
Every middle school student is supposed to in themselves because each of them has good points. 五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, 71 my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence. Chris was paralyzed(瘫痪) from the chest down, unable to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of 72 with lots of unexpected challenges. We went from the “haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought.

73 what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties. We came to learn that something wonderful could happen in a disaster(灾难). All over the world people 74 Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of 75 had been received and sorted.

As 76 , we opened letter after letter. They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us. We used them to 77 ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if we needed a 78 , or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully.

These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so here we offer one of them to you. Dear Chris,

My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your 79 accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 80 challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you close.

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Reagan

71. A. since 72. A. disability 73. A. So 74. A. wrote for 75. A. news

B. before B. possession B. For B. cared for B. paper

C. when

C. inconvenience C. Or C. hoped for C. equipment

D. while D. experience D. Yet D. sent for D. mail

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76. A. patients 77. A. encourage 78. A. cry 79. A. driving 80. A. technical

B. a family B. express B. laugh B. flying B. different

C. nurses C. control C. chat C. running C. difficult

D. a group D. treat D. sigh D. riding D. valuable



I used to hate my mother because she worked a lot and didn't spend much time with me. Then one Friday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for teenagers. Whether you believe it or not, that weekend changed my life. About 100 other teenagers were there. During the first two days I met a lot of great people. I was glad because I made so many friends there.

On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called \or Toys\He asked a girl which she liked better, chocolate or toys. She chose chocolate. Then he asked her to choose again between chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she didn't have a choice.

This exercise told us that sometimes we don't have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have to accept something, rather than complaining(抱怨).

A girl stood up and started talking about her mom who was a drug addict (吸毒者) and how much she hated her mother. \

\ \

This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom. I couldn't choose another mom, but I could try to make the best of the situation. 81. The writer used to hate his mother because .

A. she didn't care for him B. she had no time to be with him C. she was a drug addict D. she was too strict with him

82. The self-help program for teenagers lasted .

A. a week

B. two days

C. three days

D. only one day

83. The writer started to change his thinking .

A. during the first two days of the program

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B. after the exercise named \C. as soon as he came to the program D. after he left the program some time

84. From the end of the passage, we can know that .

A. the writer used to love his mom for years B. the writer's mom is a very bad person C. the writer's mom loves her son very much D. the writer will try to get along with his mother

85. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Choices can be made as we like.

B. Everyone should take part in a self-help program. C. Chocolate can influence one's attitude toward things.

D. We should try to accept things instead of complaining about them.


Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “You should have goals like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn't have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from the mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.

Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds' singing. But as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing, but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can't see it before you reach the top. Only there can you see all of the nice things, which is just like your life.”

At that time, I was too young to understand his words. But later after that, I got to know the meaning of hope in life. I found myself standing at the top of the mountain, and the sky was as clear as crystal.

86. The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was for the father and the son.

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A. hard B. enjoyable C. painful D. comfortable

87. The underlined word “crystal” in the passage means .

A. 岩石

B. 火焰

C. 水晶

D. 寒冰

88. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the father's words in the second paragraph?

A. You will get all you need at the top of the mountain. B. The sky is always as clear as crystal. C. You can find life is full of nice things. D. Never give up half-way.

89. We can infer(推断) from the last paragraph that .

A. the writer was very successful in his life B. the writer reached the top of the mountain

C. though the writer was young, he could understand his father D. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain

90. The best title for the passage is .

A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain B. Standing at the Top of the Mountain C. Conversations Between Father and Son D. How to Get to the Top of the Mountain


When you visit Taiwan, Green Island is a wonderful place not to be missed. Green Island, with clear blue water around it, is an island in the Pacific Ocean, 33 kilometers east of Taitung. The old name for Green Island was Huoshandao, meaning \island\The island got its name because people on the island used to set up fires at night to help people who went fishing home. Another story goes that in the Qing Dynasty there was a fire and most of the island's trees and grass died. The coastline(海岸) of the island is only 20 kilometers long, the tallest mountain is only 281 meters high and the island is only 15 km2, but it is attracting(吸引) a growing number of tourists.

Green Island has a lot of interesting that makes it a place where people like to go: seaside, a clear white beach, green grasslands, seawater, hot springs, beautiful undersea sights, and a great many plants and animals. Another thing of Green Island that people are interested in is its rocks in different shapes.

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