

She is careful enough to do the work well. 她很仔细,能干好这项工作。 练习: 选择题:

1. He isn’t to go to school.

A. old enough B. enough old C. big enough D. enough big 2. He wasn’t with his knife. He hurt himself.

A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully 3. The gate isn’t for the fat elephant . A. wide enough;to go through B. enough wide;go through C. wide enough;to go through it D. enough wide; to through it 4. This book isn’t for me to read.

A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easily D. easily enough 5. There is nothing .

A. for us to worry B. of us to worry about C. of us to worry D. for us to worry about

6. It’s clever him to work out the difficult problem in such a short time. A. with B. for C. of D. from

7. It’s necessary us to drink enough water each day. A. with B. of C. by D. for

8. The bridge is almost broken. is not safe us to cross the bridge. A. It; for B. It; of C. That; for D. That; of 完成句子:

1. 对你来说,减轻压力是很重要的。

It is you reduce the pressure. 2. 对我们来说,节约用水是必需的。 It’s necessary to save water. 3. 你真好,帮助解决了这一难题。

It’s very kind to help me with the difficult problem. 4. 她很仔细,能照顾好这些小孩。 She is to care for the children. 5. 要我选择正确的发型是很难得。

It is difficult choose the right hairstyle. 6. 要他们等这么久是不可能的。

It’s to wait for such a long time. 7. 对我们来说,保持生态平衡是非常重要的。



It’s very important the balance of nature.

More practice

1. purpose 目的,计划,意图,常与介词of,for,with 连用 What is the purpose of his visit? 他来访的目的是什么? He came to Guangzhou for the purpose of seeing his family. 他到广州开的目的是探望他的家人。 2. judge 判定,判断,审判,判决

You can't judge a book by its cover. 你不能根据封面来评价一本书。 Who will judge the case? 谁将审判这个案子? 拓展:n.裁判,法官

A judge must give an objective opinion. 评判员必须发表公正的意见。

3. partly部分地,一定程度上的

My work is only partly finished.我的工作只做完了一部分。 4. base 基于,以..为依据,基础,常与介词on,upon连用 be based on=base on基于,根据

This song is based on an old folk tune.这首歌是以一首民间小调为基础的。 拓展:n.基础,底部

5. make money =earn money赚钱,获利

If you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear.


6 . insist坚持;坚决认为

She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了。 7. make a good impression留下好印象 I wanted to make a good impression.

9. attractive有吸引力的;引人注目的;妩媚动人的 The price is very attractive to us. 这个价格对我们具有很大吸引力。 10. symbol 象征,标志[(+of)]

The white bird is a symbol of freedom. 这白色的鸟是自由的象征。 11 while,而,然而,可作为并列连词 I like tea while she likes coffee.



我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。 拓展:当...的时候,和...同时

I'll take care of your children while you are away. 当你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。 12 hundreds of 数以百计,许多

The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。 巩固练习: 一 单词拼写

1. My p________ of studying hard is to enter a good university. 2. There is a standard to j__________ how many points you can get. 3. Oral English is b___________ on pronunciation and intonation. 4. Your new hairstyle makes you look more a____________. 5. Diamond is the s___________of forever love.

6. It’s f________ of you to make the same mistake again and again. 7. N__________hair is more important in noamal situation.

二 单项选择

1. _______ hair is as harmful as perm.

A.Color B.Colorful C.Colored D.Coloring 2. We can’t judge people just _______their appearance. A,for B.by C.of D.as

3. You don’t mind my smoking here, _______? A.are you B.am I C.do you D.don’t you

4. Hair has been a very important part of fashion for _______years. A.hundreds of B.a hundred of C.a hundreds of D. hundreds 5. ________my partner is not the best , ________he cares for me carefully . A.Although ,but B. Although, / C. Although,and D.Because ,/ 6. Some people like dark hair, _______some like blond hair . A.while B.so C.because D.for

三 完成句子

1. 赚钱是商人的最终目的。

_________ ________ is the final purpose of businessmen. 2. 发型是根据脸型而定的。

Hairstyle ________ ________ _________the shape of your face.




Would you _________ ________ your mobile phone to me. 4. 你妈妈从来都没有到过北京,是吗?

Your mother has never been to Beijing, ________ ________? 5. 二十世纪80年代,中国人开始使用电脑。

________ ________ ________, Chinese began to use computers. 6. 整洁的头发能给人留下好的印象。

Neat hair can ________ ________ ________ ________ on people. 7. 她是一个迷人的女孩。

She is________ ________ girl. 8. 他坚持要我们收下这些礼物。

He _______ that we accept these _______. KEY:

一.1.purpose 2 judge 3 based 4 attractive 5 symbol 6 foolish 7 Neat 二 1-6 DBCABA

三1 Making money 2 is based on 3 mind lending 4 has she 5 In the 1980s 6.make a good impression 7 an attractive 8 insisted,gifts



1.The house isn’t _____for them ______.

A enough large ; to live B large enkugh; to live C enough large; to live in D large enough; to live in

2. Pollution dose great harm to our health. It’s necessary ______ the environment. A of us to protect B for us to protect C of us protecting D for us protecting

3. Lots of people in our city ____ the old and disabled. They usually offer their seats to them on buses or help them cross the road.

A care for B take care C agree with D take pride in 4. My hair is long. I’ll ____ tomorrow.

A have them cut B have it cut C have cut it D have cut them 5. The young man is ______ carry that heavy box. A enough strong to B strong enkough

