrow because he is too busy recently.

【要点】引导表语从句时用__________,不用 __________;引导同位语从句时,用__________, 不用__________。

3. It was never clear ______ the man hadn’t reported the accident sooner.

Just relax! The plane will definitely set off. But ______the delayed flight will take off depends on the weather.

Scientists study ______ human brains work to make computers. Therefore, they function similarly.

Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s______ I was born.” 【要点】名词从句中根据句子的意思选择相应的引导词。 4. It is necessary ______we should learn all the words by heart. It is known to all______ Taiwan is only part of China. It is a pity______ I missed the party held last night.

It suddenly occurred to me______ I knew how to solve that problem.

【要点】在以上句型中______________是真正的主语,______是形式主语。 5. Our school is quite different from______it was before. ______matters most in learning English is enough practice. This is______I am interested in.

【要点】在以上句型中,what 既起_____作用,又要充当______/______/_____等,它有具体含义。

6. I don’t know ______ to leave or not.

Everything depends on ______ it is fine tomorrow. I am not sure______ he will come here .

【要点】whether和if区别:引导宾从时与不定式搭配使用作宾语时只能用______;引导介词后的宾语从句时只能用whether, 不用if。

7. It is still under discussion ______the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.

______we will succeed is still a question, because our opponents are also strong. 【要点】whether和if 都可以引导主从,但是_____引导的主从不能位于句首。 8. I hate it ______we can’t discuss things openly.

I really appreciate it ______ you can do me this favor. I don’t like it______ you get angry. She won’t like it ______ you arrive late.

You may depend on it______ she will go with you.

