

A. big enough; live B. enough big; live C. enough big; live in D. big enough; live in ( ) 2. She was angry to say a word.

A. very B. too C. very much D. enough ( ) 3. There is milk in this cup than in that one. A. less B. a little C. fewer D. a bit ( ) 4. —Something is wrong with my car. —Don’t worry. I’ll have it.

A. repaired B. mending C. to mend D. to repair ( ) 5. —What sort of hairstyle do you think me?

—I’m sure a long hairstyle will make you more beautiful. A. suit; look B. suits; look

C. to suit; to look D. suiting; looking

( ) 6. —I don’t like learning maths. It’s too difficult me. —But maths is very useful. It’s silly you to drop it. A. for; of B. of; for C. for; for D. of; of ( ) 7. —Where is you father?

—He has gone to . He wants to have his hair . A. the barber; cut B. the barber’s; cut

C. barber’s; cutting D. the barbers; to cut

( ) 8. — , how did he sell all his furniture? —He put an advertisement the newspaper. A. In the way; on B. On the way; in

C. By the way; in D. All the way; on

( ) 9. — shopping with me? —Sorry. I have a lot of clothes . A. How about; to wash B. Why not; washed

C. What about; wash D. Why not; to be washed

( ) 10. —Let’s have a rest, shall we?

—Not now. I don’t want to stop the letter yet.

A. write B. to write C. writing D. and write

( ) 11. Today, the forests have almost gone. People must down too may trees.

A. stop cut B. stop to cut C. be stopped from cutting D. be stopped cut

Reading B



一 词汇讲解。

1. An average person has about 10,000 hairs on his or her head.

hair作为物质名词时是不可数的,但在表示“一根一根的头发”时是可数名称。 Eg:My father has quite a few grey hairs. 2….hair probloms can affect anyone… affect v.影响,作用

eg:The classroom is not bright enough. It affects your eyesight. Stayig up late will affect your health. 3.unhealthy adj. 损害健康的,不良的 We should avoid eating unhealthy food.

4.Drinking plenty of water is also important to help prevent your hair from getting dry. help之后可以直接跟省略了to的动词不定式,表示帮助做某事。 My hands are hurt. Can you help do the dishes?

prevent…from(doing)防止/阻止……做......,意思相当于“stop…from…”。 5.pressure n. 1)心里压力,紧张

Don’t worry, I can handle the pressure in this job. 2)压力,压迫

Never give in to pressure. 3)压力,压强

I have high/ low blood pressure. 6.treat v.

1)对待;常用搭配:treat sb. Like/ as sth. She treats me like one of the family. 2)处理

She treats everything I say as a joke. 3)护理,治疗

It was difficult to treat patients because of a shortage of medicine. 4)款待,请客;常用搭配:treat sb. to sth. He treated his friends to some beer. 拓展:treat n.乐事,请客 Let’s go out to lunch—my treat. 二 难点精析

1. Drinking plenty of water is also important to prevent your hair from getting dry.



prevent from doing意为“阻止……(做),防止……做(等)”。 We should prevent people from cutting down too many trees. The heavy rain prevented us from going out.

2. Doctors suggest you drink eight to ten glasses each day.

suggest (that) sb.(should) do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”。其中,that和should可省略,sb用主格。如:

The doctor suggested he stop smoking.

3.Young people have many things to worry about, like doing difficult homework or preparing for important exams.

to worry about是不定式做定语,修饰things,如: I have nothing to worry about.

prepare for意为“为……做准备”。如: We are preparing for the English exam.

4. It is important for you to reduce the pressure you are feeling. “it is+形容词+for+代词+不定式”是个重要的句型。如: It is important for us to protect our earth.

the pressure you are feeling意为“你正在感受到的压力”。 you are feeling是定语从句,修饰the pressure. 三 练习。 1.单词拼写。

1)Eat more healthy food, less u food.

2)We have to learn how to live a more energetic l . 3)They left the city s for safety. 4)He works well under p .

5)Most of the teachers t students as their kids. 6)Eating much fast food is h to our health. 2.单项选择。

1)It rained heavily in the west, it shone in the east. A.and B.or C.so D.while

2)My sister was sent to hospital yesterday. She ate something and was ill. A. health B.healthy C.unhealthy D.healthily 3)Low temperature can prevent food bad easily. A. going B.from going C.go D.from go 4)It’s nice you to bring me the paper.

A. for B.of C. from D.about





vitamin might make people sick. 2)他们把老人打倒在地抢走了他的手表。

They knocked the old man down and his watch.


Policemen try their best to accidents . 4)战乱时期,人们为食物短缺担忧。

People the shortage of food in the war. 5)同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。

The students are busy the exam. 6)我们在考试前放松自己是非常重要的。

us to relax ourselves before an exam. Key:

1 1)unhealthy 2)lifestyle 3)secretly 4)pressure 5)treat 6)harmful 2. DCBB

3. 1)Lack of 2)robbed him of 3)prevent, from happening 4)worried about 5)preparing for 6)It’s important for


1 find find out,look for 区别(p21 A )


look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。

find out意为“找出、发现、查明”,多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无形的、抽象的东西。

Will you find me a pen? 你替我找支钢笔好吗? He is looking for his shoes. 他在找他的鞋子。

Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。

2 such as(P 21 A)

