梧州学院外语系 毕业论文模板2013.08.05(1)

[2] Wegener, D. T., R. E. Petty, & D. J. Klein. Effects of Mood on High Elaboration Attitude Change: The Mediating Role of Likelihood Judgments [J]. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1994 (24): 25-43.


[1] Berndt, T. J. Age Changes and Changes over Time in Prosocial Intentions and Behavior between Friends [J]. Developmental Psychology, 1981a (17): 408-416.

[2] Berndt, T. J. Effects of Friendship on Prosocial Intentions and Behavior [J]. Child Development, 1981b (52): 636-643.

在论文正文中,引用这些文献时必须使用加上字母的年份,如: Berndt (1981b) has shown that ...





2) 一般实词(名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词)首字母大写,虚词(介词、冠词、连词)和不定式中的to首字母小写。但超过5个字母的虚词,如between、without、alongside、underneath等应该大写。

3) 大写所有英语中要求大写的单词。如月份、人名、地名等等。

这几条原则的优先性是递减的。也就是说,如果几条原则之间出现了矛盾,应优先使用前面的原则。如:题目的第一个单词是冠词(a, an, the)或介词(in, on, to, of, by, as?)时应该大写。

另外,标题末一般不加标点符号,但如果标题是直接问句,需要加问号。 文章中引用书刊标题时应用斜体,引用文章标题应加引号。




直接引用 即将他人的观点或论述原封不动直接采用,加入到自己的正文中。在这种情况下,要将直接引用的文字部分加引号(美国标准是双引号,英国标准是单引号),并且在引用结束后提供具体出处:在圆括号内标明作者,年代,文献页码。被引用的作者及文献的详细信息在参考文献部分给出。根据写作表达的需要,也可以先将作者(姓氏即可)给出,并在引用结束后在圆括号内标明文献年代和页码。分别举例如下:

Although we may make sense of the economic motives in the Center‘s active promotion of English expansion, that ―English is not only for good business, but is good business itself‖ (Pennycook, 1994: 154), how English learning could lead to a horrible linguistic imperialism in China does not seem easy to understand.

Jeremy Harmer points out that motivation ―at its most basic level‘ is ?some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something‖ (2001:51). In the case


of second language learning, Pasty M. Lightbown and Nina Spada believe it to be ―a complex phenomenon‖ that can be defined by ―communicative needs and attitudes towards the second language community‖ (2001: 33).


Pennycook (1994: 172), for example, seeing language beyond an instrumental tool, but rather as a ―cultural practice‖, points out that:

If we teach for communicative competence, therefore, without examining how language has been historically constructed around questions of power and dominance, we will once again be advocating a view of teaching that may have more to do with assimilation than with any useful notion of empowerment. 间接引用 即将他人的观点或论述加以概括、总结,或者用自己的语言进行再表达,以适应自己论述表达的需要。在这种情况下,借鉴引用的原观点或论述由于采用了新的表达方式,或者说对原来的论述在保证不改变原意的情况下进行了表达的再创造,因而不需要加引号,只在作者姓氏后的圆括号中给出年代、页码即可。如果论述、概括、总结整本书的观点,可在表述之后用圆括号标出作者的姓及年份,详细信息在后面的参考文献中列出。例如:

It seems that, to Phillipson (1992: 52-56), English linguistic imperialism can be seen as a one-way process, a Western ?plotted‘ scheme, manipulated by the Center in order to take political, economic, linguistic, and cultural control over the Periphery.

Of all the methods that are available to students who want to know how to construct solid academic arguments, there is one technique in particular that can be considered most helpful. It is generally known as the Toulmin method (Toulmin, 1958).

直接引用和间接引用的技巧性很强。应该在阅读他人学术文章的过程中注意积累各种不同语气,不同结构的引用方式。例如表达“认为”可以有很多表达方式:believe, assume, point out, consider…to be, regard…as, think of…as等,它们的语气是不一样的。有时候为了达到强调的目的,可以采用加斜体的方式,但如果是直接引用的情况,要在括号内特别说明。





1. 论文统一使用A4纸,页边距:左边2.5CM, 右边及上、下均为2CM; 所有行距为1.25倍,各种字体大小按模板内的说明;

2. 日期:按论文答辩的日期填写,英文格式的日期为月日年,月的写法要用英文字母全拼,不用缩写。日和年用阿拉伯数字;

3. 英文摘要页上方不要出现论文题目、作者名、指导老师名; 4. 标题和下一个段落之间的距离为一个回车键自动设定的距离;

5. 如果一个标题出现在上一页的末端,而其后的段落出现在下一页的上端,则要把该标题移到下一页。

6. 目录所标的页码一定要与正文内的页码对应; 7. 论文装订顺序:

1)封面 2)前封

3)原创性说明(签字和日期必须是亲笔手写) 4)中文摘要 5)英文摘要 6)目录

7)正文(引言、主体、结语) 8) 参考文献

9) 附录(如果有的话) 10)致谢


