
13. After being interviewed by a famous reporter from a national radio station, the tax driver ________ and became a public figure. 6a

[A] earned fame

[B] murmured words [C] went beyond description [D] expressed his bliss

14. The Chinese government and people will go all out to support Beijing in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. 6a

[A] work hard [B] plan ahead [C] take the lead [D] show respect

15. The race marathon was

__________ the town of Marathon, where the ancient Greeks had won a great victory in 490 BC. 6c [A] called upon [B] made out of [C] named after [D] imitated by

16. The Greeks __________ their gods by holding competitions as well as by singing and dancing.6c [A] claimed [B] missed [C] honored [D] celebrated
