
example, for disabled children) in which home education is the only option; however, for the vast majority of children greater benefits are gained by going to school.


讨论类题目属于wh- / how题型,而不是yes / no 类型,因而在写作时一般都由作者先表态,再一一论述自己的观点。



e.g. Telephone plays a very important role in modern life. There is no doubt that it has improved the quality of our lives in many ways. In other ways, however, it has bad effect on our lives.

Discuss both the positive and negative effects of telephone on modern life. Support your ideas with reasons and examples. 范文

The telephone has improved the quality of our lives and is playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits the telephone brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, we cannot ignore its problems.

On the positive side, the telephone has enabled us to communicate with people conveniently and has made life easier for the user. It has been used as one of the most popular communication tools and widely applied in our daily life, in doing business and in dealing with emergencies. For instance, people can just pick up the phone to make an order, to buy things and to get useful information. Thus, daily life and doing business have become much easier and more efficient. What is more, the telephone has saved countless lives in emergencies. Besides, the telephone has made the world seem smaller and helped people stay in touch with friends and relatives, both near and far. Nowadays, many people leave their hometowns to work or study in other cities or even live abroad. The telephone has made them keep in touch with their families. In addition, the telephone has created many new industries and provided many new employment opportunities. On the negative side, the telephone can be a big time and money waster. For example, some people often talk with friends for several hours on the phone. Besides, people sometimes have plenty of unwanted calls which interrupt their work. Furthermore, because of the telephone people make fewer personal visits, but simply talk to friends on the phone.

All in all, we cannot live without the telephone for the convenience it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negative effects it creates on modern life.



e.g. A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, gets lots of exercise, and avoids stress. What do people do to stay healthy in your country? 范文

Over the past few years, people in Australia have become more health-conscious and are making greater efforts to stay healthy.

They do this by eating a balanced diet which includes foods from the five food groups (proteins,


carbohydrates碳水化合物, grains, dairy produce, and fats) with less emphasis on fats and red meats such as steak. In fact, many more Australians are becoming vegetarians in an effort to become healthier.

Exercise is important to Australians. Fitness centers are very popular and offer a wide variety of activities and facilities, from circuit training (循环训练)and aerobics (有氧运动)to lap swimming in heated swimming pools. A lot of people attend these centers before and after work, or during their lunch break. A number of people also get exercise by walking or riding bicycles instead of driving or taking public transport. Competitive and social sporting activities竞技体育活动和联谊体育活动 are also popular forms of exercise.

Everyday living can cause stress in people‘s lives which is bad for their health. For this reason, people who want to stay healthy try to reduce stressful situations both at work and at home. To avoid stress in the workplace some businesses run conflict resolution courses which employees are encouraged to attend. Making a little time during the day for some personal relaxation provides an opportunity to relieve stress and thereby stay healthier. Many Australians are also in favor of using alternative forms of medicine and healing such as massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathy.

Thus, an increased awareness of a healthier lifestyle has led many Australians to alter their dietary and exercise habits and the type of health care they embrace.

e.g. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Music plays an essential role in our everyday life. We listen to music every day and even sometimes do not realize it. There are many resources where we can listen to music. We listen to the radio while driving our cars. We turn on the TV and watch movies where music influences our mind and makes people tremble at the fear. For several reasons, which I will mention bellow, I believe that music is important to human kind.

First of all, music is one of the best ways to relax after a stressful day. Many people prefer to listen to music in the evenings. For example, my cousin likes to listen to the classical music. He has a great collection of CDs with many famous musical compositions. In the old days, people gathered around a fireplace and listened to and played music.

Secondly, music often helps people to cheer up. Personally, when something is bothering me I prefer to turn on my radio and listen to some of my favorite songs. It helps me to feel better about everything, leave my troubles behind and enjoy my life. I am sure that many people will agree with me on this issue.

Finally, music plays an essential role in different ceremonies. For example, I think it is rather difficult to imagine a wedding without solemn music or the Olympic Games without anthems. In conclusion, I think music is the unique language, which is understood by everyone all over the planet. Music is a great way of communication and people all over the world listen to the music of other nations and understand what an author wanted to tell by it.


写作采用五段式: 首段点题并表态;第二段至第四段个论述一个观点,但与上面不同的是:各段写清楚各自的问题或原因后,要写上解决问题的办法和建议.第五段为结尾段,总结全文,不



e.g. Shopping has become a favorite pastime among young people. Why do you think it is like that, and do you think they must be encouraged to do other things rather than shopping? Sample

Shopping is going to be a habit or a bad attitude among our new generation for some reasons such as careless parents, bombardment by advertisements and bad behavior of consumption societies. (点题)Society should exercise more control over the young people‘s interests and requirements. (表态)

Not surprisingly, we have been faced with the fact that our new generation is crazy about shopping. Firstly, they are easily influenced by advertising around them. Whenever we switch on our TV we will be bombarded with lots of TV commercials; whenever we surf the Internet, we come across lots of advertisements. Also, on the other media we face lots of publicity; newspapers, magazines and radio or billboards are the best examples. All the time we unwished confront by these new ads. Young people will be easily affected, and would like to try the new material, feel the new taste and have new experience. They easily reply to advertising because it is part of their nature, and it is normal. (分析原因)

In addition, there are parents who are careless about their children‘s behavior. Some parents have to work from day to night; they just pay for their children and give them pocket money as much as they need. Furthermore, we live in a society which forces people to consume different new things and materials. In this case, young people are not sinners. (原因)

Therefore, the government should exercise more control over the advertising. Also, the government should teach people, especially the younger generation, to take more responsibility to produce as well as to consume. The government should encourage the younger generation to take advantages of education; moreover, the government should pave the way for better situation for the future.(解决办法及建议)

In conclusion, young people are easily affected by advertising; in this matter parents and the government are responsible. Both parents and the government should be aware of further problems.


对于有些讨论类题目写作,有个“扬长避短”的技巧性处理方式:当对一个主题的正方或反方无从论述时,考生就可以对这一方做出 ―让步‖, 只对可以论述的一方作陈述式论述.。这对知识和论述能力不足的考生是个颇为有效的办法.

比如题目是:Some people think that smoking is harmful, but others do not think so. They think that smoking does great good. What is your opinion and give your reasons. 如果考生对 smoking带来的好处一无所知,那在写作时,不妨 ―让一步‖, 可以说: People have different views about smoking. Some people think it is good but I don‘t think so.这样就回避了自己不认同或者写不出那方观点,而只需陈述自己这方的看法.写作也采用五段式:首段点题并表态;第二段至第四段各论述一个观点;第五段为结尾段,总结全文.

e.g. Do you agree or disagree if a man doing a dangerous sport should be assisted by a rescue man? Give you reasons. 范文

Today, many sports are becoming increasingly regulated. Millions of people play sports every day, and inevitably, some suffer from injury or pain. Although some people think that they cannot give


help to those who are in danger, I think it is a good idea to rescue them and help reduce injuries. First of all, there are obviously some risks in doing sports. Young rugby players are paralyzed every year in scrums. Scuba-diving accidents can lead to brain damage or death. Even golf or jogging can lead to pain or injury. However, this damage can be reduced if the players are assisted by a rescue man. Motor-racing is a perfect example; suppose that a racer has an accident in the race track and is unconscious. If there is no rescue man coming to help him, he will be in danger or even die.

Secondly, our society would be healthier if more people do some kind of sports. Safety in doing sports is one of the most important things to caution people who participate in sport competitions. People are more confident if they feel they will get help from a rescue man in case of danger.

Another reason why we should have rescue men in dangerous sporting field is humanity. People need to help each other in all activities when they encounter with dangers. Players thus must have support from someone when they are in danger.

In summary, it is undoubted that rescue men in dangerous sports are needed. I strongly believe that we can minimize the risk for people playing sports when we have rescue men.

Salaries paid to employees are an accurate reflection of their value to society. What is your opinion? In approaching this task, consider in particular salaries paid to nurses, doctors, sports-persons, movie stars, teachers and farmers.

Equal pay for equal work has long been an issue debated mainly in industrialized nations around the world. People argue that varying pay scales for workers in different employment sectors are not a true reflection of their work‘s value to society. So, why is it that nurses who work around the clock in hospitals the world over earn staggeringly less than doctors who put in much the same hours? Again, why is it that movie stars and professional sports players like David Beckham earn more money than anyone else whereas those in farming who are essentially feeding the world earn less than most?

Reasons why the wage gap exists could be accountable to differences in education, work experience or time in the labor force. Nonetheless, some argue that the wage gap is attributable to discrimination. It is quite evident that certain low-paid jobs in some societies are reserved for women, people of color, and those with limited education. One example is that nursing is primarily carried out by women and when we compare the salaries received by nurses with those of doctors who are primarily men, we are made aware that nursing is among the lowest-paid occupations in the developing and developed worlds.

However, many researchers maintain that women‘s average wages are lower not due to any discrimination that may exist in the world but because women choose to work part-time or in lower-paying jobs that present more flexibility. Teaching, for example, has always been considered to be a more flexible profession allowing women to work and have time off for raising children because of the ample vacations that come with the job.

Advocates for pay equity do not always applaud the choices that some people make and they do not want people to have to face the consequences of those choices. As far as I can see, the real issue seems to lie with the choices an individual is presented with when he or she ventures into the world of work. More importantly, what choices are available when one wants to change his or her profession later on in life?

As most of us would agree, it is often very difficult to break the poverty cycle when all that is on

